Alien kidnapping, or was it Chapter 12
Alien kidnapping, or was it
Chapter 12
Mellos shook her head to clear it when she awoke a few minutes later. Flexing her hands, she could feel her slightly increased power. It was starting to feel damn good. Rubbing her face where he had backhanded her, she smiled. It was easier than she wanted, though anything was better than before.
Not paying attention, she had not noticed that she had started to float off the ground. When she did, she had stopped about forty feet above the trees. Looking around, she smiled again. Ok, this was new; she was flying now. Another fight, she might be able to go higher.
Speaking into her communicator, she then waited. A few moments later, a red beam enveloped her, and she was gone.
Appearing on her ship, she smiled broadly as she headed for her medical equipment. Grabbing a medical scanner, she ran it over various body parts. Nodding, she saw that the other five percent of her Geno and body systems were now more than they should be. Looking closer, her mouth dropped open. That bastard!
The mouth of the blonde male, who was her assistant, also dropped open. Was it possible that his mistress's reproductive system was starting to work?
Mellos was furious; how dare that imbecilic ass of an IP whore! She was going to kill him for this. She was Mellos Thymp, the terror of the seven sectors. Even those disgusting councilors were afraid of her. She was NOT a baby-making factory, nor would she ever be. That was one thing that was never going to happen. Sam was going to pay for that; she would make damn sure of that.
"Slave! That putrid piece of shit has disappeared again. Find him as quickly as possible. I'll make the pain well worth it." Mellos said as the tall blonde male jumped to do what she asked as fast as possible.
Looking at the readings again, she nodded. Well, over fifty-five percent of her internal organs were working as they should without siphoning others of her kind and grunting in disgust, including part of her reproductive system. Most of her genetic makeup was healing; at this rate, they would be at seventy-five percent corrected when it stopped.
Watching the male working as fast as he could, she nodded. They needed another battle like the last one on her ship. That one had straightened out quite a bit with her body. Then, there was the fact that her strength had increased more than double. Then, there was the fact that she could levitate as high as she had. Yes, one more good fight, though, unlike the one on the planet, it would hurt much more than she had ever felt.
Watching the male closer, she saw that he was starting to get excited. Moving closer, she saw that the male had detected Sam. Good, after he had her completely healed, she was going to beat the shit out of his gorgeous, solid body. Stopping, her mouth dropped open as she slapped herself as hard as she could.
Getting off the floor, she gave the male at the console a disgusted look as she closed his gaping mouth. "Keep your mouth shut, you fool. Do you want Fack Blys to fill it up? Get back to work."
Only an hour later, the male excitedly started yelling that he had found Sam. Mellos came running up, looking over the readings, nodding.
"What in the hell is he doing? Just sitting there waiting. This one makes no sense at all." Mellos sat to wait. Also, she might be able to levitate, but there was still no way she could breathe in space yet. Well, only for a little while, anyway.
Drivas's head snapped up as she came to. She was looking at where she was, in her bunk? ‘How in the world did I get here,’ she thought. ‘The last thing she remembered was Thantas as she released more locks in her mind to access her power.’ Locks? She thought, where had that come from?
It is a term that we used on Owt los. If a mind is not prepared correctly when the locks are opened, the individual experiences great pain, then death. Often, it is their mind that kills them. Drivas 'heard' Thantas's thoughts.
Was I close to dying? The pain was not bad 'til the last bit. Then, it seemed worse than the IP machines. Drivas asked.
What you felt was a conditioned response to that which the IP uses to program people. Pain is a deterrent to not going against the orders planted deeply in you. Unfortunately, I cannot remove them at present. Thanatos replied.
Drivas was trying to sit up quickly, discovering that her head felt like it would split open. Ugh! I had a significant weight dropped on me. Drivas thought.
It should pass very soon. You will find now that your healing abilities are twice what they were. Also, you are now the most powerful mind after Sam and me. Thallus should be close to where you are when we next increase her. You also might find that there are a few things you can do now, not well, but you can, that you could not before. Thantas revealed to a now very confused Drivas.
