Image for the poem Around The World In Sixty Seconds

Around The World In Sixty Seconds

Taking a pause for the cause, a little insightfulness that may or may not benefit us all.      
Now since I have your undivided attention, hello      
I would like to first say, I hope everyone is enjoying their early summer, schools and colleges are out on summer break If you have children, who are home, I congratulate your patience. I say that with the humblest respect, and there is an annotation behind my praising sentiment.    
It’s summer already this year has been moving rapidly before our eyes, this is my first non-blog or Podcast Straight Talk Live journey.      
There are so many occurrences that need to be explored, quiet agendas that are happening, but have not been brought to the light of awareness to decipher or make reasoning of.      
Voices of concerns voicing in the merit and in truth. The Supreme Justice has been very busy in the adage to support or denounce, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   
The highest court of law, as you all may have heard, has struck down Affirmative Action.  I suppose when you check those boxes of ethnicity one would which never mattered in the past, and I do not think it was a contribution factor to grant any favor by the color of the skin in the entrance of college admissions, society asked us to believe in that promise of protection.      
Allow me to stray here off the main subject briefly. I paid for my tuition throughout my higher learning experience in earning my Master’s Degree in College, and that consists of a medical fellowship, within those circles, you begin to obtain and foster relationships for your future success, as you progress to your profession in all sectors of the medical realm of healing heart and mind. The mere word of Affirmative Action gave African Americans and other minorities a foundation to prove to the world once we get past those doors to excel, we will prevail our intellect, this was an oath deemed worthy by so many African Americans.      
I would explain that farther and in lament terms. If anyone has taken the SAT/ACT examination, those two tests explore the far recesses of the mentally, challenging the brain in what you have been taught, and what you know, and any admission to an Ivy league College goes by two determining factors, wealth of old money, and the prestige of legacy.      
The admission to higher learning is not found on the stigma of promoting a body who is of minority, no, those scholarships are awarded through perseverance, and academic excellence does take precedence. Therefore, I am perplexed, but not quite surprised, it was an old law that needed to be taken away from future generations to adopt to its polices, will we see this extended to the practicing equal employment opportunities, the bylaws to protect fair housing, fair mortgage lending practicing.      
The world as you read this, from political, to social economical related issues, yes, I must mention incorporating Artificial Intelligent has incorporate into the fabrics of our lives, which is starting to raise major concerns.
Henceforth, I am not talking in regard to the physical aspect of the facial appearance, I am giving credence when the heart and the mind is on the beautiful quest to always bring out the best in self, unto others it does tend to shine.      

There are more concerns from around the globe within the political arena of society we need to give our main priority too.        
China and Russia are becoming a force to reckon with, they are now in partnership with Africa, and they are building stronger alliance with countries such as Iran, and they have been heavily investing in extracting nature source minerals.      
While the USA is blinding the country, with mundane trivial agendas, which only separates the countries, other countries are iron-clad in building their political power. Having the means to upscale their technology warfare, hack into our database of high intel information. In that matter of feat, Russia has written off a twenty billion debt to African countries.      
I hear the progress of countries becoming a superpower and very competitive in fair trade and still be coming prosperous due to Unites States debt we still owe to China.      
Hopefully, our economy will rise, and its humanity can foster better alliances to make a nation stronger without relying on a crestfallen division.      
Everyone please take the time to address your mental inadequacies to the latter of perfection, find the root of your own energetic source and let it seep into your heart, tap into that spiritual spillage from the mind, it's a beautiful place to be, allow that divine gravitational pull to just guide you. We all can hope there is a higher conscious propel us women, our femineity advises us on a cosmic awareness, keen into it, and become it.    
Let the vessel of your oral dialect speak the purpose of your divine gifts and the need of it's greatness, let your intellect give rise to birth new ideas, new inspirations, and to revisit those lost dreams, give then spark, there is no time in life other than today, speak words of truth, and with merit, if we do not have anything, at least we have that and in those moments we come to ascertain, words cannot convey that inner power of self.      
In addition, we, as women are more attuned to Mother Nature, therefore, do not accept anyone in your sacred space, it is mental awareness of your worth you must safeguard as I would say, the highway to universally discovering what makes your lifespan unique.        
Love yourself and have the compassion to interact with others and always keep in mind, the blindness of society looks in, the self-esteem of your morality looks out.      
Until our minds cosmically become marooned in the time it takes me to write these sacred scrolls and the time it takes you to read, I wish you well on your life journey, walk it in faith, love, with sincerity, compassion, and above all, smile through your storms, it makes for the perfect making of a divine character.      
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
That's why people listen to music or look at paintings. To get in touch with that wholeness.

Corita Kent
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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