The Little Guy And His Jinnie Chapter 20

The Little Guy And His Jinnie
Chapter 20

Jake wiped Sheeka's neck and faced down again with the awful-smelling salve that Trully had left him. Jake was trying his best not to gag from the almost shit-like odor of the salve. Shrugging his shoulders, he just kept at it; he still hadn't decided what he would do about her.

She'd risked her life saving him; this didn't call for something as piddling as a reward. Sheeka stirred a few moments later. Though she had no pain, he knew she was uncomfortable. Looking at Jake, she smiled briefly and said, "I am sorry, Master Jake. Thank you for restoring my healing power; I don't feel weak and powerless now. I will try to get up and start to work again."

Jake's face held a horrified look; gently, he kept her from trying to rise. "No, Sheeka, I want you to rest; I have gone over most of what you did. Except for a very few towards the end, I could see that you did not want to destroy or kill. I wish you had told me the truth. Was all this for your sister? Were you truly trying to save her only?"

Sheeka could only stare at Jake. He knew? In a low, almost whispering voice, Sheeka replied, "Yes, Master Jake, all was for my sister; my sister and I fought for the council. In the last battle, the fighting had been fierce. Almost all of the last legions of bad Jinns had been defeated. It was finally down to a handful; my sister and I were advancing upon their position when she was caught in a blast from the leader. Being distracted, Rasmir and the rest of the council started to move in and destroy the last of them; when the leader tried to flee, my sister, badly injured, threw a final blast at the leader, distracting him again. Enraged, he hit her with all he had; I could only watch as she vanished in the onslaught of his power."

Sheeka's throat was starting to hurt as I gave her a drink. I told her to rest, but she shook her head no. "I have to continue. I have to let you know why. The leader had destroyed my sister and was advancing on me when several blasts hit the leader. Screaming, he turned as several more hit him; knowing that he could easily destroy me, I also fired at him. Within moments, he was nothing more than a pile of ash. All but two died that day, Tankena and another."

Finally, Jake made Sheeka stop, "Your throat still isn't that healed; rest now, and you can continue the story later."

Nodding her head, Jake noticed that there were tears, what few she could shed, and an authentic look of gratitude in her eyes. Sighing, Jake knew he would have to decide soon; once she was better, he'd call the council. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was getting close to the time that he'd said to Faith Woman yesterday that he'd be over today, damn it, but he didn't want to leave Sheeka alone. Rubbing the bottle, Jake thought of the doctor; of course, Truly appeared instead; it was evident that she still had him, a prisoner. When Jake asked her to look after Sheeka, she happily agreed.

Walking outside, he saw that his girls, as he now called them, had done another fixing up of his truck. God, he loved this little truck almost as much as his Jinns. Climbing in, Jake smiled as he could feel all three of his Jinns close by; after yesterday, Rashala would hardly let him out of her sight. Driving to the same address he'd been at yesterday, Jake turned into the long driveway.

Nuha and Fatin were waiting at the front door when Jake arrived. The jet-haired beauty's dark eyes were flashing. She was more excited than she thought she would be. Her entire body was tingling, especially between her legs. Nuha flipped her long brown colored hair from her face as she watched Jake approach that mechanical beast of his. Suddenly, she, too, was starting to feel an almost overpowering attraction to the man who was coming closer.

Jake stopped in front of the women. As he studied them both, he found that they were far more attractive than he thought they would be. "I'm Jake Freemon. I believe we have an appointment. Hello again, Faith. I hope yesterday was okay."

Fatin's eyes were wide. Ok, did this sex machine not know just what he had done to her yesterday? Though at the moment, all she could think of was getting him naked and as deep as she could get him. Nuha was amazed the amount of sexuality that was pouring off this man was starting even to affect her! Looking at the man made it three times as bad, and look, she was, by the great Jinn, her pussy was starting to leak. Drawing a ragged breath, she tried to regain control of her emotions and body. As the two women led Jake into the house, Abla watched, becoming jealous. The fact that her pussy was almost on fire didn't help the situation at all.