Drivas's eyes went wide when she thought that she was thirsty, and a glass across the room floated to her. Confused, she sighed when she saw it was empty, then suddenly it was not! What was going on?
Ah! Your beginning telekinesis has started. I was afraid it would be a while before you developed it. This is going to make things much easier now. A happy-sounding Thantas told her.
Telekinesis? So that is what it is. I take it this 'talking' we are doing is telepathy? Drivas asked.
In the simplest terms, yes. I must go, my dear. They can no longer monitor me as they did before, though they still can a little. Could you let Thallus know you are awake? I will be back soon. Thantas said, and then he was gone.
Thallus? Drivas thought, almost hearing a scream from the next room.
A moment later Thallus came running into the room. Drivas noticed that Thallus was moving far faster than she should have been.
"Thank the creator that you are awake. After you went down, I was afraid you would not wake up. Even though Thantas assured me you would, I was so afraid." Thallus told her.
Drivas smiled weakly. The liquid she had drunk had significantly helped, though she needed solid sustenance. Looking at the glass in her hand, Drivas thought of the glass as being full of water.
Thallus’s eyes went wide as she watched the glass fill with water. Looking from Drivas to the glass and back, Thallus backed up a bit.
"Anything else you want to tell me about commander?" Thallus asked a little shakily.
Drivas nodded as she looked into Thallus’s eyes. Why yes, next time you should be able to do this also.
"I... I... I" was all that Thallus was able to get out.
"I will explain after I eat. I have regained a bit of strength though I need more. I'm still pretty weak." Thallus, eyes still wide, stared at her friend, and then she leaped into action. Well, Drivas thought there was no turning back now. They were entering this war against the IP, the councilors, and the man who had trained them. Shaking her head, would Thantas have them strong enough when all hell broke loose?
Thanking Thallus after she came back with a plate of food, she was again lost in thought. She was more substantial than anyone out there except Thantas and Sam. What about the councilors? Was Thantas holding that back? There was a lot to think about in the coming days.
An hour later, she felt almost normal as she and Thallus searched for Sam. Nodding to Thallus, she turned the ship, accelerating toward the first councilor's sector. A few moments later their com. Went off.
"I see that you are heading to the first councilor's sector. Both of you need to be completely certain he is there. Show me," Sub-Commander Triot told them.
Drivas nodded, then stood, relinquishing control to Thallus. Walking to another section of the control panel, she brought up all the readings they had taken not long ago. "We detected him not long ago. We also picked up the bio-readings of a being not much different from Sam. We are both suspecting that it is the criminal Mellos."
Sub-Commander Triot was rubbing his chin as he perused the data that Drivas was showing him. "I see, you are to follow the Clive Stone 'til you can destroy him. That or discover a way to rid the IP of him.
Drivas and Thallus nodded like the obedient troopers that the sub-commander expected them to. Both women snapped off a salute to the sub-commander. "Yes sir! We will do all we can to secure victory for the IP!"
A wicked smile dominated Triot's features. The techs had done something right. Both his bitch daughters were finally being of use. He might not have terminated them as fast if they had kept this up. He thought they could help the breeding program that the councilors had approved.
"I am glad that both of you are as loyal as you are. Find him, kill him if you can. Remember, your lives are for the glory of the IP! Good hunting." Triot said as he clicked off. Finally, he had two influential IP members take this piece of trash, Clive Stone, down.
Looking down at the readings, he nodded again. They were well within the parameters. With any luck, they would destroy that piece of trash and the criminal Mellos. Another wicked smile covered his face as he thought better yet if they destroyed each other. Ah! Now, that would be a grand coup for him.
He was about to click off the console in front of him when he noticed an odd reading. Hmmm, so she was at the threshold of telepathy. Good. Once she had it, he would be able to control her. An evil smile lit up his face; this day was getting better.
