Worlds Collide chapter 5

The dim ringlets of planet Jayllen twinkled against the dark background. The blue gas giant was barely visible so far from it's mother star. Lightning flashed among the dense swirls of hydrogen clouds engulfing the planet’s atmosphere. The erratic gravity of this gaseous planet prevented the formation of any major moon. Instead, thousands of thin ringlets of dust and rocks surrounded the planet, protecting it from the emptiness of space. Jayllen is one of seventy-eight large bodies in this star system. It is the furthest of the gas planets and one of the least habitable among its sisters. That is why he chose it. It was close enough to keep an eye, yet far away as not to cause trouble.

Planet Jayllen has been his home for the past fifteen years. He has been living on this small hollow asteroid, one of a million such rocks that formed the outer belts of this planet since his self proclaimed retirement. This was was a former mining outpost which he transformed for his needs. And his only need since he decided to call this home was to stay away from people as best as he could. So far he managed to do it well, but for how long? Trouble usually doesn't take much to find him, and he has a feeling it's coming soon.

Kaon stood looking at the planet from behind the thin diamond reinforced glass window. It was the only layer shielding him from the coldness of space. He could feel the humming vibrations of the anti-gravity floor panels underneath his bare feet. The weight of the 1.87 g was heavily exerting its force on his naked body. He liked to keep the gravity at this level, strong enough to keep his body in tone but not too much to eat away at his muscles. With thousands of probes and sensors buried underneath his skin, he could sense every vibration, every sound, even the flow of the recycled air on his face and body. His heightened senses are always in full alert. Speed, strength, heightened sensory processing are but a few of what his body can do. Hundreds of micro servomechanism were transplanted inside his body making him almost inhuman, but looking at him no one would guess otherwise. His reflection on the glass window showed a face in its mid forties and two semi artificial eyes, tired of what they have seen, wishing they could just have been normal like every one else’s.

Every living thing in the universe generates its own electromagnetic field, humanoids are no exception. No one knew who first came up with the notion of blending humanoids with technology to try and utilize that energy. But the idea worked, and for a long period of time a whole new generation of modified biotech humanoids were being created all over the known worlds. These humanoids were called Biotechs. They were able to harness and manipulate their electromagnetic energy for their own use. Gradually those Biotechs formed their own order whose aim was to transcend the human race into another level of higher existence. For thousands of years the order thrived until greed set in and they managed to destroy one another or were themselves destroyed by the same technology they tried to build. At one point they were even known as the defenders of freedom and justice in this quadrant of space. At other times they were a menace and a disturbance to peace and stability on many planets. Unfortunately one by one the Biotechs were wiped out as a result of wars, disease or their own stupidity for over extending their biological limits. Some did not survive the ordeal of their technological transformations and they died on the operating tables. Gradually the technology was abandoned because it was deemed too dangerous and unpredictable. The order became extinct, the technology forgotten, and most of it’s members died or vanished into obscurity.

Kaon is one of the last of the Biotechs. He was among the last batch of children to undergo such a bio-technical transformation more than forty years go, and one of the few to survive. Born with a rare genetic disease, his parents did not have a choice. They could either have had him go through the agony of the transformation or let him die in a much more excruciating pain. They should have chosen the latter. Unfortunately they both died before they saw their only child survive the ordeal.

Kaon walked towards the pool. It was a large water tank that he used both as a fresh water reservoir for hydrogen-oxygen extraction as well as a swimming pool for his habitat. There was enough H2O in here to last him a life time. His naked body barely made a splash when he dived in the pool as the high gravity pushed the water droplets down. The water was shockingly cold but his sensors adjusted to the temperature. He swam a few laps and relaxed at the edge of the pool admiring the view in front of him.

“Can I join you?” Del-C asked, and before she received an answer she slipped in the water from the other side of the pool. Del-C was his companion aboard this asteroid. She was his house keeper, personal assistant, among other things. She was a slender little woman, with shiny blue eyes, dark short hair, small breasts and a smiling face that alleviated the boredom of his lonely existence all those years. Del-C wriggled her way towards him like a mermaid then dived down to grab his penis with both hands. It was dark and he could barely see her naked body deep down. He could if he wanted to, using his infrared vision, but why spoil the fun. For a whole minute she played with his cock until it was hard and ridged. Then she engulfed her mouth around his shaft and began sucking while playing with his balls using her fingers. A few minutes passed as his cock was gently being massaged between her lips with the help of her tongue. Her head kept moving up and down adding to the pumping mechanism as she tried to suck him ruthlessly. He didn't need the probes buried in his cock to tell him he was on the verge of an explosion. He prepare himself to what was coming but Del-C had another idea in mind. She stopped and slowly ascended until her head emerged out of the water. She put her hands and feet on either side of him, bracing herself on the side of the pool. She slowly lowered herself towards his stiff cock, and like an expert space pilot she guided her docking hatch to capture his member in her entrance. It accurately slid in, locking on, sucking his cock inside of her as she pushed herself all the way down, enticing a sigh of pleasure from both of them. She was a master at this maneuver taking him very little time to reach the climax she wanted him to achieve.

