Image for the poem Memorialized Unto The Soft Winds (COTS)

Memorialized Unto The Soft Winds (COTS)

Missing children, organs gone, and horrific experiments to assess how life is prolonged      
Bought and sold for that feeling, does not the civilization see what’s going on                        
The Children Of The Sun have returned to question the validation of the Human race, it does not matter the color of skin we all come from one mother, Earth                      
On a bed of soil, inhale, exhale. eternal rest laminating in dirt, no material gains to showcase a life’s worth        
The gospel and why it is told in such underseeing taste                      
And why wings of wise owls no one wants to believe what is now preached of its dying faith                      
We are the words, we have seen the way, the truth, and the narrow path, you have seen the universal's wraith                                    
The discovery of your technology has warped minds                      
Now you do not know what is authentic or who is of the Third Kind                      
Drones, sacrificed clones, governmental brainwashing in assigned time zones                        
Words to tell you how to think, love, breathe                            
Everyone created with unparalleled sets of genetic codes that makes you unique to be understood, easy to believe            
You are on earth to see, explore, all your life expectancy just to be                            
Spoken acclamation of self, and the doer of actions is all the eyes of this world will ever come to see                                            
I have seen incapacitated bodies decaying in the summer’s wind                      
The blueprint when money will no longer matter, hold out your hand, the hidden pentagram barcode will be your collateral when you spend                            
Taking final breaths of rites in winters of discontent                                   
Autumn rising of the spirit to divinity’s final call                            
Springing back in rebirth tears of remembrance in silence still continuing to fall                          
Daily stages we surrender to contemplate this vast wonder of being here                            
Have faith, courage, be kind and in death, hath no fear                            
Is your meaning of a higher conscious of perceptions galloping in loathe                      
Who here can stand and actually boast                      
We are born naked, yet, we die clothed, what a ritual and to our ancestral, in vain it is a joke                       
Love unto the wind you do unmercifully toss                            
Is it ever enough to bear the consequences, the Karma, the Burdens of your heavy Cross                              
Without oaths, promises, to the universe we solemnly lend                            
Hushed minds in the reminiscence of lost time, lost love, lost lives, words to forgive never to hear to mend                                                
And in the blink of an eye, an obituary cannot tell if the traveling soul has truly lived in vain, did the heart allot, gave all it could give                          
So much theology to the masses to sort the maze only to be confused by the truth                          
Wake up to a new day, bless your steps as you roam                            
Within that concept, your presence will never be considered a ruse          
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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