Love is Insane.

To feel arms that want to hold you.
To be kissed and feel it.
To be missed and appreciated.
To be smiled at in that secret way
It’s you and me against the world.
To adore a face and a voice as they say your name and you can uncannily hear it miles away.
To think about them and wonder if, they are thinking about you at the same time and be consumed.
To watch the clock tick tock until the end of the day no more work with them it’s just play.

These little things all encompass the characteristics of love.
How euphoric it is to find someone who makes you happy and you them.
The seven reasons why a loving relationship benefits you.
To live longer , heal quicker. have lower blood pressure, bolster your immune system be more physically fit. Enjoy good heart health and feel less pain.

Love truly is insane how can you try to explain an entity that has a name but has no logical reasoning. I think it’s a phenomenal mysterious. creator that money can’t buy it’s a people taker. Two at a time by surprise sooner or later.
Written by Maple666
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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