Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 17

Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 17
Drivas and Thallus could only stare at each other after Sam said those words. Then, they both started to scan the ship and the surrounding space. Nothing, going back to Sam, they began to wonder if he was only dreaming.
They both looked at each other again. Sam didn't have random dreams. His mental powers were far too high to take anything he said lightly. Both females tried to lift Sam to a cot so he might be more comfortable. To their shock, they could not pick him up, and he didn't even budge an inch.
Drivas shook her head,

"Monitor him with every piece of equipment we have. We've come too far for something to happen to him now."
Thallus nodded as she started to monitor Sam. "It is hard to get much of a reading on Sam." She reported. "It also appears to be as Thantas stated. His body is going through some changes. As of yet, I can't tell exactly what though he is changing."
"I'm going through the database and looking up everything we have on the Clive Stone. So far, there seems to be only basic knowledge. It's almost as if all records of the race, the planet, and their abilities have been deleted." Drivas stated, her brow furrowed as she tried to understand an answer.
Thallus came over to look at what Drivas was seeing. "It appears that any information there was removed a long time ago; according to this, nothing has been added since the database was created. Strange," Thallus said, deep in thought. "Something as important as this should have been updated at least once a week."
A sudden beeping from the console drew both females to it. "Damn it! According to this, all scans of Sam are now being reflected." Both females looked at Sam, "What is going on in there?" Drivas asked, a worried look dominating her features.
Triot slowly walked toward the command center, taking far longer to get used to the new senses that he liked. Everywhere he looked, he saw energy in several different aspects. Shaking his head had helped momentarily, but it all came crashing back.
Triot had taken several readings, feeding them into the massive comps in the room. As of yet, they hadn't given any answers yet, though he knew they would soon. Perhaps even a new direction to go in.
Triot knew he had to go carefully; the Lord Doctor would make concise work of him if he found out. It was bad enough that he'd felt Triot when he woke up. Now, the Lord Doctor would be hovering not far away with the feeling of a new, more significant power.
Triot shook his head again. No, he had to keep this hidden as long as possible. There is the problem: the Lord Doctor would indeed detect more advances. Then again, Triot thought, why hadn't he been found out yet? Could he hide it that well?
A small smile crossed his lips, and he'd have to experiment with that. Soon, he would, for right now, he had to deal with the present problem.
Walking to a console, Triot started to type at an alarming speed. Finished, he stepped back, watching as the information began to flow faster and faster. Still smiling, he hoped the several thousand gigabytes he'd added would help the comps deduce a solution.
Waiting for almost half an hour, he was shocked when the comp finally spit out an answer. Looking at the readout, he lost his smile as his face dropped. According to the readout, Sam was an actual Clive Stone, though he seemed to have a few abilities that Triot didn't remember.
Cursing, Triot turned to input more data when his legs went weak. With an unceremonious shiver, he crumpled to the deck. This prompted more than a few personnel to try and assist him. They were all surprised when they could not even move, let alone lift him.
Triot was still trying to rise, though; it felt as if all the energy had been sucked from his body. Oddly enough, this weakness semi-protected him when the Lord Doctor appeared.
Triot! We don't have time for this weakness. Get up and go back to work. Triot stood shakily as the Lord Doctor nodded, then vanished.
Triot breathed a sigh of relief as he stumbled to a chair. He'd forgotten something. He had to get back to the experiment room quickly. Having several IP members wheel him to the room, he dismissed them. He then started several intense scans.
It was almost two hours later, he found an answer. His power had significantly increased faster than his body could keep up with. According to what he saw, he was lucky that he'd made it as far as he had.
Nodding, he took out several vials to consume before he lost consciousness. Hurriedly, he poured them down his throat as his vision was starting to blur. Fighting to stay aware, he began on the second set of vials, feeling the nutrients flow through his body.
Damn, he thought that was close. Without the protection of the room, they would have found him. That end wouldn't have been perfect at all.
Sam was having the most challenging time waking up. What in the hell? Why was he feeling as if there were millions of tons of weight on him? That was when he heard and saw a vision of two human-like people.
