The Big Guy Chapter 6
The Big Guy
Chapter 6
“I don’t see why not, but I would like to discuss it with Lucy first, and you might want to mention it to Mrs. Bascomb.” He laughed at that. Then we shook hands again, and, to my surprise, he hugged me. Of course, I hugged him back.
When I approached, Lucy was seated on a cushioned loveseat with Max at her side. She rose, and I kissed her. “He approved and wants to make an announcement tonight. I told him I wanted to talk to you first. I see your suitor got cold feet.”
“He was panting worse than Max. You should have seen his eyes when I pointed Max out to him. They must have been as big as quarters. Max has been protecting me ever since. I got him a plate of pulled pork as a reward. I hope you don’t mind. He seemed to like it.”
No, I don’t mind. I’m glad he’ll eat for you. It shows that he’s accepted you. He’ll protect you now as much as he will me. Hopefully, Mr. Craig will be discouraged from chasing you, especially when your father makes his announcement.”
“Hopefully, my mother will be discouraged. She’s tried to shove that ass down my throat for the past two years. She thinks he’s a good catch. I think he’s a colossal bore.”
We heard Jonathan tap on his glass, asking for attention. “Please excuse me, but I have an important announcement to make. Marylou and I have waited a long time for this. A few minutes ago, we learned that our daughter Lucille is engaged to Marshal Matt Cahill. We don’t have any details yet on the wedding, but I propose a toast to Lucille and Matt.” He held his glass up, and there were several salutes. Lucy and I stood holding hands until she pulled my head down for a long kiss.
We received the congratulations of everyone present before we were allowed to leave. I had held the door for Lucy before allowing Max into the back seat. By the time I had walked around to my door, Lucy had slid onto the console. I was greeted by a huge hug and an even bigger kiss as soon as I was seated. Lucy broke it almost five minutes later, only because Max had pushed his muzzle between us. He gave us a low “Woof,” telling me how happy he was. Anyone who thinks that dogs don’t have emotions knows nothing about dogs. Lucy whispered, “I do love you so much, Matt. I loved the way you stood up to my parents. I didn’t tell you this before, but I’d never met anyone I thought was strong enough to do it. My parents would walk all over anyone if they thought they could. You showed them today that they can’t—that you will be your own man. I doubt that you can realize how important that is going to be for you for us.”
I couldn’t think of anything to respond, so I stayed silent. I backed out and drove toward Lucy’s and my temporary home, Max’s massive head resting on Lucy’s shoulder.
Lucy wanted us to shower together, but I expected a critical phone call. Sure enough, I was barely in and wet when my cell rang. Lucy answered after the second ringtone. “Hello.”
“Um, I think I dialed the wrong number.”
“No, you didn’t, Daryl. This is Matt’s phone. He’s in the shower now, but I can hear he’s turned it off. I’m Lucy, Matt’s fiancée.”
“Wow! I can’t believe it. You must be something.”
“Well, I don’t know about that, but I do know that I love Matt terribly. He’s probably the strongest man I’ve ever met, and I don’t mean just physically, although he’s strong that way, too.”
“Oh, he sure is. He’s also the straightest arrow I ever met.”
“Hold on, here’s Matt.” Lucy handed me the phone and took the towel to continue drying my body while I spoke with Daryl.
“I’m supposed to be appointed Tuesday night, and they’ve agreed to give me authority to hire and fire. I want to hire you as my first lieutenant. That’s more important than you realize because there’s something rotten in Denmark.”
“Okay, so you won’t say anything with Lucy there. Congratulations on your engagement, you sly dog.” I spent the next fifteen minutes explaining what was involved. I was pretty sure the city would match his $65,000 salary and give him decent benefits, plus I would arrange for him to live for free in the city’s house. I needed Daryl more than ever after learning about Jeremy Haynes. He would be the one person I knew I could trust in the department.
Lucy looked at me briefly before asking, “What’s wrong, Matt? Was it something to do with the bartender?”
“I don’t want to talk about it with you, Lucy—not because I don’t trust you, but because I want to protect you. You know so many people here in town that you might accidentally slip and say something to the wrong person. I don’t know yet how desperate these people may become. I have to ask you to trust me. Please!”
“Okay, you’re the expert; you know best.” She tiptoed up to kiss me, then shook her booty on the way to the shower. I put a large bowl of Dog Chow on the floor for Max, permitting him to eat immediately while I refilled his water dish. He attacked his food as he did every night—like he hadn’t eaten in a month. I put him out, and five minutes later, he led me back into the bedroom.