Sam had been on the moon for a few hours, watching the planet. Shaking his head, he had seen no ships leaving in the last few hours. I guess I will have to kill a few more; I might even have to destroy a few buildings to get my point across.
Taking a step, Sam suddenly moved toward the planet far too fast to be seen by anyone. Well, anyone like Mellos was following him as he left streaking toward the planet. Damn, if he were not secured, as could be. Then a crooked smile lit up her face as she felt a warm feeling all over.
Horrified Mellos slapped her face again. The stinging sensation on her face felt good as her face twisted into a wicked smile. "He's heading back to the planet. To do goody-goody things again. All that power was so disgusting he could rule systems. He is only using it to free the systems.
Where in the hell is the fun in that?"
The blonde male stayed quiet and still; he had answered her once. His jaw had taken a week to heal enough for the swelling to go down. No, he loved the pain she gave; getting severely injured was another thing altogether.
Mellos nodded at the male, so the blonde idiot was learning. There might be hope for him yet, though she did not hold out much hope there.
Sam flashed across the planet to the building where he had left the broken commander of the earth. Landing with a thud, he saw more than a few troopers tense up. Fortunately, none of them were fired, though Sam wished someone had. Searching, he soon found the commander of the blockade from before.
Grabbing the male by his shirt, Sam had him high above his head; the male gasped when Sam stated. "I thought I gave you a message to deliver.
You only have half a rotation of this planet before you never leave."
"I gave the message, the first councilor laughed." The commander said.
"I see," Sam spit out as he concentrated. His mind was zooming across space, finally stopping in an extremely crowded world. Feeling around Sam, I felt the same sense as before. Zooming in on the building that the reason was in, Sam suddenly hit a wall. Getting mad, Sam let loose a blast of energy that blew a sizable hole in the wall.
Entering through the hole, Sam felt six other minds as powerful. Grabbing the powerful mind from before Sam had it and its owner against the wall.
I suggest you get your people off the planet before you are a few thousand short of troopers. Sam felt the other minds start to advance toward him.
Feeling his anger grow, he slapped all the others back against the walls. This was before they could mount an attack or defense.
Sam felt five of them fade, though one was still conscious. Growling, Sam smashed an energy fist into the mid-section of that one, feeling it crumple, and then it disappeared.
Now then, Sam thought as the first councilor's mouth dropped open. As I was saying, he had trounced them with a speed he had not seen in five hundred years. Remove them now, or they will never leave!
You are a pure Clive Stone, and you will not kill you. The first councilor started.
Oh, there, you are wrong! Sam thought as he started to squeeze the throat of the first counselor. The councilor's eyes got large, and then they began to bulge. Disgusted, Sam increased the pressure 'til he heard a satisfying snap. Watching the being's head flop to the side, Sam withdrew at incredible speed.
Sam knew it was time to beat a retreat. He had felt a mind approaching that made all of those in the chamber pale in comparison. Though not much, it felt more powerful than all the seven there. Snapping back to his body, Sam felt his body flung away from where it had been.
Hmmm, I got to work on that landing.
The doors to the chamber were flung aside as the old Doctor entered. Looking around, he saw that the first councilor's vessel was dead. How...? Looking up at the gaping hole, the Doctor nodded. ‘So,’ he thought, ‘the Clive Stone has learned solid thought transfer. This was bad, extremely bad.’
Walking to the body of the first councilor's vessel, the Doctor removed a small black box from the belt. Clicking it off, he moved to a large black case set into a wall with six others.
"I told all of you that this was getting more dangerous. Now, we are at war again, with only eight of us. I should keep you there as punishment. Unfortunately, all of us will be needed to win." The Doctor sadly stated. Reaching into the fold of his robe, the Doctor removed a communicator.
"Get the replacement for the first councilor ready. I will be there to retrieve it soon."
Withdrawing the case, the old Doctor hurriedly turned and left. Looking at the point, he shook his head. He was going to have to get involved. Just like five centuries ago, they had waited far too long to have him get involved.