Sam was sitting on... whatever in the hell it was. Looking up, he noticed the male and female watching him. Sam's eyes went wide as he could almost recognize them. Damn it, it was right there, so close, yet he couldn't grasp it.
"I know you, the both of you, though, for my life, I can't seem to recall either of your names." A now shaky Sam stated.
The male nodded, seeming to be deep in thought. "You are just starting to access the repressed memories we stored in you. As we said before, it will take a little more time than all will be revealed. Know that you are our son. You are the first to make it to this point, finally."
The female then stepped forward with a slight smile on her face. "I have always been so proud of you, my son, though no more than I am now. Many thought it would never work when we started this so long ago. Your father and I always knew that it would. We hoped that you would emerge first. Now that you are, we have even more hope."
"Soon, son, you will face an almost impossible task we cannot help you with. When you awake, you will have the beginning of all that you need to survive and rebuild." The male told Sam.
Now even more confused than before, Sam looked back and forth between the two. "If I am this great rebuilder, how am I supposed to do that?"
Both images before him smiled, and then they reached to him, touching his forehead. "Remember," he heard the two of them almost whisper. "Remember, beware the Tetricons. They now no longer have a weapon against you. We made sure of that when we sent you to Earth."
Suddenly, there was a stabbing, blinding, painful amount of light all around and in Sam. Letting out a scream, Sam felt himself being propelled upward.
Drivas and Thallus immediately snapped their attention to the rapidly beeping consoles. Both then turned toward Sam as another scream came from his lips. Just as suddenly, his eyes snapped open as he lay there panting.
"What in the hell was all that?" He asked in a whisper. Looking around, he spotted two females on the other side of the room. For a moment, he could only stare at the tall blonde and the tall Auburn, colored hair females. They were also reasonably well-muscled.
Another thing was that they were staring at him, not attempting to help him. He felt his muscles start to twitch, then another stabbing pain in his head.
"He seems to be recovering rather quickly," the auburn-haired female stated.
The blonde looked at the console, nodding, "Yes, it appears so, though from the looks of things, he is disoriented somewhat."
Sam looked at the two females, wondering what they were talking about. Recovering? Disorientated? Just what in the hell were Drivas and Thallus talking about?
Both females watched as Sam's confused look suddenly turned to a wide-eyed look of understanding.
Looking at the blonde, he asked, "You're Drivas, Drivas Flot." He stated, to which she nodded slowly.
Turning toward the Auburn-colored-haired female, he stated, "And you are Thallus Wron." Which caused her to nod vigorously. "I know the both of you, though I am not sure how I do."
Thinking a moment, Drivas finally nodded as she asked, "Can you remember anything else?"
Sam slowly, very slowly, got to a sitting position. Looking at Drivas, he tried to think, which caused his head to ache more.
Barely shaking his head seemed to help a bit. "I remember," he paused as the pain started to ease. "The both of you helped me, though it goes against everything you know. I remember a powerful female; she seemed to be like me. I remember another female I helped and left somewhere like me. Then there... AH! Shit! My head is going to split open, too much, too damn much!"
Drivas wanted more than anything to help Sam, though she knew better. She had power, though compared to Sam, she was pretty weak. She felt so helpless as Sam rolled on the deck in obvious pain.
Reaching out, Drivas tried to contact Thantas, shocked when she couldn't even feel her presence. Thantas? Are you there? Sam is in a lot of pain, and there's nothing I can do to help him. Drivas's thoughts stated.
A moment later, a quick message came back. I cannot, either. We have a dangerous situation here. I'll contact you as soon as I can. Then Thantas was quiet again, nothing of her to be felt.
A dangerous situation? Drivas thought, what was going on now?
"My god! Do the two of you have to be so damn loud!?" Sam groaned out. After a few more moments, Sam took a deep breath and relaxed, the stressed look disappearing from his face.
