Image for the poem The Holy Quran

The Holy Quran

Only the realization of intellectual overload when my existence needs to give credence to the four elements when at rest    
In this lifetime always be prepared for what comes next        
Such a beautiful Moon that sits on the throne of infinity beaming from the skies          
Look up and listen for the sultry benedictions of its midnight tales and divine lullabies          
That superior light can travel your cerebrum to the third Heavens, given of its ancient stories to tell          
Open your cognizance awareness, or the twisted fables in Revelation foretelling of its Hell         
There is nothing to amuse but dark and the feel of its silhouetted heat          
Cries of forgotten humanity being slaughtered like raw meat  
The portal of self when traveling though the sands of time  
Never look upon the guiding light look away that is the higher conscious where your soul and spirituel has entwined  
The ties that sever one realm unto the next, the ties that severs and bind, elevate higher no return to lean  
Close your eyes and find your existence through the divine passage of your third eye          
Since the beginning of time          
Seconds and minutes of the clock have turned by the divinity’s chimes          
Most would say is there an afterlife, relief from this earthy strife          
A challenging affair to answer with several variables to sift through are involved          
What a funny riddle the intellect always tries to solve          
That third eye ordained within the cocoon of the womb          
A far intellect to have journeyed past Jesus’ tomb, the Blue Nile, and Egypt’s sands dunes          
To know if hearts arrive within the calling of infinity, ashes to ashes dust to dust the miracle of us, then gone too soon          
The beauty of the brain when maneuvering through the portals of ancient rites          
There is no time of elevation only the cascading of a mythical beaming light          
Have I died and moved on          
The mind, body, and vessel of the soul has touched many dimensions and heard the creed of all the universal songs          
The Illuminati and the facades of damnation in the mystic, their hidden numerology agenda right under or nose it silently drifts          
The hand that rocks the cradles and the gigabytes, their collective summonses are wired and deeply embedded in it          
Misplaced mentalities with dual personalities assuage for greater denominations in the pulpit          
Two headed serpents that hunt flesh, molest the minds of children, and then denounce women as being taboo and unfit          
Celibacy of softness to devoid their company, by a religion oath of one of divinity’s most cherished gifts          
Inhaling, bringing the body back into the shell from where the soul is placed          
The flow of blood coursing through of our veins, vital organs of survival are miraculously encased          
I never understood dark minds and why we learn to hate          
Death of the spirit is found in a heart who refuses to psychologically communicate, who only berets          
After the Book Of Revelations’ there is a race to be won          
Unto the eyes that sees the truth and detail the struggles, our worth here on earth, thy Kingdom shall come          
The sacred scrolls are told in the Book of Enoch’s plight, hidden and ostracized from plain sight          
And you look upon a cross with a pastel man upon it who is called various theology names          
The falsehood of its alphabetic lettering, Timothy, John, Luke, its preaching’s scriptures that were not indoctrinated by the timeline, which we give homage, sing hymns in His resurrected fame          
I worship the Most Supreme, to know the Father and the Son are not the same          
As we leaf through a given bias book of disunity, inscribed with generations of incest, lust, murder, debauchery, and shame          
Heaven and Hell are in your mind and how you perceive          
Crimes of the heart, crimes of the skin, crimes unto humility are always well received          
Your faith is tested daily, and cooled by pages of the Good Book’s ideology of the original sin          
From the beginning of creation, festered with demons, giants, and Jinn's          
Forty weeks to give birth          
Ten centimeters from the silvering of man’s endowed girth          
The Ankh, a relic of ancient ancestry a replica of the womb, the fallopian tubes, an amulet certainly to adorn of its symbolic worth          
From darkness, the soul entering through the divine passion as the red sea parts in the renewal of birth          
Lay hands upon the belly and pray to ward off the beast’s curse          
The head crowns unto another lifespan sliding out the portal of blessed fluid to breathe, to soar, to fly          
Pushed down and out as the world now hears the fear of its first cries          
Unto the slavery of alarms clocks, working by the sweat of one’s brow, from sunrise          
Sundown is the relaxation of the mind, heart, and body when sleep overtakes          
Awakened only to repeat the same fate          
Know this is temporary, as energies recharges and sparks the shell of humanity somewhere else          
Nomadic memories fades of self    
Deja vu is the only comfort from a begotten time we once lived, have felt          
Yes, you have seen the mere flashes before          
In the greatness of your presence, your insights have moved on as the placenta has been birthed from a previous life the subconscious concealed, once you tapped into the celestial core
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
The idea of not going towards the light when you die is not typically associated with mainstream religions. Instead, it is more commonly found in certain spiritual or esoteric beliefs. Some people who study near-death experiences (NDEs) and certain conspiracy theories suggest avoiding the light to prevent reincarnation or being trapped by deceptive entities

Mainstream religions like Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism generally do not teach this concept. For example, Christianity often describes the light as a symbol of God’s presence and a positive experience after death. Similarly, in Hinduism, the light can be seen as a path to Moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth (cited 08-14-24-SKC).

I had to study this entire concept, as part of my thesis when I studied Dr. Jack Kevorkian.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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