Getting into the transport, he felt it lift, speeding haphazardly away. Moments later, they settled outside the medical unit. I might as well do as Clive Stone asked, for now. "This is the Lord, Doctor; evacuate the planet now. Anyone not gone may have to deal with me!"
Smiling, he heard several shouting voices, many in desperation. ‘Good,’ the Doctor thought, ‘there were enough that remembered.’
Picking himself up off the ground, Sam was amazed when he saw all the IP troopers heading for their ships. Hell, not only were they leaving, but they were screaming to hurry. Shaking his head, he did not think it was what he had done.
Still amazed, he watched as, only twenty minutes later, more than a dozen ships left the surface. Sitting back, a small smile crossed his lips until another powerful mind contacted him.
So, you are not an average Clive Stone. You are not afraid to kill. That is incredibly good. I might have a challenge this time. Unlike long ago, this time, I cannot predict the outcome. I have lived to face such a powerful opponent as you. I await you with great anticipation. The powerful mind told him.
Sam was nodding, then felt foolish. There was no way the mind could see. For the death you and they have caused, you will receive punishment.
Ummmm, yes. I look forward to this... punishment. The powerful mind thought then started to push against Sam. The Doctor was amazed when not only was he stopped, but he was forced back quite a bit. Nodding his head, the Doctor thought, ‘Yes, they had again waited far too long to get him involved.’ So, unlike the previous Clive Stone mind, it is a weak little thing.
Sam was amazed that he had moved the powerful mind at all. Then, what the reason had said hit home. Sam's anger grew as he pushed harder, feeling the sense of struggling to hold him.
Then, the mind was quickly being pressed back.
The Doctor was also amazed when he was not able to break free. Feeling his body as he was suddenly shoved back into it, the Doctor felt the pressure. He would be another casualty of this Clive Stone if he did not do something. Suddenly afraid, an emotion he had not experienced in an exceptionally long time, the Doctor pushed back.
Again, Sam felt himself losing ground. Nodding, he released the powerful mind.
I look forward to grappling with you again. The Doctor stated, then disengaged contact. A small evil smile crossed his lips. Finally, a true power for his mind to go against! A second emotion he had not felt in an exceptionally long time, excitement, flooded through him.
Sam shook his head as his vision returned to the here and now. Still, he had not moved as he watched the second wave of IP troops leave the surface. Had he scared them that bad? No, there had to be something else at work here.
Taking to the sky, Sam returned to the wooded area where he had met the first inhabitants of this world. He saw several tall, thin inhabitants wandering around, looking lost.
Walking up to the one he had talked to before, the being looked up to see Sam. Almost immediately, the being dropped to its knees. Sam guessed knees.
"Lord Clive Stone, we will serve you in all things." It said as the others trembled.
Sam's mouth dropped open, "I am not here to rule you. You and your people have been slaves to the IP for far too long. I am only here to free you."
Most of those there could not believe what they had just heard. Free them? What was that?
He speaks only the truth. They all heard Queen Triada's thoughts. I will talk to them; you have more pressing matters.
Confused, Sam turned to see that a wicked, smiling Mellos had just appeared. Great, Sam thought, which is all I need: a psychotic on his back.
"So, about time you stopped long enough. I am going to end you, you piece of filth!" Mellos connected with Sam's chin, knocking him off his feet. Damn, he thought she was pissed.
To be continued
Chapter 12
Mellos shook her head to clear it when she awoke a few minutes later. Flexing her hands, she could feel her slightly increased power. It was starting to feel damn good. Rubbing her face where he had backhanded her, she smiled. It was easier than she wanted, though anything was better than before.
Not paying attention, she had not noticed that she had started to float off the ground. When she did, she had stopped about forty feet above the trees. Looking around, she smiled again. Ok, this was new; she was flying now. Another fight, she might be able to go higher.
Speaking into her communicator, she then waited. A few moments later, a red beam enveloped her, and she was gone.