Opening his eyes, he looked straight at Drivas, "Thank you for your concern. Though now? It won't be necessary. I know who and what I am. I also know who and what destroyed the Clive Stone world. The next few months aren't going to be very pretty. If the both of you want out, I can hide you 'til it is over."
Both the females were startled at Sam's sudden shift and the fantastic clarity he now possessed. They both shook their heads.
"We will be considered traitors soon anyway. It is better to die trying to free all of the cruel treatment that they have been receiving. No, I think I speak for them both when I say, we are with you." Drivas stated with Thallus nodding vigorously.
Sam nodded, then stated, "Alright, I just wanted to warn you. I need to continue where Thantas left off. It will be painful; I am sorry, though; I need the both of you higher if you are to survive."
"Are things that bad?" Drivas asked.
"Not yet, though, if what I feel from Triot is true? We now have a much stronger enemy that has joined the mix." Sam explained. "Plus, I still have Mellos Thymp out there hunting for me. Though she is no longer a threat to me."
Drivas and Thallus could only stare at Sam, "No longer a threat? She has always been a threat; how can this be?" Drivas asked.
A small smile crossed Sam's lips, "As I said, I know who AND what I am. I will have a far better understanding of what is happening. Also, I need to finish what Thantas started for both of you. I promise I will try to ensure there is as little pain as possible, though there will be some."
Thallus immediately walked to the small area she and Drivas had set aside. They had done this after the first time Thantas had worked on them.
Lying down, Thallus nodded. "I am ready, though I hope to recover faster this time."
"I also hope so; the downtime should be less each time now," Sam stated.
Looking in, Sam saw what Thantas had done. Thallus was almost half changed now, though neither realized it. The simple fact that they agreed to do anything to help put his mind at ease.
Taking a deep breath, Sam slowly changed more of the DNA and RNA inside Thallus. She wasn't at half yet, so the pain was still going to be severe. Damn it, here the pain was rapidly rising faster than he expected it to. Shutting down half her pain system wasn't going to help much, either.
Drivas watched as Sam struggled at first, but things finally went smoothly. Thallus suddenly let loose a high-pitched scream that resounded off the room's walls. Cringing, Drivas struggled to stay where she was. Hearing Thallus screaming went all the way through her.
Sam finally breathed a sigh of relief when Thallus passed the halfway mark. There was still a long way to go, though her body would need to fight the changes better now. He could also feel that Drivas was struggling to contain herself. This brought a small smile to his face. At fifty-five percent, he felt her body start to weaken. She needed at least four percent more; retaking a deep breath, he strengthened and made the changes. Finally, at fifty-nine percent, he was released.
Falling into a chair, Sam felt his energy rapidly rebuild. I should have waited a bit longer, he thought. He was amazed when he felt closer to normal only ten minutes later.
Looking at Thallus and then Drivas, he could see that their genome was now more like his own. He hoped that it would help more for whatever Thantas had in mind. He smirked slightly. Thallus was in for a big surprise when she awoke, as he was sure Drivas was.
Mellos awoke with a start. Had she been asleep again? What in the hell was wrong with her? Then, there was the fact that she was feeling the same pressure she had before. Rising, she stared at the waste room, and then she was there! Ok, things were starting to get weird as hell.
After finishing, she shook her head, thinking she needed to examine herself; again, she vanished, appearing before her medical equipment. Her and her assistant’s mouths were gaping at her sudden appearance. Running the med scans, her mouth dropped open again. Seventy-five percent?
Looking at her assistant, she had to do a double take. Damn, the male had a damn fine broad chest and muscles. Reaching over, she smacked the male across the room, making him smile. Shaking her head, the pleasant thoughts she'd had faded. What the hell was going on? According to the readings, she didn't need to consume any others. Though she was still sick, she was not in much danger.
Looking over the readings of her last fight with Sam, she saw that her strength was seventy percent of what he was. Good, she thought with a smile. Then he felt it when she hit him.
The next time they met, she was going to have to kill him. He was the only one out there that was stronger than her. Then again, she thought, there was that female she lost to Sam. She had probably been healed also. It might be worth going to see.
