Sin Rooms chapter 16 Smile

Date: sometime in 2000


Claire was yelling at my second born as she was trying to breast feed our two month old son in her arm. She had one of those breast feeding covers on her chest as we sat at one of the tables in the food court far away from peeping eyes.

“SAMMM,” Claire cried out. Now it was my turn to be yelled at. “Will you please get your son from under that table!!!” She ordered.

I smiled as I looked at my five year old playing with his toy car as he sat on the floor. “Let him play,” I replied. “He’s not doing anything.” Samuel has always been a shy kid much like his father. Just give him something to peak his interest and he would spend hours without bothering anyone. Not like his two sisters who were sitting, chattering and fidgeting with their food on another table in the mall. They weren’t enjoying this shopping spree very much.

“What do you mean?” Claire the ever protective mother. “Can’t you see how dirty the floor is? Eewuuuu…. he is now playing with the gum under the table… SAM .. pleaeeese get him out of there…” she ordered again.

Okay. If it wasn’t for the hardened and chewed up chewing gum which Samuel was trying to scrape off from under that table I would have left him down there. Like father like son. He doesn’t listen. He didn’t want to come out. I had to crawl under the table myself to get to that stubborn kid. I managed to pull him out and had him sit next to his sisters on the chair. “NOW FINISH YOUR PIZZA,” I yelled at him in front of a hundred people in the food court.

I sighed as I slumped on a chair next to my wife to check if she was satisfied with my parenting skills. She was fumbling with that breast feeding cover trying to shove her nipple in a crying baby’s mouth to notice my victory over my son. That was my responsibility while we were at that mall. I hate malls.

As I was putting the last piece of pizza crust in my mouth I saw her. She was sitting a few tables away. Our eyes locked and my jaw must have dropped on to my plastic late. It couldn’t be!!! It was her. When she smiled at me I knew it was her. Damn it … it was her. I could not believe my eyes. Out of all the places we could have met by chance it had to be in a food court, in a mall, surrounded by my wife and my four kids.

“SAM,” Claire nudged me. “Close your mouth,” she ordered. She must have seen me ogling that woman. Only that woman wasn’t any woman. It was Mila, the first woman I had ever fucked and she happened to be sitting a few tables away. Of course Claire didn’t know that. As far as she was concerned I was eyeing a girl more than I should be. It wasn’t the first time my wife caught me looking at a girl. Ogling is a natural reaction every red blooded man has in his genes. It’s in our DNA. Of course we take a glance every now and then. That’s perfectly normal. Claire knows that, so she doesn’t usually make a big deal out of it. But it was different that time. Claire must have felt something was wrong. Unfortunately I was still in a trance. As much as I wanted to look away I could not help myself. I would raise my eyes to check if I was seeing what I was seeing. Damn it … it was her, and she was smiling back, trying to hide a blush on her face after recognizing me as well. She looked at my kids, most probably counting heads, and giving me another smile every once in while. And I kept smiling back. Damn it … it was her.

Mila was still as beautiful as the day we parted almost ten years ago. I wondered what she was doing these days. She was the first girl I ever made love to. The first girl I ever really loved, and the first girl that broke my heart. I wondered if she was still working as an escort. I met her when she was working as an escort. We parted ways when she was still working as an escort. I wondered if she was happy. I wondered if she ever thought of me after breaking up with me… I wondered all sorts of things…Of course I wasn’t going to ask her all those things in front of my wife. Heck I was not even going to say Hi to her in front of my wife… I could not help myself. I just smiled and she just smiled back. Damn it … it was her.

“….Sam… SAM…” suddenly I heard Claire’s voice. She must have shouted at me for the tenth time. “Let’s go,” she finally ordered. “I can’t feed Andy in this mall. We need to go home.” She had already placed Andy in the baby seat, packed his things, and was about to leave me in that mall smiling at a woman she wanted to kill.

That was the last time I ever saw my first love again. That chance smile turned my life upside down and it is still going down hill ever since.

“What’s wrong now?”

Claire didn’t reply. We had safely returned from that shopping mistake to the mall. It was late. The kids were fast asleep and Claire had finished feeding Andy and had him tucked in his crib. It won’t be long until he wakes up again for his next feed. She had a few hours to rest before the breast feeding cycle begins again. Women are amazing creatures. How can they do it? How can they tolerate the pain of pregnancy, the strenuous effort of breast feeding, taking care of us men, and still smile about it… amazing.

The silent treatment continued for the next week or so. I knew what I did so I let her release some steam for a few days, but it was starting to get on my nerves. The silent treatment is usually a good thing. It makes you reflect on what you did or was done to you. However if it lingers more than a week then that’s when you have to break the cycle otherwise it will fester into something which you would not be able to resolve. So I had to do something about it.

“Okay. So what did I do wrong?” Me trying to do something about it. It was late at night again. Andy was sucking on his mother’s breast like he usually does every two hours or so. There was no better time and place to open this conversation then when she is cornered in a chair and can not throw me under a bus.

