Serenity and Sanity

0, when the mind doth wane, and reason parts,
And shadowed thoughts encroach upon the day,
Yet still within, the quiet of our hearts,
A sacred peace doth hold the dark at bay.

Though senses fail and visions cloud the sight,
With phantoms born of madness' cruel art,
Yet shines within a tranquil, holy light,
That guards the soul, though all else falls apart.

The whispers vile, that twist the mind to Woe,
May roar like tempests in the midnight hour,
Yet deep within, where God's pure waters flow,
The spirit basks in grace's gentle power.

For in the storm, where sanity doth flee,
And reason's torch is flickering and frail,
There blooms a calm, as vast as Heaven's sea,
Where angels' hymns o'er madness shall prevail.

O blessed peace, that dwelleth in the soul, Unmoved by earthly pain or fleeting mind,
Though all around the seas of chaos rolI,
 In thee, a sacred refuge shall we find.

So let the world descend to night's abyss,
And let the mind in shadows lose its way,
Yet in the heart, divine serenity is,
A beacon bright, that never shall decay.

O Lord of light, who shields us from despair,
Thy grace alone can keep our spirits whole
.When all is lost, and darkness fills the air,
Thy peace shall reign, the anchor of the Soul.
Written by ThePalestRider
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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