Walking to the command chair, she sighed when she saw her slave was unconscious. Programming in the new course, she hoped that it brought Sam to her; there wasn't much more she needed before she was free. Well, it was more accessible to do what the hell she wanted.
Sam watched Thallus as her body slowly adapted to the changes he'd made. He was about to stand when he heard Queen Triada. Sam? He heard there was a sense of urgency in her thoughts.
Are you alright, Queen Triada? Are you under attack again? Sam's thoughts asked.
We are fine, Sam, though I wanted to warn you. Mellos Thymp is heading to the planet where you left the other like you. The Queen relayed.
Sam was nodding 'til Triada got to this last part. I hate to leave right now. I am curious if I can take Drivas and Thallus with me. Their ship might need help to take the strain of my traveling.
I have to agree; you travel faster than their technology can. Please stay in touch; we will do all we can to help. Triada's thoughts stated.
Sam turned to Drivas, "I have to go. It appears that Mellos is heading to where Raydy is. I thought when I left her there, she'd be safe. I guess I was wrong."
Drivas nodded, "Go, we will follow as soon as possible."
Sam sighed as he looked at Drivas, then walked to the wall, phasing through. Appearing outside, Sam accelerated away and then into a wormhole.
Less than an hour later, Sam exited the wormhole near a now familiar orange, gaseous giant. Sam started toward the planet, cursing, when he saw that Mellos's ship was already there.
He suddenly accelerated when he thought he heard Raydy scream, landing with a loud thump near the two females. Damn, Sam thought, that was harder than I wanted.
Mello turned, startled by the loud noise. She had a slight smile on her face as she knew that Sam was near. Releasing the tall female, Mellos shook her head. This one was far different than the others she'd encountered.
Mellos started to turn toward Sam when she was suddenly hit, knocking her off her feet. Why that little bitch! Getting to her feet, Mellos began to swing at the female, then was shocked when her fist stopped in midair.
Looking at her fist, she saw that Sam had it in a tight grip. Looking up at his face, she saw he had a deep scowl.
"I was wondering when you'd get here. Though I didn't think it would be this fast, good job on her. She was able to resist over half of my attempts. Then," Here, Mellos looked around Sam at Raydy. "That little bitch knocked me off my feet. That is no easy feat, as you well know."
"What in the hell are you doing here?" Sam growled.
"Had to get your attention somehow after I am fully healed? We'll see who is the strongest." Here, Mello was smiling widely 'til she looked into Sam's eyes. "Ah! I see, so you have accessed the memories also. Good then, this will be much sweeter when I kill you!" With those words, Mellos drew her fist back, driving it into Sam's stomach.
With an oomph, Sam was knocked back a few feet. Mellos shook her hand with a smile. If she got the desired effect, then the pain was worth it.
Sam was startled when he felt a female hand grab him to help him up. Looking up, he saw Raydy smile down at him. "After she is gone, can you help me? I've had a few problems since you left."
Startled a moment, Sam nodded. Getting to his feet, Sam turned toward Mellos. "I have accessed them; I can also turn that ability off."
Mello's smile rapidly faded from her face, and then Sam rushed her, catching her by surprise. Flying backward into the nearest mass of trees, Mellos felt her anger rise. Finally stopping, she stood still a moment as a plan formed. Nodding her head, she thought of Sam vanishing.
Mellos appeared before Sam, swinging her fist at him as hard as she could. This time, she was shocked when he again caught her fist. Wagging a finger in her face, he squeezed her fist harder.
Swinging her other fist, she was even more shocked when he caught her and squeezed that, too.
Suddenly, a strange look came over Mello's face as a male voice came out of her mouth. "You cannot win Fino, and she is well established. You will not remove her as you did the rest of us or as you thought you did."
Sam was also shocked when his father's voice came out of his mouth. "We never removed you, Tynco; like us, you were stored until healed. Much as your daughter has been."
Both Sam and Mellos shouted, "WHAT!?" A look of shock on both their faces.
To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
Published | Edited 22nd Dec 2023
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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