Image for the poem Poetic Response

Poetic Response

This is a poetic response to Poeticdelight's Poem (Because)

And I would like to say, the opinion and expressions fall solely on the author.

First of all, I would like to say, I do hope everyone's day has been pleasant and may it continue to do so.

I would like to open up my response to explain the word bullying there are three kinds that as a counselor if I am treating someone who have PTSD from being bullied as a child and it has remained throughout their adulthood where the mentality has regressed into daily trauma, which may or may not affect them as being a parent then, where it renders me to decipher, if indeed they were the aggressor or the victim, and surprisingly so, there are times when they interconnect.

Do ever cry for me Argentina, I am confident in my stride and comforting in my stance with a beautiful variation of my rich heritage.

For the ones who is not strong enough to stand in your own limelight, may these words of empowerment give you enlightenment to better understand yourself and the world around you and at times is systematic cruelty.  

What the poet did not incorporate, is everyone is bullied, you mentioned races, yet you did not include lifestyle choices, transgenders, bi-sexual, the LGBT community. I hate to admit, but let's be honest, which I will, that segmental populations are just as bigot in the vague notions of their views as well, yet, as humans who thrive in society, we must accept their choices, pamper their feelings with a kid's glove, excuse the pun.

As an observant, if you dish it out in discord, your thoughts are marginalized in disunity then you should be able to take it in return, and that is how others in this society feel, I will be the first to admit it openly.

This brings me to the focal point of this essay, love yourself first, if so, then you will not have time to become obsessed with someone else’s lifestyle, more so, looking from the outside in.

Let’s differ before we move on to the three nuisances when it pertains to bullying.

Verbal bullying: This includes saying or writing mean things, such as teasing, name-calling, and inappropriate sexual comments, taunting, and threatening to cause harm.

Social bullying
(also known as relational bullying): It involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Examples include leaving someone out on purpose, telling other children not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors, and embarrassing someone in public.

Physical bullying: This type of bullying hurts a person’s body or possessions. It includes actions like hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, tripping, pushing, taking or breaking someone’s things, and making mean or rude hand gestures.
Cited (05-22-24-SKC).

My philosophy stand as is, if it takes you that much negative energy to bully someone using one of the above methods or be envious, jealous of anyone, then reverse that frequency and spend it on yourself, learning better coping mechanize skills to better yourself.

Persaonnly, I could really care how as a female views me from afar, no one walks in my Vera Wang stilettoes, pay my mortgage on my brownstone, fly me to any destination first class, place me in any hotel suite, of wear my Victoria Secrets panties, so have at it.

It does not make me any better, I am the best, it does not make me seek higher, I am elevated.

Therefore, when you loosely based your musing on one side of bullying, you need to balance it out, dig to the root of problem.

We are all born imperfect by some degree, it does not matter who you are, and I say that with respect rather it is physically or mentally.

What we must learn as humans is to balance out or own imperfections, and not covet what seems like perfection from others.

I never did quite understand the ideology of bullying, maybe in part born in the Dominican Republic, my father marrying my mother, moving her and us to France until her passing, then Haiti to live with my grann, I was homeschooled and to the world sheltered.

I never planted roots, I stood and blazed my own way into society with the advice of my beloved mother, bless her soul and my stern grann, one thing they both dotted on me which has gotten me here today, “Never look back, and Never Look Down”, and here today I stand with humble dignity, a beacon of my universal accomplishments and they will always echo my divine blessings, and no it has not all been easy, but perseverance has prevailed

African Americans are not the only race in society who have fallen under misrepresentation or as you say, bullying, you have the Mexicans and Naïve American.

For me, as being a Board Certified Therapist, I do not delve into her realm of bullying or give any credence to it in the least, that is a ‘you’ problem and I never give the sacredness of my energy where it becomes a ‘we’ problem.

I always come in peace, but I do not run from war.

If you have that much envious, jealousy, festering in your sickness and twisted brain, to judge someone by the color of skin, then why should that person ever sink down to the mentality of that person's mindset, it makes no sense to me.

In addition, looks are deceiving the mind speaks the parable of the heart.

I listen too so many people from all walks of life, non-believers, criminally insane, who wished they could find that spark to place them back on the road to recovery, where the mind is quiet, and the chaos is not an audible catalyst that defines or overtakes those two gifted brain hemispheres.

The right hemisphere is linked to creativity, intuition, and holistic thinking.
The left hemisphere is associated with logic, analytical thinking, and language processing.

Therefore, I will advise anyone, do not ever fall victim to someone else's chemical unbalanced debauchery, I do not, if so, then you will be fighting against the odds of your own private hell, I say that in lieu of, you looking for self-acceptance, self-love (you are born with it, use it or give someone else the power to abuse it).

I thought I would offer my worth into such a problem that has permeated society, and it is heart wrenching to see any child that has fallen victim to social bullying, when their intellect is still trying to grasp being a teenager and all the peer pressure it brings.

In addition, any adult who takes the time to social bully, I will have to say, 'grow up', what, it is my truth, women by nature, we are nurturers, if you do not want to hear your own kids, or grandchildren are victims of being bullied how can you, call you self a parent as use a social site to display such anger, hatred, that makes a pitiful excuse of a woman.

We all have good days and bad days, but under no circumstances should anyone reach across the great divine and malicious attack anyone. No one knows what the person is going through or have been through. If you have nothing good to say, write, remain quiet, and keep your pen silent.

Show the world your worth, tell us your testimonies, give honor to your footsteps you have taken, will be taking.

Look at all the subject matters the mind can adhere too, but it starts with self-love first, always.

Take care of yourself and always look for the best in others, we all learn from one another... therefore, tell me your story, I’m always listening.

Love and Hugs to the universe and to you, always,
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
I thought I would give my honest opinion, with sincerity and mental clarity.

All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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