In the bedroom, Jake turned back to the women only to find that they were both already naked and rapidly advancing upon him. Growling, Nuha advised him, "You have very little time to get unclothed before we rip the clothes from your body." Jake's eyes were wide in surprise when Fatin growled, panting and staring at his crotch. Quickly undressing, Jake was pushed rapidly back onto the bed as Nuha climbed up his body and drove her sopping wet hole down his cock. Screaming out in pure lust, Nuha started to pound herself upon his erection.

Once again, Jake found that he'd been surprised. This new woman was far more aggressive than the other, but Christ, she was the tightest he had other than Gen. As the woman started to pick up speed, Jake reached up and grasped both of her breasts, the contact causing Nuha to orgasm immediately. Panting, feeling she had to regain control, she tried to slow or stop, but nothing she did worked. All she could think about was having the man buried deep within her and feeling his hot seed filling her. Finally, after her third orgasm, the woman slowed a bit, and Jake took over and rolled them both as he started to plunge into her as hard and fast as he could. Nuha was beside herself. What was this man?

Nuha felt her fourth orgasm building, which in itself was amazing, but it was when she felt his cock start to swell that she knew he was about to fill her. With as deep a push as he could, Jake roared, feeling his cum begin to pump out in a damn near-continuous stream. Nuha's eyes grew wide as she felt his hot seed fill her, and her fourth orgasm started to overcome her.

‘I have never felt this before’ was her last clear thought as her orgasm peaked, and then the world went dark.

Three or four hours later, Nuha awoke with a start; her whole body was tingling. She was shocked; she felt too good to move. Shaking her head, she looked over at Fatin. She, too, had passed out. Shaking Fatin, her sister's eyes opened, and she stared at Nuha, "You see what I was talking about? I have never had a male Jinn or otherwise affect me like he did. Judging by the screams you were emitting, it was obvious that neither had you." Fatin said a broad smile on her face.

Nuha looked down; the man had cleaned her up and covered her; again, she shook her head.

This was going to take a hell of a lot of planning if even she lost control when he was near.

Alba appeared a moment later and shook her head, "You should have let me take care of him. I would not have lost control, dear sister." Nuha smiled. She thought we'd see about that; she'd have to set up another meeting with the man for Abla.

And they'd see if Abla could withstand the sexual power that this male possessed. Smiling, she again tried to get out of bed but found her too comfortable.

Abla leaned over them, laughing, "You both are so weak-willed, sister. Let me have this male alone; I will kill him for you. After I have, we will be safe from the power of men! They are so disgusting, sister. I don't know how you could have submitted to him!"

"Enough, Abla, you will have your chance soon; we will have to wait, though I am afraid this Master Jake may become suspicious," Nuha told her sister. "You'll have your chance soon enough; this male has an extraordinary amount of sexual energy around him, Abla, lest you become entangled in it," Nuha told the Golden-haired, blue-eyed beauty.

"Fear not, sister, when I am through with him, he will beg me to kill him, though I am ashamed that I missed him last night. I did manage to hit that traitorous bitch of a Jinn Sheeka; she had no power, she was pathetic, and with any luck, she is dead and suffered for many hours from the hellfire I used." Abla told them.

Nuha's eyes went wide, "Abla! You know that you can't use that often! It will be a week before your power is full again! That was dangerous and foolish, Abla." Abla's head was bent low.

"I am sorry, sister. I was so close, I knew I wouldn't miss, but that bitch Sheeka pushed him out of the way. I know you told us not to use the ancient magic, but I had to if I was going to kill him. He has three layers of magical protection around him; I was afraid that had I not used it, I would have been discovered and possibly captured." Abla held her head still bent, fearing her sister would punish her.

"No, dear sister, I am not angry, but we have to be much more careful with this one; the sex Jinns aren't as much of a worry as the warrior Jinn. I have seen Rashala at work; she is no weak, worthless Jinn. She is far smarter than you think; I suggest we plan for her just in case."

Nuha told both of them as they gathered close, and she detailed what they needed to do.