Appearing on her ship, she smiled broadly as she headed for her medical equipment. Grabbing a medical scanner, she ran it over various body parts. Nodding, she saw that the other five percent of her Geno and body systems were now more than they should be. Looking closer, her mouth dropped open. That bastard!
The mouth of the blonde male, who was her assistant, also dropped open. Was it possible that his mistress's reproductive system was starting to work?
Mellos was furious; how dare that imbecilic ass of an IP whore! She was going to kill him for this. She was Mellos Thymp, the terror of the seven sectors. Even those disgusting councilors were afraid of her. She was NOT a baby-making factory, nor would she ever be. That was one thing that was never going to happen. Sam was going to pay for that; she would make damn sure of that.
"Slave! That putrid piece of shit has disappeared again. Find him as quickly as possible. I'll make the pain well worth it." Mellos said as the tall blonde male jumped to do what she asked as fast as possible.
Looking at the readings again, she nodded. Well, over fifty-five percent of her internal organs were working as they should without siphoning others of her kind and grunting in disgust, including part of her reproductive system. Most of her genetic makeup was healing; at this rate, they would be at seventy-five percent corrected when it stopped.
Watching the male working as fast as he could, she nodded. They needed another battle like the last one on her ship. That one had straightened out quite a bit with her body. Then, there was the fact that her strength had increased more than double. Then, there was the fact that she could levitate as high as she had. Yes, one more good fight, though, unlike the one on the planet, it would hurt much more than she had ever felt.
Watching the male closer, she saw that he was starting to get excited. Moving closer, she saw that the male had detected Sam. Good, after he had her completely healed, she was going to beat the shit out of his gorgeous, solid body. Stopping, her mouth dropped open as she slapped herself as hard as she could.
Getting off the floor, she gave the male at the console a disgusted look as she closed his gaping mouth. "Keep your mouth shut, you fool. Do you want Fack Blys to fill it up? Get back to work."
Only an hour later, the male excitedly started yelling that he had found Sam. Mellos came running up, looking over the readings, nodding.
"What in the hell is he doing? Just sitting there waiting. This one makes no sense at all." Mellos sat to wait. Also, she might be able to levitate, but there was still no way she could breathe in space yet. Well, only for a little while, anyway.
Drivas's head snapped up as she came to. She was looking at where she was, in her bunk? ‘How in the world did I get here,’ she thought. ‘The last thing she remembered was Thantas as she released more locks in her mind to access her power.’ Locks? She thought, where had that come from?
It is a term that we used on Owt los. If a mind is not prepared correctly when the locks are opened, the individual experiences great pain, then death. Often, it is their mind that kills them. Drivas 'heard' Thantas's thoughts.
Was I close to dying? The pain was not bad 'til the last bit. Then, it seemed worse than the IP machines. Drivas asked.
What you felt was a conditioned response to that which the IP uses to program people. Pain is a deterrent to not going against the orders planted deeply in you. Unfortunately, I cannot remove them at present. Thanatos replied.
Drivas was trying to sit up quickly, discovering that her head felt like it would split open. Ugh! I had a significant weight dropped on me. Drivas thought.
It should pass very soon. You will find now that your healing abilities are twice what they were. Also, you are now the most powerful mind after Sam and me. Thallus should be close to where you are when we next increase her. You also might find that there are a few things you can do now, not well, but you can, that you could not before. Thantas revealed to a now very confused Drivas.
Drivas's eyes went wide when she thought that she was thirsty, and a glass across the room floated to her. Confused, she sighed when she saw it was empty, then suddenly it was not! What was going on?
Ah! Your beginning telekinesis has started. I was afraid it would be a while before you developed it. This is going to make things much easier now. A happy-sounding Thantas told her.
Telekinesis? So that is what it is. I take it this 'talking' we are doing is telepathy? Drivas asked.
In the simplest terms, yes. I must go, my dear. They can no longer monitor me as they did before, though they still can a little. Could you let Thallus know you are awake? I will be back soon. Thantas said, and then he was gone.