“Now that you two are finished there is something important I need to show you,” the voice of MAX-17-i, blasted over the intercom. If not for the fact that it was a computer generated voice, he could swear he felt a tinge of jealousy in her tone. MAX-17-i was Kaon’s artificial intelligence assistant that controlled the operational and environmental functions as well as monitored the security protocols on his astro-habitat. She has also been with him since he retired to this rock.

“Max!!! I’m still not finished,” Del-C interrupted.

“I'm sure you can wait,” It wasn't really necessary for MAX-17-i to speak. She could have sent the message directly to the receiver inside his eardrum, however he preferred that they all talk to one another in order to keep practicing that communication skill.

“Show me Max,” Kaon said and he switched to the built in screen embedded in his retina. It gave him access to Max’s controls, projecting a virtual map of the planet with every ship, outpost, mining colony in this sector, right inside his eye.


“A flotilla of ships just dropped out of Doppler speed two clicks away from the planet, and they are heading this way.” MAX-17-i gave Kaon a brief summary and a projection of the ships approach vector.

“There are hundreds of ships entering this planet’s orbit each month, Max,” Del-C tried to interject again, “why do you think they are coming here?”

“According to their entry point and approach vector they can only be coming to the outer rings and precisely at this tangent,” Max explained with a slight mocking tone, and she was right.

“Do we know anything about them?” Kaon asked

“Early to tell. They are still too far,” Max replied, “in three hours, sixteen minutes, forty seconds, I can have a better picture. However according to my interpolations, there are three, maybe four targets, a frigate size vessel, maybe bigger, and three other smaller ones.”

“Lock down. Full battle alert. Activate stealth mode.” Koan jumped out of the water to Del-C’s dismay. She still wasn't finished but as Max said, that can wait. He walked to his quarters to shower and prepare for trouble he knew was coming. It was about time.

Three hours later Kaon was sitting in his command chair wearing the full combat attire of his order, a black uniform with matching boots and gloves that clung to his body like second skin. The suit acted as a power enhancer for his biotech implants and a shield against light power laser blasters. It also amplified his body’s electromagnetic field and helped increase his movements in battle mode. He hasn't worn that outfit for years and suddenly today he felt like he should. Del-C was sitting in the chair next to him helping analyze the data. She was in full battle uniform herself, her hear tied back in a knot and ready for trouble. Del-C is a valuable asset in his household. Not only is she his companion but she is also the perfect soldier, body guard and a full tactical strategist. If things get hot today, he needs all the help he can get.

A few minutes later the screens in front of him started to blink with the data he was waiting for. Max was performing a thorough analysis of the incoming ships and putting all the information on the screens as fast as it was ready, only she was wrong. There were five ships coming this way, a large vessel, destroyer class, armed to the teeth accompanied by four fast attack frigates. Most definitely trouble.

“Sir. They are Mannorian naval ships, and they just began a broad band radar sweep of the surrounding rings,” Max said, “they sure are looking for something really bad,” she added.

“They can look for years and they won't be able to find us,” Del-C beamed with a smile, “we have the best stealth technology in this system.” Which was true however finding a small asteroid as this one, among the millions in this planet’s rings, was like looking for a needle in a haystack. They could spend months looking and they probably won't find much.

A few hours passed as the Mannorian ships kept sweeping the area with no apparent results. Suddenly a new signal flashed on the screen. “Sir, they just started broadcasting a distress signal on all short range emergency frequencies.”

“How can they be broadcasting a distress signal when there is no distress to behold?” Del-C wondered, “They look perfectly fine to me. I don't read any other vessels in the vicinity. This doesn't make sense.”

“Show me the distress signal.” Kaon ordered and the message was displayed on the main screen.


“Open a channel to the main ship.” Kaon commanded, “send them our coordinates. Prepare the docking bay. We will be having a guest for dinner.”


“You are right. This Kaon is a very intriguing individual. I like him,” the young Bore confessed.

“I cannot understand why most females in the universe are attracted to the mysterious males what ever their species are,” in all his infinite wisdom the older Bore still can not grasp the female psych. It will always be a mystery to him.

“Don't ask me to explain,” the female Bore replied, “You are the master remember?!” Smiling to herself.

“I have a feeling this exercise is going to be as much a lesson to me than it is to you,” he commented, “the Nexus are about to collide. Let's hope this doesn't turn out bad for all of them.”

“We can always help. Right?!” She couldn't help but slip that in there.

“Behave yourself little one.”
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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