Wisdom Precaution

Nympho erotic, wisdom precaution.  
Inward to star in, rhythm chaotic.  
Whispers astonish, wilder alarming.  
Mystical context, mingling problems.  
Wishing dishonest, skin was to soften.  
Fingers of fondness, figured for falling.  
Building a promise, mixture of bonding.  
Bitter to conscience, limber seances.  
Riddles of robbing, innocence gone with.  
Ritual rotten, ridden with staunchness.  
Literal pardon, picking apart in.  
Simple involvement, sinning and nonsense.  
Hidden departments, victims are lost in.  
Into the darkness, sickening homage.  
Vision disheartens, system of scarring.  
Physical objects, skipping the scarlet.  
Pictured exotic, image demonic.  
Intricate starlets, shifting obnoxious.  
Kismet of comets, schism of harlots.  
Pickled regarded, dinner is common.  
Hissing and taunting, witches in gardens.  
Vigorous volume, rigor has taught them.  
Digging has dawned them, withered rewarding.  
In their embalming, ditches adopted.  
Jingles of drama, bicker bombarded.  
Killers are worshipped, middle adulthood.  
Israel's Sodom, Christmas has caused such.  
Bigger than all that, imminent Yahweh.  
Miracle martyr, history calling.  
Risen begotten, scripture allotted.  
Critical content, written in Psalms is.  
Kingdom of God can, giving us prophets.
Written by Connotation
Published | Edited 14th Sep 2024
Author's Note
A look at what many ancient mysticisms and cultures have "evolved" to be, in the general backsliding and weaseling of whoredom and "love spells." In broken trust and relationships, as well as broken homes, it has created the modern-day confusion of Babylon and caused great uncertainty - even about gender! The good part of a love story is the perseverance and prevailing of sacrifice and struggle, involving patient endurance, becoming triumphant ethically and morally - not some sleazy, trashy excuse for giving into lust. There is a HUGE difference in lust and love! If lust is the triumph, hooray for inconsequential promiscuity, right?
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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