It didn’t work. Claire just looked at me and ignored my request. She turned her attention to the  child in her arms.

“Come on… You have to give me a clue here.” I tried again.

“You know what you did.” Good. We have a pulse. She was starting to talk.

“No I don’t,” I replied. But I did. “Don’t tell me it’s because I looked at a girl in the mall.”

Claire just looked at me and nodded her head. “No Sam. It’s not because you looked at a girl. It’s because you smiled.” I knew she knew. She knows me more than I know myself. She knew me since I was four years old. So how was I going to get out of this mess?!

“Okay, I confess. I smiled,” I had to give in a little. “Come on… she was looking at the kids, so I smiled. What is the big deal?!”


Well that didn’t work either. I didn’t have any other choice. “Okay. I’m sorry. Maybe I smiled more than I should have smiled.” If you surrender and apologize, most of the time it works.

“Who was she?”

Damn… it didn’t work. “Nobody,” I lied. I had no choice again. “Just a girl in the mall.” I added.

“Fine.” Claire replied. Was she going to escalate this any further? I just waited for the final verdict. “Okay, just don’t do it again.” And she gave me a suspended sentence for now. The only thing left was for me to close this case otherwise she might take this to the Supreme Court.

Andy was tired from sucking on his mother’s breasts. He finally dozed off into his two hours rest. However his mouth was still locked on his mother’s nipple. “When am I going to get a taste of what Andy is getting?” Let’s see how she was going to respond to that…

Claire’s eyes bulged a bit and she chuckled a sigh. “OMG, Sam… you’re terrible.”

Everyone usually tells you you can’t have sex right after having a baby. For Claire that usually lasts three to four months. Andy was two months old. So I was pushing the envelope here. Anyway, I wasn’t looking to get the full package. Just some milk if I could get it. From the way my wife smiled at me she was prepared to give it to me. She settled Andy in his crib next to her  feeding chair leaving that one breast exposed in front of my eyes. The milk was still dripping out of her nipple but she did not do anything to stop it.

She held that breast in her hand and said, “just don’t suck too hard. I’m still sensitive. And leave a little for your son. He is going to wake up in a few minutes.”

I just knelt on the floor in front of her and whispered, “I am sorry.” Sealing the deal with a kiss on her mouth which lingered for a few seconds.

“You’re forgiven,” she sighed when that kiss ended. Her hands were already around my head and she pulled me down towards that wet nipple which was waiting for me to suck it.

If anybody tells you breast milk is delicious they are lying. Of course it’s very nutritious and a miraculous baby food but it tastes terrible. Anyway I wasn’t going to suck too much. Just a little to break the milk between my wife and I. Besides, Claire always had issues with breastfeeding. Her nipples cracked and she suffered a little when her babies suck hard on her breasts. So I had to be careful and lick them gently to stimulate her sexual desire. To help her I slipped my hand between her legs and rubbed her clit until I felt her wetness gradually coating my fingers. She just rested her head backwards letting me do what I had to do to make her cum. Sucking, licking and rubbing did the trick. A few seconds of those and she was twisting and turning on the chair pushing me away until she finally managed to open her eyes. The smile I get when she is satisfied with my work is exhilarating. I love giving pleasure. It’s as intoxicating to me as getting my own, even more. I can feel it when I have fulfilled my task to the best of my abilities. That’s my pleasure in life. Claire was looking at me smiling as I was still kneeling in front of her. She gave me a thank you kiss to confirm her gratitude and love. That was all I wanted and the fact I managed to get myself out of the mess at the mall was an added bonus.

“Let’s go to bedroom,” Claire stood up but as she was about to hold my hand to pull me behind her, Andy woke up. He cried like he had been on a hunger strike for days.

“How can he be hungry again?” I sighed. “He’s been sucking for hours.” I wondered out loud. “Doesn’t he ever get enough?”

Claire giggled and walked back to our crying son picking him up into her arms. “Like father like son,” she smiled back at me and returned to her two hours breast feeding chore. “We will continue after he goes back to sleep.” Claire tried to reassure me she had not forgotten what I did earlier. Only she did. A few hours later she was dozing in deep slumber while Andy’s mouth was locked on her nipple. I just left her to rest. She needed it.

As I said. I wasn’t really hoping to get too much from this encounter. I was just glad I was out of trouble from that smiling predicament at the mall. It was something I had not expected in that time of my life. Unfortunately that unexpected smile kept haunting me for months to come.
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
Author's Note
Please be warned this is not a story. "Sin Rooms" are memoirs of true events. This is an autobiography of a man lost in a world of forbidden passions and circumstances beyond his control. Memoirs do not necessary follow a chronological order in time and place. Memoirs are glimpses of memories, a picture from the past as well as the present. So please be patient with me when you read this.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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