Lucy was there waiting for me in bed. She was wearing my favorite outfit—nothing except for the sly smile on her face. I would have liked to brush my teeth, but I could see that Lucy was impatient. “I want to celebrate, Matt. It isn’t every day I become officially engaged.” She must have been swamped in the shower because I noticed her pubic hair had been trimmed and shaved back from her thighs. She pulled me to her, taking a few seconds to reach to her left to pet Max. He leaned forward as far as he could to lick Lucy’s cheek. I rubbed my hand under his chin and pointed him to his bed. As dogs have done for time immemorial, he walked in a circle three times before lying down to rest. He might sleep, but it would be the shallowest sleep imaginable. He would hear the slightest sound outside.
I covered Lucy’s slight body with mine as she moved her legs apart to accommodate me. Instead, I rolled her onto her side so I was spooning behind her. Lifting her right leg over my hip opened her entirely to me. Her cunt was oozing, so I slid into her tightness relatively easily despite my length and girth. Lucy turned her head to kiss me while my left hand worried her nipples, and my right rubbed, twisted, and pinched her clit. It wasn’t long before she had her first explosive orgasm. I needed all of my strength to keep her body on the bed.
I had continued thrusting into her, so I wasn’t surprised to find her shaking again as tremors emanated from her groin, running the length of her body. This time, I was nearing my climax. All it took was a little control to reach our goal together. Her body was convulsing wildly when I erupted inside her. Our orgasms continued for more than ten seconds until we finally came to a sudden stop. We exhaled mightily to signal that we were done for the night—for now, anyway.
When I spoke, Lucy leaned her head on my chest, and her right leg lay on my thigh. “When your dad and I were talking, he told me that he assumed I wasn’t sleeping on the couch.”
Lucy raised her head as she asked, “What did you say to him?”
“I told him it wasn’t his business. Of course, I was much more tactful, but he got the message.”
“Tell me about your friend.”
“Daryl Evans is probably the finest law enforcement officer I’ve ever met. His arrest rate is second only to mine, but there are some areas where he’s much better than me, and he has a big advantage here.”
“What’s that?”
“He’s black. I find it hard to believe that almost half of the population here is black, yet you don’t have even a single black police officer. We’ll need to recruit some, and Daryl will give me credibility with the black community. All I have to do is get him appointed.”
“Foolish boy; just leave that to me and my father. All I have to do is make a few phone calls, and it will be done. I’m sure you understand that my father is the force behind the scenes. If he wants something, it happens. If he doesn’t.”
“I think we need to go to sleep. Somebody keeps wearing me out. I love you, Lucy, and I plan to tell you daily.” She cuddled into my body. We closed our eyes, and we were gone.
Lucy told me the following morning that she planned to return to her house on Wednesday. “All I have to pack is one suitcase of clothes, a few toiletries, and the kitchen food. Of course, I want you to come with me.”
“I must go home sometime, but I can wait until Thursday or Friday. I have to tender my resignation personally, and I have my apartment to close up. I don’t know what to do with the furniture. Most of it is old, but I have a big flat-screen TV I’d like to keep. Maybe we can find a place for it in your place.”
Lucy moved up to kiss me. “Our place, Matt…OUR place.” Then she kissed me again. “You need to see Martin Albright this morning. He was at the Council’s table but is not a member. He’s our city attorney. I’ll bet he has your contract all but done. Don’t just accept what he shows you. Make whatever changes you think are necessary, and make sure it says you have control over hiring and firing. I have a feeling you’ll make good use of that provision.”
I did meet with Albright, walking right in with Max around 10:30. Lucy was fitting that he had a contract for me, but not surprisingly, it ultimately favored the city. I insisted on eight changes, which he made without comment or complaint. When we were done, it was ready to be signed and notarized, and it would be right after I was appointed.
Max and I walked into the diner around noon, and I could barely get into our booth just four feet from the door because of all the congratulations I received from the patrons and staff. I finally joined Max, who was already seated and about to order when Lucy joined me. After a quick kiss, I told her about my meeting with the attorney. She just smiled when I told her about the changes I had insisted on. She assured me that the Council would agree and the vote would again be overwhelmingly in favor. “I plan to ask that the Council formally approve your performance standards, too. I’ve been swamped calling everyone except Carl Haynes. You’ll have plenty of support when hiring your friend. A number of us have been trying to hire minorities for some time, but our present chief is a total bigot. We’ll be happy to see him go. Maybe knowing we’re hiring a black officer will encourage him to go earlier.”
