The attack on Trump?... It is a serious matter It could reopen a frightening chapter in the USA ... Maybe you mean it is trying to reopen a frightening chapter in the USA ... ... ...
Well, I read the note on Forbes magazine. ... ... ... Karma... A karma like the following ones ?: Something knocks on my bedroom door 3 times. Something invisible caresses my hair. Something invisible kissed me. Something invisible got into bed with me. Something called my name. Something pulls my feet into bed. Something is shaking the bed
I think karma is more of ' what goes round comes round ' but I'm not an expert.
Trump being kinda nasty all is life so karma as come round and gave him a slap.
Or like when Vivek Ramaswamy said of trump " this disgusting sham politician" when he meant to say something else but instead said this " disgusting sham politician "