Gone in Instant

What a great weekend
Our problems seemed resolved
No arguments, no fights
All the hateful words you bestowed on my ears
All had quieted by your embrace
Yes I felt like headway was made
Boy what fool I was
A set up that I was blinded from
Born again on Monday
To have you rip it all away
With no words to say
You left in that car
Only to send that text to say
Good bye , I am gone
All I gave, all I tried
I should have known better
But I had blinders over my eyes
You ripped the world apart that day
Days and months now following
I still sit in somber
Saddened and not wanting to go out in the world
Hidden secluded is all I know
Left to handle everything
All so you could just up and run away
Who truly was the coward that day
Yes you point out I was coward
All because I would not fight with you that way
All because I prefer to face and discuss it
But your words had me believing of what i was
Now today I am waking up
I will rise again someday
Without that hurt
Without those words
To affect me every day
We were never perfect
But working thru it is they way
For you, you never believed it
You just ran away
So run , run and play
I know where you quickly landed after a few days
Do what you do
I for me, will one day regain
My Happiness for me

Uncle Tex Jan 2024
Written by Hdrider (Uncle Tex)
Author's Note
Just now posting this months after. Getting courage to share and maybe someone else can relate and enjoy the read.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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