Lucy and I spent the afternoon in the booth discussing our wedding and reception. I told her I would leave those preparations to her and her family. I didn’t know enough about the city to comment one way or another about any arrangements, and I wasn’t religious, so I didn’t care what church we used. However, one thing I did know was that Lucy needed a ring. We left the diner at 4:00, and I let Lucy give me directions. I almost laughed when she told me to park before George’s Men’s Wear. Her family had used the jeweler next door for decades.
McMahon’s Fine Jewelry is what the sign said. His body posture showed me that Mr. McMahon rushed to greet us. “Miss Lucille, I’m so happy for you. I just heard about your engagement this morning from George, and, of course, he was told about it by his brother, Simon. And you must be the Mr. Cahill the whole city is talking about. I’d recognize you anywhere because of your dog. George told me he was the biggest dog he’d ever seen…best behaved, too. I’m Thomas Mc Mahon. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Call me Matt, Mr. McMahon. I’m pleased to meet you, too. We’re here to shop for some rings.”
“You’ve come to the right place, Matt. I have a great selection and give you a great price. Nothing is too good for Miss Lucille.” I had to agree. He led Lucy to the rear of the store and had her sit at the counter. Max curled up at her side, but anyone who thought he wasn’t alert and on the job was in for a big, ugly surprise.
Thomas began by measuring Lucy’s finger. He tried three different sizes, asking Lucy if it was comfortable or too tight or loose. Satisfied, he opened the giant safe and removed three trays of diamond solitaire rings. “I have more with bigger stones, but I know that Miss Lucille doesn’t like to flaunt her wealth, so she doesn’t like to wear big, flashy jewelry.”
“You know me too well, Thomas,” Lucy commented. “I’d like something special and elegant but not gaudy.” He nodded as he set the trays in front of us.
“First, you’ll want to decide what type of stone you want—round, square, marquise cut? Do you want a ring with baguettes or just a solitaire? Once we have that, we can look at the size and quality of the stone.”
Lucy looked at more than a dozen rings before going back to three. Thomas laid them on a velvet pad and then looked at each with his loupe. “I won’t sell you this one, Miss Lucille. It’s only an average stone. There are a lot of occlusions in it.” I knew nothing about jewelry or diamonds, so I took his word for it. He replaced the one Lucy had chosen with a similar ring, which he said was much better. She eventually decided on a two-carat round stone with two baguettes on each side, totaling another half-carat. The ring was platinum, which I knew was heavier and more robust than gold.
A platinum engagement ring also meant platinum wedding bands so they would match. Lucy selected simple bands after consulting me. I just told her to pick whatever she wanted. She gave me a look and shook her head, but then she kissed me and had me try on several rings, but I wasn’t much help. They all looked good to me. Thomas totaled the cost of the engagement ring and wedding bands at $13,679 plus tax. “Of course, I’ll give you the usual family discount of fifteen percent. With tax, I paid just over $11,000. All I cared about was that Lucy loved her ring.
I drove us to a restaurant that Lucy had suggested. “Do you own this one, too,” I kidded her.”
“No, we don’t own everything, silly. I like the food here. Wait until you see the salads. They’re great.” As usual, Lucy was right. The salads were great, as were the ribs and barbequed beans. Lucy gave me a mock cringe when I told her that beans always made me fart. “Then you’d better give me some,” she kidded. I asked myself what I had ever done to deserve the love of such a woman. We kept some of the scraps of meat and potato to add to Max’s meal.
Lucy fed Max while I moved my guns into the living room and checked the doors for the night. Once I had put Max out, we’d be all set. She met me in the shower, pressing her naked body into mine. I was fully erect as soon as I walked into the bathroom and so hard that it ached once we were under the hot water. “Do me, Matt. Take me right here in the shower. I wouldn’t want you more than I want you right now.”
I took Lucy at her word and lifted her quickly, pinning her body against the rear shower wall. I moved her legs up and over my shoulders while she guided me into her slit and, finally, deep into her womanly core. The shower was small, but still, I pushed my right foot against the opposite wall so I wouldn’t drop the most precious thing in my life.
I drove into her slowly, letting the tension between us grow bit by bit until we were rutting like wild beasts. When Lucy finally came, she screamed into the night, and, much to my surprise, she squirted several times, bathing my abdomen and thighs in her aromatic nectar. I hadn’t cum, but I didn’t care even a little. I’d had more and much better sex during my two weeks with Lucy than I’d had in the past two years.
