noon every day

Noon every day

When the clock on the wall made to look old
but was made of some plasticky stuff
struck noon, which it does every day despite
made in China, fell on the kitchen floor
but kept on ticking.
As the sky sank slowly towards earth, a dog
barked to test, the silence, but overwhelmed 
it yawned, curled up, and fell asleep
Once again, the sky tried to merge with earth
in an attempt to rekindle their romance
This time, it worked steam, rose from lakes 
the ocean deep blue, when not turning pink
Those not willing to accept the new order
in their tiny nation, tending to mules and
stubbornly refused to be a part of New Noon's
edict was nuked by those who called this
heinous act, an exercise in self-defense 

Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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