Fire breather

How did I let it consume me so easily,
draped in the comfort of these
hallowed and safe spaces
“Get too comfortable, and you might get burned”
Is not the way I want to be
when the only thing we get at the end
is missing each other’s faces

I don’t want to set fire to our bed
when the dragon’s feeling restless,
I’m just asking for a sword to get
plunged through my chest
Ringing alarms and causing
all the lights to switch to red
And I was blinded by rage,
while you were just trying to rest your head

I don’t want to set ablaze the place
that’s meant to be a shelter
And I don’t want you looking at me
like I’m some kind of monster
All the hurt is burning, flickering,
and reflects in your distant eyes
And being a fire breather isn’t worth razing
what we’ve fought to keep alive

- MgAl
Written by MgAl
Author's Note
I’m a largely laid back person who doesn’t necessarily go looking for conflict, and I try to keep my anger at a low, because when I do let it loose, my temper is not great. Unfortunately, last night, I let my anger out after having a pretty rough week, and took it out (verbally) on my boyfriend, which I regret immensely. And though we’ve talked it through, the air of post-anger tension is still in the air. I have to remember that even though I am in a safe space with him, it’s not justification to let all my unbridled, unfiltered, and misdirected anger fly about all over the place and let him get in the crossfire.
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