I realized that I had to be extremely careful with her now. She was out of it—completely and unable to coordinate her movements. I doubted that she could even stand. I slowly lowered her legs to the floor and held her while they slowly buckled under her weight. I quickly rinsed my body and carried my love out. Seated securely on the toilet, I carefully dried her hair, head, and body with my right hand while I supported her with my left. I wiped myself with the towel and carried Lucy again, this time to the bed. She snuggled up to me as soon as I was on my back. I wrapped my arms around her slender body and was almost asleep when Max nudged my hand. I tousled the fur on his head for a minute, then sent him back to the foot of the bed. I was asleep before he had laid down.
I woke early, as always, to find Lucy smiling and looking down at me. “Good morning, my love. Mind telling me what you did to me last night? I just remember Cumming something fierce, and then I woke up here on top of you.” She moved down for a quick kiss, then continued with a giggle. “Not that I’m complaining, mind you,” she said with a winning smile.
“Well, you did miss a few things. You did have a fierce orgasm, and you must have squirted about a gallon onto my abdomen and thighs. I think you squirted three or four times, each heavier than before. Good thing we were in the shower, or we might have been forced to sleep on the floor. You also passed out in the shower, so I dried you off, gave myself a few quick wipes, and carried you into bed. Even unconscious, you snuggled up close to me. That’s about it.”
“Wow! I can’t remember ever squirting before you, and you said it was a lot?” I laughed, nodded, and pulled Lucy back for another sweet kiss. We rose and showered. Lucy put Max out, and I shaved. Once we had dressed, I took Lucy out for breakfast. We went to the little coffee shop where I’d seen Haynes and his partner. What a surprise—he was again in uniform at the counter and eating a humongous breakfast—an omelet with what looked like a couple of side orders of bacon and breakfast sausage. Lucy and I sat in a booth behind him, with Lucy and me facing his back and Max opposite. I wanted to see if he paid his check this time. I was in uniform because of something I had to do today.
Lucy and I ordered and then sipped coffee while remaining almost silent so I could hear what Haynes was saying to those around him. “So I heard from my old man that they got this new guy to be chief, and he thinks he’s going to reform me—make me run and lose weight. Well, he’s got a lot to learn. I’ll crush that little piss ant like a roach. Then I’ll send him back where he came from. Who the fuck does he think he is?”
I slid out of the booth and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned with a look of disdain. “First of all, I’d love for you to take a poke at me. If there’s any crushing to do, I’ll be the one to do it. Second, how you speak when you’re out of uniform is your business, but using profanity while in uniform will get you a suspension, at least. I warned your father that you needed to lose weight and shape up, but the rest is up to you. Maybe you don’t want to be a police officer after all.” I was about to return to the booth when I continued, “You can apologize now to everyone present for your profanity, but especially to my fiancée. And I strongly suggest you do a much better cleaning and pressing your uniform. You look like a slob.”
He swung around on his stool as if to attack me. I held my ID to see if he thought the uniform was a fake. “I’d love for you to try to hit me. Even a dope like you should know that striking a federal marshal is a Class A felony, punishable by not less than ten nor more than twenty years, so make your choice.” He turned a deep shade of red and started out the door. He stopped when I grabbed his arm, glowering at me until I said, “I believe you forgot to pay for your breakfast. Put a twenty on the counter. That ought to do it.” He pulled the bill from his wallet and threw it onto the floor, and then he stomped his fat, sloppy body out the door. I was surprised when the other patrons and the wait staff applauded.
I was back in the booth with Lucy and Max when a man in a white outfit and apron approached. After saying hello to “Miss Lucille,” he introduced himself to me. “I’m Nick Petrose, Mr. Cahill. I’m the owner here. Thanks for speaking up. It’s the first time I’ve ever gotten a penny from that bum. Unfortunately, I can’t throw him out because of his father’s influence.”
“Well, that might change soon. What I’d like you to do is keep a record of what he orders but doesn’t pay for. You can use one of the order sheets and a tape from the cash register stapled together. Have the waitress sign and date them. I believe I can make a good case for theft of services. That’s a misdemeanor for small amounts, but if it gets over a thousand dollars, it will be a felony. Just hold onto them until I ask. Can you do that?”
“I sure as hell can, Mr. Cahill. Many of us are thrilled that you’ll be chief of police here. Haynes and others have gotten away with too much for too long.” The conversation would have continued had our breakfast not been delivered a moment later. We attacked our omelets—bacon and cheese for me and a western for Lucy, complete with three pancakes each.
