Image for the poem Let Thy Will Be Done🙏🏿

Let Thy Will Be Done🙏🏿

I am tired of going to that daunting dimension Archangel Michael, my earthly incarnate King      
Those creatures down there do not understand the spiritual laws of life, death, rebirth, they thrive off the existence of money bags, vanity, and the wearing gold chains encasing their neck to keep the mind incarcerated with material wealth in the name of bling bling      
Why should I continue to waste my time on souls who are just not listening      
Do not know the portal by times, and why the stars in the sky are still glistening      
No, my handsome Heavenly Angel I think I will stay right here and watch the stirrings beneath the clouds      
I will humbly sprinkle some pumpkin seeds down to earth, to some bullied on, Geek to act the Fairy Godmother, in the wonders of their transformation when the Duckling rebirth as an enchanting Swan, it will give me great pleasure to hear resonated, upon ether, is that me, and wow      
I have no more to give to humans, it appears their DNA code have been compromised by Nephilim's and the Reptilian's spliced, then birthed from the Creator’s portal by the woman’s womb, her spiritual passage utilized as the vessel to create mankind, an ordained gift to heal thyself, rejoice in the moment, and from the heart, learn to give      
Soothe the chemical unbalance of the intellect, yet, they still worship false idols, suicide deviations, it's a mockery in how they adapt to survive, how they choose to live      
I have seen physical and mental enslavement      
Toxic medications to alter the true essence of the mind, damaging elixirs and potions to control anger, sleep, or calm the mortal rage of the mind when it vents      
I’ve turned my eyes toward the hills of Mt. Zion, when I come to witness humanity and death hanging in the detrimental phases of lost time      
The Have Not's begging to the Have's in a twisted diabolical world, they seem to never see, or never have got, no food received, not even a tossed dime      
The temples erected in the name of peace      
No Holy words read out a contrivable book still cannot comfort the streets      
And you want me to once again live among a Sodom and Gomorrah mankind      
Where kindness and love radiate by the Sun of Allah when it shines  
And in the benediction of uplifting, my scrolls have become misunderstood, and I am at a lost when explaining the gift and how I got mine      
Materialism is all those Nephilim's know      
The wicked ideology is in the details of Lucifer's demonic tails and the way those deep craters of evil seeds that now sow      
No more, Archangel Michael, it is a spiritual war, I would sit this one out      
It is too much discord, hellish air the farther my wings travel South      
My Angel Queen, these are the trials and tribulations that has been a drought of our presence when not being felt, or not aligned in the realm of the Crown Charka, when it is not seen      
No matter how my incense or alters civilization may sacrifice with offerings, or homes I have seen burning while chanting to the swirling smoke of Dragon Blood Resin, our mission is a team      
We dry eyes, we give hope when life has been capsized, when wishes would get no immediate answers, and no more inspiring dreams      
I suggest you uplift your eyes out that Book Of Life      
We have undeserving masses to reach, before their days be filled with pain, a loss of faith, or strife      
Just meet me on this mission halfway      
We are needed, I still hear minds at night who continue to pray      
This is the last mission on Earth and my words are final from Sunrise to Sunset, allow me to finish with words of comfort within all days      
“You are such a beautiful Queen Angel”
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.

All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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