One More Night

I drink deeply of the silence
Of starry late winter skies
My old friend Orion marches in step
With Gemini and his companions;
A new moon hides behind the dark veil,
leaving distant suns sparkling with rare brilliance.
A teenager I once knew
Yearned painfully to reach those stars;
Eighteen to eighty serves up
A disheartening dose of reality
Year by year, day by day,
Moment by soul-crushing moment.
Yet dreams dead and buried
Slowly but surely give way
To clarity that cuts through the noise
Of dizzying, delusionary existence,
Shining a light on little joys and pleasures
More real than the child's fantastical cosmic journeys.
Today and tomorrow hold challenge enough
I leave the adventure to Orion's sword
To others more bold, more deserving of the crowd's acclaim,
Slightly less accustomed to banality and routine;
I sip my wine and sigh
And drink deeply of one more precious night.
Written by Tallquietguy
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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