To be continued
Chapter 6
“I don’t see why not, but I would like to discuss it with Lucy first, and you might want to mention it to Mrs. Bascomb.” He laughed at that. Then we shook hands again, and, to my surprise, he hugged me. Of course, I hugged him back.
When I approached, Lucy was seated on a cushioned loveseat with Max at her side. She rose, and I kissed her. “He approved and wants to make an announcement tonight. I told him I wanted to talk to you first. I see your suitor got cold feet.”
“He was panting worse than Max. You should have seen his eyes when I pointed Max out to him. They must have been as big as quarters. Max has been protecting me ever since. I got him a plate of pulled pork as a reward. I hope you don’t mind. He seemed to like it.”
No, I don’t mind. I’m glad he’ll eat for you. It shows that he’s accepted you. He’ll protect you now as much as he will me. Hopefully, Mr. Craig will be discouraged from chasing you, especially when your father makes his announcement.”
“Hopefully, my mother will be discouraged. She’s tried to shove that ass down my throat for the past two years. She thinks he’s a good catch. I think he’s a colossal bore.”
We heard Jonathan tap on his glass, asking for attention. “Please excuse me, but I have an important announcement to make. Marylou and I have waited a long time for this. A few minutes ago, we learned that our daughter Lucille is engaged to Marshal Matt Cahill. We don’t have any details yet on the wedding, but I propose a toast to Lucille and Matt.” He held his glass up, and there were several salutes. Lucy and I stood holding hands until she pulled my head down for a long kiss.
We received the congratulations of everyone present before we were allowed to leave. I had held the door for Lucy before allowing Max into the back seat. By the time I had walked around to my door, Lucy had slid onto the console. I was greeted by a huge hug and an even bigger kiss as soon as I was seated. Lucy broke it almost five minutes later, only because Max had pushed his muzzle between us. He gave us a low “Woof,” telling me how happy he was. Anyone who thinks that dogs don’t have emotions knows nothing about dogs. Lucy whispered, “I do love you so much, Matt. I loved the way you stood up to my parents. I didn’t tell you this before, but I’d never met anyone I thought was strong enough to do it. My parents would walk all over anyone if they thought they could. You showed them today that they can’t—that you will be your own man. I doubt that you can realize how important that is going to be for you for us.”
I couldn’t think of anything to respond, so I stayed silent. I backed out and drove toward Lucy’s and my temporary home, Max’s massive head resting on Lucy’s shoulder.
Lucy wanted us to shower together, but I expected a critical phone call. Sure enough, I was barely in and wet when my cell rang. Lucy answered after the second ringtone. “Hello.”
“Um, I think I dialed the wrong number.”
“No, you didn’t, Daryl. This is Matt’s phone. He’s in the shower now, but I can hear he’s turned it off. I’m Lucy, Matt’s fiancée.”
“Wow! I can’t believe it. You must be something.”
“Well, I don’t know about that, but I do know that I love Matt terribly. He’s probably the strongest man I’ve ever met, and I don’t mean just physically, although he’s strong that way, too.”
“Oh, he sure is. He’s also the straightest arrow I ever met.”
“Hold on, here’s Matt.” Lucy handed me the phone and took the towel to continue drying my body while I spoke with Daryl.
“I’m supposed to be appointed Tuesday night, and they’ve agreed to give me authority to hire and fire. I want to hire you as my first lieutenant. That’s more important than you realize because there’s something rotten in Denmark.”
“Okay, so you won’t say anything with Lucy there. Congratulations on your engagement, you sly dog.” I spent the next fifteen minutes explaining what was involved. I was pretty sure the city would match his $65,000 salary and give him decent benefits, plus I would arrange for him to live for free in the city’s house. I needed Daryl more than ever after learning about Jeremy Haynes. He would be the one person I knew I could trust in the department.
Lucy looked at me briefly before asking, “What’s wrong, Matt? Was it something to do with the bartender?”
“I don’t want to talk about it with you, Lucy—not because I don’t trust you, but because I want to protect you. You know so many people here in town that you might accidentally slip and say something to the wrong person. I don’t know yet how desperate these people may become. I have to ask you to trust me. Please!”
“Okay, you’re the expert; you know best.” She tiptoed up to kiss me, then shook her booty on the way to the shower. I put a large bowl of Dog Chow on the floor for Max, permitting him to eat immediately while I refilled his water dish. He attacked his food as he did every night—like he hadn’t eaten in a month. I put him out, and five minutes later, he led me back into the bedroom.
