Image for the poem The Emancipation Of A Hebrew King

The Emancipation Of A Hebrew King

I am the Surveyor of this foreign land                
Now inhabitants by the Native, European, and Moorish man                
I relate progress before the arrival of our King, then Queen                
Terrestrial Advisor, to decipher the constitution of your civil laws for what they may seem                
Shifting my presence to the Council of the greater good                
Politics, Religion and Sex, amendments, revised articles, still your humanity is misguided in dual directions, and both are highly misunderstood                
Unto the voice to change it, enjoy, or ask to forgive for it                  
Troubled voices with confused minds laid on couches, trying to find the hindsight of life and a path to find self-love
If it is not in you naturally, then pray of its liberation given from above                      
Scorpio mentalities stings veiled in words                      
Our Yoruba Goddess she roams, it is she, who tells the secrets to this Hummingbird                      
I deeply embed the tip of my sword in your radioactive soil and close my eyes                
Your humanity flashes in centuries’ spans, from the Elite to the lowly man who cries out in redemption before he dies                
Humanity poisons the fetuses', while still in the womb                  
Once delivered, and weaned off the colostrum nutrients from a Queen, toxic lead food that is surely to steal the morality only to rest in an early tomb              
The generation with the mark of the beast grasp in their hand                      
Nano 5G speed wired across nations                
Acceptable gamma rays to the brain, scrambling those natural sensations                
Erected cell phone towers to reach humanity as virgin minds lay, walk, or stand                      
Idle hands invested in a feeble mind, the potential to do self-demise cannot spiritually nurture the sovereign or his land                      
The wonder of divinity was not to be in the Creator’s favor in such biblical times                
Lift is a beautiful gift to the self, with rewards of beauty wisdom, knowledge, spiritual enhancements, but you mortals are so in haste to zombify your minds                
Unbalancing the third eye, the path of the Charka's enlightenment                
Awareness and spiritual realms unknown an elevation to divine                            
Is our doctrine in the honesty of our marrow, wallowing in the sacred waters of peace                  
Devoid of asunder to seek the destruction that makes hearts bleed, bring nations to their knees                
The tip of my spear piercing poachers from the hunt of the innocent prey                
What roams the earth in peace, should always be able and allow to run and play                
Why in the kindness of words, minds recite fables of who we truly are                
In silence and the strife of disparity, hate, and racism whispered back, if only we look back and see we’ve come so far                
Of our creed, we do as we must, as we can                
Why does your society not accept the offering by the sweat of mankind’s brow, we are here once again to come and understand                      
We are capable of leading nations, our Confederation of Lords, Kings, Warriors, Earthbound under our own command      

“Assalam Alaikum”
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
In Celebration Of Juneteenth (06-19-24)

Love and Hugs, always
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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