Image for the poem The Days

The Days

The days are slowly, or are they quickly, escaping us.
Yet another one arrives upon yesterday's dust.
Like our naive belief another day will forever be.
Never a doubt a tomorrow existed for me.
One day it won't.
And our troubles continue to agonize
behind  a smile draped with truth dipped lies.
And through the air a yelping cry
and a piercing whistle.
Caught between the breeze's orgasmic tremble.
The day resembles a dire nostalgic peak.
Nature's pertinent peaceful chatter speaks.
Bestowing an urgent message.
Abandon expectation's eye.
Live before you die.
For the days are escaping you and I.
Written by deliabear (Debbie)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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