Lucy was there waiting for me in bed. She was wearing my favorite outfit—nothing except for the sly smile on her face. I would have liked to brush my teeth, but I could see that Lucy was impatient. “I want to celebrate, Matt. It isn’t every day I become officially engaged.” She must have been swamped in the shower because I noticed her pubic hair had been trimmed and shaved back from her thighs. She pulled me to her, taking a few seconds to reach to her left to pet Max. He leaned forward as far as he could to lick Lucy’s cheek. I rubbed my hand under his chin and pointed him to his bed. As dogs have done for time immemorial, he walked in a circle three times before lying down to rest. He might sleep, but it would be the shallowest sleep imaginable. He would hear the slightest sound outside.
I covered Lucy’s slight body with mine as she moved her legs apart to accommodate me. Instead, I rolled her onto her side so I was spooning behind her. Lifting her right leg over my hip opened her entirely to me. Her cunt was oozing, so I slid into her tightness relatively easily despite my length and girth. Lucy turned her head to kiss me while my left hand worried her nipples, and my right rubbed, twisted, and pinched her clit. It wasn’t long before she had her first explosive orgasm. I needed all of my strength to keep her body on the bed.
I had continued thrusting into her, so I wasn’t surprised to find her shaking again as tremors emanated from her groin, running the length of her body. This time, I was nearing my climax. All it took was a little control to reach our goal together. Her body was convulsing wildly when I erupted inside her. Our orgasms continued for more than ten seconds until we finally came to a sudden stop. We exhaled mightily to signal that we were done for the night—for now, anyway.
When I spoke, Lucy leaned her head on my chest, and her right leg lay on my thigh. “When your dad and I were talking, he told me that he assumed I wasn’t sleeping on the couch.”
Lucy raised her head as she asked, “What did you say to him?”
“I told him it wasn’t his business. Of course, I was much more tactful, but he got the message.”
“Tell me about your friend.”
“Daryl Evans is probably the finest law enforcement officer I’ve ever met. His arrest rate is second only to mine, but there are some areas where he’s much better than me, and he has a big advantage here.”
“What’s that?”
“He’s black. I find it hard to believe that almost half of the population here is black, yet you don’t have even a single black police officer. We’ll need to recruit some, and Daryl will give me credibility with the black community. All I have to do is get him appointed.”
“Foolish boy; just leave that to me and my father. All I have to do is make a few phone calls, and it will be done. I’m sure you understand that my father is the force behind the scenes. If he wants something, it happens. If he doesn’t.”
“I think we need to go to sleep. Somebody keeps wearing me out. I love you, Lucy, and I plan to tell you daily.” She cuddled into my body. We closed our eyes, and we were gone.
Lucy told me the following morning that she planned to return to her house on Wednesday. “All I have to pack is one suitcase of clothes, a few toiletries, and the kitchen food. Of course, I want you to come with me.”
“I must go home sometime, but I can wait until Thursday or Friday. I have to tender my resignation personally, and I have my apartment to close up. I don’t know what to do with the furniture. Most of it is old, but I have a big flat-screen TV I’d like to keep. Maybe we can find a place for it in your place.”
Lucy moved up to kiss me. “Our place, Matt…OUR place.” Then she kissed me again. “You need to see Martin Albright this morning. He was at the Council’s table but is not a member. He’s our city attorney. I’ll bet he has your contract all but done. Don’t just accept what he shows you. Make whatever changes you think are necessary, and make sure it says you have control over hiring and firing. I have a feeling you’ll make good use of that provision.”
I did meet with Albright, walking right in with Max around 10:30. Lucy was fitting that he had a contract for me, but not surprisingly, it ultimately favored the city. I insisted on eight changes, which he made without comment or complaint. When we were done, it was ready to be signed and notarized, and it would be right after I was appointed.
Max and I walked into the diner around noon, and I could barely get into our booth just four feet from the door because of all the congratulations I received from the patrons and staff. I finally joined Max, who was already seated and about to order when Lucy joined me. After a quick kiss, I told her about my meeting with the attorney. She just smiled when I told her about the changes I had insisted on. She assured me that the Council would agree and the vote would again be overwhelmingly in favor. “I plan to ask that the Council formally approve your performance standards, too. I’ve been swamped calling everyone except Carl Haynes. You’ll have plenty of support when hiring your friend. A number of us have been trying to hire minorities for some time, but our present chief is a total bigot. We’ll be happy to see him go. Maybe knowing we’re hiring a black officer will encourage him to go earlier.”
