Image for the poem Upon the Thistles Of Adam’s Sacred Head

Upon the Thistles Of Adam’s Sacred Head

Archangel Michael the time of spiritual evolution has come for you to reveal who I am and what contributions I added unto Heaven
Divine relics within my heart, encased by the number, eleven    
In the year of killing fields, blood will pour as never before    
Expert implanted technology and manmade wars    
Most will be asking what lies beyond the stars    
Only the spirituality of your minds gets you past Mars    
The battle was to denounce malevolent out the third Heaven into the abyss  
Upon the scrolls laminated by the Supremes High’s wish    
Reopen your eyes, cries will pierce thy ears    
Food shortage, no medication quells, deprivation ruled and manmade your fears    
Your government has controlled your fingers, your intellect gigabyted, to move even slow    
Behind a vial of the words, hearts concealed behind a glass, spews the lyrics of lust, love, sloth, we daily sow
And our national integrated intelligence, has made hate feaster at the fingertips even faster,  
to go with the flow    
In The Beginning    
Let the truth be known from the scrolls of Heaven    
Not written by the begotten hands of time, centuries wagging of false myths twenty-four seven    
I was molded from the same clay to follow the ordainment bestowed by divinity's first man    
Blessed over from the nostrils of the Creator, as to be subservient, obedient to the superior of his command,  
By the natural laws of spiritual govern where the man’s loins rule where he stands    
One voice, we were to be two hearts    
Conjoined by the mind, body, from the sunrise in the Garden of Eden until midnight as the stars blanket the skies after dark    
My pulsate quickens when the first man came unto me    
I was chosen by the Creator unto my King to roam Heaven to share the air with the birds, the water with the schools of fish, and Earth, to see the pollination of the bees    
Divinity in the food we had partaken to the lips as we ate    
Love touches to our virginal skin, lust concealed in his eyes, soft caresses in our whispers, the moments brewing in the winding of our unsuspected fate         
Mm... our yesses, and our moans became more ardent, under the tree of knowledge our promises resonated, were we the only two listening to the desires wishes, my love    
Our union in paradise we wanted, needed, unto the blending of yearns, generations disunite if there ever was    
We're not our actions of craving beyond the benediction of forbidden passion    
In the moments of coveting the stirring of the first man’s elongation and in act of my femininity discretion, has it caused all this celestial chaos upon humanity, our destines becomes its reaping lashes  
Is it not sacredly ordained from above    
The first man turned his back, and I stood alone under that tree, a voice of soothing reason    
Do Thy Will come with many seasons, only one choice leads to divine treason    
I glanced down, it looked like a brown long branch springing forth, and I touched to test its firmness, to see if the hanging pairs was ripe, they were so, temptation as I was forbidded not to    
I was curious my first man, to taste of this strange force of nature forbidden pleasure, of its hard spiritual food    
I lay open unto my womb and the Archangel came unto me    
My first man I introduced him into the wiles of the sensations of feeling rapture of my new rose-colored world    
I danced for him, I held the fixation of his eyes, as I twirled    
My kisses to his willing lips I unfurled    
The first man of the creation of the time    
Sunk deep into the offering of my creamy centered fruit and his lips tasted mine    
To those forbidden emotions so sweet, so tender    
His body, uncontrollably, as he totally surrendered    
We realized we felt the ecstasy in the sensation in the making of two nations    
Our eyes were now earthly opened    
We heard a thundering voice, shamefulness as it has spoken    
His endowment looked mighty good to my eyes    
My Nubian curvaceous form caused his nature to rise    
The first man pulled me close and captured the sweetness of my lips, our souls became entwined    
I kissed over his body    
Unto his rib, he became mine    
I gave her the power over my kingdom as she uni-lateral my throne, as times slowly rewinds    
My Angel    
My helpmeet, the beholder of my universal, upon vast lands
The woman who walks a thousand chameleons as the Eve unto herself she stands
Queen, Angel, Warrior, Seer, as the beginning of time, her place at my side, our Genesis’ fate sealed, unto the soil, our Exodus’ destiny has been dealt    
Always keep the soul cleansed for everyone to come in passing to accept    
Archangel Michael  
We will protect our Heavens at all cost    
You fight with weapons, how do you fight machines, and what would be the lost    
From the invasion as Hell breaks out on Earth    
Spiritual beings are here to combat in the evolution of rebirth    
Everything goes back to beginning of time from life to death    
This dimension is the gift of your wealth

Author's Note
Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the zodiac, spanning from January 20th to February 18th.
Aquarians are known for their unique and eccentric nature. They value independence, humanitarian ideals, and believe in the power of change and evolution.
The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus, and their spirit color is sky blue. They are often passionate about making the world a better place.

In the Tarot, the eleventh card is Justice, which symbolizes balance between the spiritual and material world.
Justice represents fairness, morality, and karmic justice. When upright, it signifies balance; when reversed, it indicates a lack of balance and injustice. (cited 06-13-24-SKC).

Love and Hugs, always
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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