As Jake drove home, he was worried. It seemed that every woman he had sex with now ended up passing out. He'd thought on this for a few days and knew he had to talk to Gen about it before he went to bed with another woman. Jake was afraid that he was putting a strain on the women and might kill one before too long. It also seemed that whatever there was about him was starting to grow stronger. It seemed all a woman needed to do was look at him and was almost immediately panting, drooling, or both! Not the most desirable of visions in his mind.

Arriving at his house, he immediately checked on Sheeka; Trully was still watching over her. Jake motioned her to him so they could speak out of Sheeka's hearing. "Truly, is she doing better? She talked to me earlier, but I felt it strained her throat."

" Master Jake, it helped her voice and throat to heal faster. You have to remember, Master Jake, that we Jinns are completely different from you humans; therefore, we heal in far different ways. I would say that Sheeka is about 65% healed right now," Truly told Jake. She was thankful that talking about a patient kept her thoughts and body from reacting as strongly to Jake as they usually did. The problem was that the second she stopped, she started to have an overpowering urge to literally throw Jake on the bed, rip both of their clothes off, and take him as long as her body would last; plus, the more she thought about it, the harder it got to resist.

Jake looked at Trully and backed up a bit as he could see her starting to pant and rub between her legs. Shit! Jake thought if I didn't know better, she would attack me if I didn't back up from her. For a moment, Trully's lust started to wane as Jake backed up. She almost had control back, but what little she had was beginning to fail. She lowered her head and whispered, "Master Jake, I am sorry, but I... I can't resist!"

With that, she took both of them off their feet, landing on the bed as she started to rip first Jake's and then her clothes off as fast as she could. Trully’s vagina was on fire. Her every thought was only of Jake grabbing his member. She drove her hips down 'til her ass was resting on his legs. Screaming, she started to pound Jake's member as fast as she could, but this wasn't doing her any good as the almost fever she was feeling was continuing to grow. Growling, she almost hissed at Jake, "Take me, Master Jake. It is growing uncontrollably, please!"

Rolling them both, Jake started to pound into Trully as hard as he could, her screams and grunts bringing his three Jinns. Gen's eyes widened, and then a huge smile spread across her face and Rosalinda's. Rashala was starting to pant, watching the scene before her, the heat rising between her legs. Ripping her clothes off, Rashala climbed on the bed and commenced to kiss Truly. Jake could only stare; the scene drove him crazy as the two females shared a deep, passionate kiss. Finally, Jake felt his release surging forward, filling Trully, who started to scream as her release washed over her. Kissing Jake, she whispered a thank you and closed her eyes.

Rashala helped Jake move Trully as gently as they could, and then she laid back and beckoned Jake to her. Kissing her, he began to go slowly down her body, paying particular attention to every spot he kissed. When Jake reached her woman's core, she was already wet and ready, but this time, Jake was going to pleasure her before he took her. Flicking his tongue gently across her clitoris, Rashala almost rose off the bed at the sensations. "Please, Master." Rashala almost whined, "Please take me, master. I need you so badly."

Rising, Jake moved up and kissed Rashala, then drove in as deep as he could; Rashala cried out into his mouth as Jake started to withdraw and then slowly re-entered her. Rashala's eyes grew wide as she sighed, then locked her legs around Jake’s waist. Pulling him into her faster, Jake took the hint and started to move more quickly, drawing more grunts and then sighing from her. Rashala felt so full finally; her master was hers forever as she was his; she'd never leave him NEVER. Then she screamed out in orgasm, and then she felt Jake emptying into her, causing her multiple orgasms. Looking into Jake's eyes, she dreamily said, "I love you, Master." Jake was surprised, his eyes wide, and he was about to speak when Rashala sighed and closed her eyes.

Jake moved off Rashala, covering her alongside Truly; looking at Rashala, he had to admit he was falling for her. Gen smiled, whispering, "I am so happy, Master, that you love her also; we all love you so much. Thank you." Jake just looked at her; she was thanking him. He hadn't done anything but had to admit his feelings for all three were growing.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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