Lucy and I spent the afternoon in the booth discussing our wedding and reception. I told her I would leave those preparations to her and her family. I didn’t know enough about the city to comment one way or another about any arrangements, and I wasn’t religious, so I didn’t care what church we used. However, one thing I did know was that Lucy needed a ring. We left the diner at 4:00, and I let Lucy give me directions. I almost laughed when she told me to park before George’s Men’s Wear. Her family had used the jeweler next door for decades.
McMahon’s Fine Jewelry is what the sign said. His body posture showed me that Mr. McMahon rushed to greet us. “Miss Lucille, I’m so happy for you. I just heard about your engagement this morning from George, and, of course, he was told about it by his brother, Simon. And you must be the Mr. Cahill the whole city is talking about. I’d recognize you anywhere because of your dog. George told me he was the biggest dog he’d ever seen…best behaved, too. I’m Thomas Mc Mahon. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Call me Matt, Mr. McMahon. I’m pleased to meet you, too. We’re here to shop for some rings.”
“You’ve come to the right place, Matt. I have a great selection and give you a great price. Nothing is too good for Miss Lucille.” I had to agree. He led Lucy to the rear of the store and had her sit at the counter. Max curled up at her side, but anyone who thought he wasn’t alert and on the job was in for a big, ugly surprise.
Thomas began by measuring Lucy’s finger. He tried three different sizes, asking Lucy if it was comfortable or too tight or loose. Satisfied, he opened the giant safe and removed three trays of diamond solitaire rings. “I have more with bigger stones, but I know that Miss Lucille doesn’t like to flaunt her wealth, so she doesn’t like to wear big, flashy jewelry.”
“You know me too well, Thomas,” Lucy commented. “I’d like something special and elegant but not gaudy.” He nodded as he set the trays in front of us.
“First, you’ll want to decide what type of stone you want—round, square, marquise cut? Do you want a ring with baguettes or just a solitaire? Once we have that, we can look at the size and quality of the stone.”
Lucy looked at more than a dozen rings before going back to three. Thomas laid them on a velvet pad and then looked at each with his loupe. “I won’t sell you this one, Miss Lucille. It’s only an average stone. There are a lot of occlusions in it.” I knew nothing about jewelry or diamonds, so I took his word for it. He replaced the one Lucy had chosen with a similar ring, which he said was much better. She eventually decided on a two-carat round stone with two baguettes on each side, totaling another half-carat. The ring was platinum, which I knew was heavier and more robust than gold.
A platinum engagement ring also meant platinum wedding bands so they would match. Lucy selected simple bands after consulting me. I just told her to pick whatever she wanted. She gave me a look and shook her head, but then she kissed me and had me try on several rings, but I wasn’t much help. They all looked good to me. Thomas totaled the cost of the engagement ring and wedding bands at $13,679 plus tax. “Of course, I’ll give you the usual family discount of fifteen percent. With tax, I paid just over $11,000. All I cared about was that Lucy loved her ring.
I drove us to a restaurant that Lucy had suggested. “Do you own this one, too,” I kidded her.”
“No, we don’t own everything, silly. I like the food here. Wait until you see the salads. They’re great.” As usual, Lucy was right. The salads were great, as were the ribs and barbequed beans. Lucy gave me a mock cringe when I told her that beans always made me fart. “Then you’d better give me some,” she kidded. I asked myself what I had ever done to deserve the love of such a woman. We kept some of the scraps of meat and potato to add to Max’s meal.
Lucy fed Max while I moved my guns into the living room and checked the doors for the night. Once I had put Max out, we’d be all set. She met me in the shower, pressing her naked body into mine. I was fully erect as soon as I walked into the bathroom and so hard that it ached once we were under the hot water. “Do me, Matt. Take me right here in the shower. I wouldn’t want you more than I want you right now.”
I took Lucy at her word and lifted her quickly, pinning her body against the rear shower wall. I moved her legs up and over my shoulders while she guided me into her slit and, finally, deep into her womanly core. The shower was small, but still, I pushed my right foot against the opposite wall so I wouldn’t drop the most precious thing in my life.
I drove into her slowly, letting the tension between us grow bit by bit until we were rutting like wild beasts. When Lucy finally came, she screamed into the night, and, much to my surprise, she squirted several times, bathing my abdomen and thighs in her aromatic nectar. I hadn’t cum, but I didn’t care even a little. I’d had more and much better sex during my two weeks with Lucy than I’d had in the past two years.
