The Sun

No question, the Sun is my best friend.
Nourishing my hungry essence.
In my dreams, full of ghoulish dead ends,
I always reach out to your fluorescence.

You witness my entire sinful shame.
You burn all the dirt that's within me;
Your sphere's observed all human games;
your ages of wisdom; please, forgive me.

Vedic hymns containing the Word
glorify Surya's golden spinning flame.
Angelic wings are framing him; guards;
My medulla conducts its starry fame.

selfless, humble and masculine,
Our Sun is meditating for Aeons;
and I know, he's destined to win,
for he is the Michael of freedom.

In accordance with the Will of God,
Our Star is helping the Law's restoration.
It is a joy to feel its rays through Yesod
and rejoice humanity's salvation....

Thank you, dear Sun, for shining.
The moon reflects you merrily as well.
Each night, I run, waiting and hiding,
in the dreamscape you save me from hell.

When will the sunrise commence?
Is it over, the darkest hour?
The golden dawn is my defense.
I always need you ... like a flower.
Written by AaronBraveHeart (Boyana Popova)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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