the Russians are coming

The Russians are coming again

In Northern Norway, not far from Russia
the people have lived without worry
but the war hysteria is also washing up
on the rugged shores.
There is talk about closing harbors for
Russian fishing vessels, in case they spy
or do unlawful things
Let us be clear, Russia is not about to
invade, but we live in a time of relentless
propaganda when even sensible 
are unsure.
The war hysteria is Russia's insistence of
not having NATO in Ukraine, this request
is perfectly normal, like that of the USA 
which does not permit a foreign  power
have bases near her borders and as we can
see on a map, the border between them is
long, yet not far from Moscow
This case could easily be resolved, but
the chance of hurting Russia and possibly
alter her leadership, was too much to miss
So Russia invaded to secure her border
like the USA would have done and has
in a similar situation.
A wind of war fever hastens over Europe
must be controlled, before feverish
warmongers haul us into a new war
Written by oskar
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