I realized that I had to be extremely careful with her now. She was out of it—completely and unable to coordinate her movements. I doubted that she could even stand. I slowly lowered her legs to the floor and held her while they slowly buckled under her weight. I quickly rinsed my body and carried my love out. Seated securely on the toilet, I carefully dried her hair, head, and body with my right hand while I supported her with my left. I wiped myself with the towel and carried Lucy again, this time to the bed. She snuggled up to me as soon as I was on my back. I wrapped my arms around her slender body and was almost asleep when Max nudged my hand. I tousled the fur on his head for a minute, then sent him back to the foot of the bed. I was asleep before he had laid down.
I woke early, as always, to find Lucy smiling and looking down at me. “Good morning, my love. Mind telling me what you did to me last night? I just remember Cumming something fierce, and then I woke up here on top of you.” She moved down for a quick kiss, then continued with a giggle. “Not that I’m complaining, mind you,” she said with a winning smile.
“Well, you did miss a few things. You did have a fierce orgasm, and you must have squirted about a gallon onto my abdomen and thighs. I think you squirted three or four times, each heavier than before. Good thing we were in the shower, or we might have been forced to sleep on the floor. You also passed out in the shower, so I dried you off, gave myself a few quick wipes, and carried you into bed. Even unconscious, you snuggled up close to me. That’s about it.”
“Wow! I can’t remember ever squirting before you, and you said it was a lot?” I laughed, nodded, and pulled Lucy back for another sweet kiss. We rose and showered. Lucy put Max out, and I shaved. Once we had dressed, I took Lucy out for breakfast. We went to the little coffee shop where I’d seen Haynes and his partner. What a surprise—he was again in uniform at the counter and eating a humongous breakfast—an omelet with what looked like a couple of side orders of bacon and breakfast sausage. Lucy and I sat in a booth behind him, with Lucy and me facing his back and Max opposite. I wanted to see if he paid his check this time. I was in uniform because of something I had to do today.
Lucy and I ordered and then sipped coffee while remaining almost silent so I could hear what Haynes was saying to those around him. “So I heard from my old man that they got this new guy to be chief, and he thinks he’s going to reform me—make me run and lose weight. Well, he’s got a lot to learn. I’ll crush that little piss ant like a roach. Then I’ll send him back where he came from. Who the fuck does he think he is?”
I slid out of the booth and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned with a look of disdain. “First of all, I’d love for you to take a poke at me. If there’s any crushing to do, I’ll be the one to do it. Second, how you speak when you’re out of uniform is your business, but using profanity while in uniform will get you a suspension, at least. I warned your father that you needed to lose weight and shape up, but the rest is up to you. Maybe you don’t want to be a police officer after all.” I was about to return to the booth when I continued, “You can apologize now to everyone present for your profanity, but especially to my fiancée. And I strongly suggest you do a much better cleaning and pressing your uniform. You look like a slob.”
He swung around on his stool as if to attack me. I held my ID to see if he thought the uniform was a fake. “I’d love for you to try to hit me. Even a dope like you should know that striking a federal marshal is a Class A felony, punishable by not less than ten nor more than twenty years, so make your choice.” He turned a deep shade of red and started out the door. He stopped when I grabbed his arm, glowering at me until I said, “I believe you forgot to pay for your breakfast. Put a twenty on the counter. That ought to do it.” He pulled the bill from his wallet and threw it onto the floor, and then he stomped his fat, sloppy body out the door. I was surprised when the other patrons and the wait staff applauded.
I was back in the booth with Lucy and Max when a man in a white outfit and apron approached. After saying hello to “Miss Lucille,” he introduced himself to me. “I’m Nick Petrose, Mr. Cahill. I’m the owner here. Thanks for speaking up. It’s the first time I’ve ever gotten a penny from that bum. Unfortunately, I can’t throw him out because of his father’s influence.”
“Well, that might change soon. What I’d like you to do is keep a record of what he orders but doesn’t pay for. You can use one of the order sheets and a tape from the cash register stapled together. Have the waitress sign and date them. I believe I can make a good case for theft of services. That’s a misdemeanor for small amounts, but if it gets over a thousand dollars, it will be a felony. Just hold onto them until I ask. Can you do that?”
“I sure as hell can, Mr. Cahill. Many of us are thrilled that you’ll be chief of police here. Haynes and others have gotten away with too much for too long.” The conversation would have continued had our breakfast not been delivered a moment later. We attacked our omelets—bacon and cheese for me and a western for Lucy, complete with three pancakes each.
To be continued
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