Thallus? Drivas thought, almost hearing a scream from the next room.
A moment later Thallus came running into the room. Drivas noticed that Thallus was moving far faster than she should have been.
"Thank the creator that you are awake. After you went down, I was afraid you would not wake up. Even though Thantas assured me you would, I was so afraid." Thallus told her.
Drivas smiled weakly. The liquid she had drunk had significantly helped, though she needed solid sustenance. Looking at the glass in her hand, Drivas thought of the glass as being full of water.
Thallus’s eyes went wide as she watched the glass fill with water. Looking from Drivas to the glass and back, Thallus backed up a bit.
"Anything else you want to tell me about commander?" Thallus asked a little shakily.
Drivas nodded as she looked into Thallus’s eyes. Why yes, next time you should be able to do this also.
"I... I... I" was all that Thallus was able to get out.
"I will explain after I eat. I have regained a bit of strength though I need more. I'm still pretty weak." Thallus, eyes still wide, stared at her friend, and then she leaped into action. Well, Drivas thought there was no turning back now. They were entering this war against the IP, the councilors, and the man who had trained them. Shaking her head, would Thantas have them strong enough when all hell broke loose?
Thanking Thallus after she came back with a plate of food, she was again lost in thought. She was more substantial than anyone out there except Thantas and Sam. What about the councilors? Was Thantas holding that back? There was a lot to think about in the coming days.
An hour later, she felt almost normal as she and Thallus searched for Sam. Nodding to Thallus, she turned the ship, accelerating toward the first councilor's sector. A few moments later their com. Went off.
"I see that you are heading to the first councilor's sector. Both of you need to be completely certain he is there. Show me," Sub-Commander Triot told them.
Drivas nodded, then stood, relinquishing control to Thallus. Walking to another section of the control panel, she brought up all the readings they had taken not long ago. "We detected him not long ago. We also picked up the bio-readings of a being not much different from Sam. We are both suspecting that it is the criminal Mellos."
Sub-Commander Triot was rubbing his chin as he perused the data that Drivas was showing him. "I see, you are to follow the Clive Stone 'til you can destroy him. That or discover a way to rid the IP of him.
Drivas and Thallus nodded like the obedient troopers that the sub-commander expected them to. Both women snapped off a salute to the sub-commander. "Yes sir! We will do all we can to secure victory for the IP!"
A wicked smile dominated Triot's features. The techs had done something right. Both his bitch daughters were finally being of use. He might not have terminated them as fast if they had kept this up. He thought they could help the breeding program that the councilors had approved.
"I am glad that both of you are as loyal as you are. Find him, kill him if you can. Remember, your lives are for the glory of the IP! Good hunting." Triot said as he clicked off. Finally, he had two influential IP members take this piece of trash, Clive Stone, down.
Looking down at the readings, he nodded again. They were well within the parameters. With any luck, they would destroy that piece of trash and the criminal Mellos. Another wicked smile covered his face as he thought better yet if they destroyed each other. Ah! Now, that would be a grand coup for him.
He was about to click off the console in front of him when he noticed an odd reading. Hmmm, so she was at the threshold of telepathy. Good. Once she had it, he would be able to control her. An evil smile lit up his face; this day was getting better.
Sam had been on the moon for a few hours, watching the planet. Shaking his head, he had seen no ships leaving in the last few hours. I guess I will have to kill a few more; I might even have to destroy a few buildings to get my point across.
Taking a step, Sam suddenly moved toward the planet far too fast to be seen by anyone. Well, anyone like Mellos was following him as he left streaking toward the planet. Damn, if he were not secured, as could be. Then a crooked smile lit up her face as she felt a warm feeling all over.
Horrified Mellos slapped her face again. The stinging sensation on her face felt good as her face twisted into a wicked smile. "He's heading back to the planet. To do goody-goody things again. All that power was so disgusting he could rule systems. He is only using it to free the systems.
Where in the hell is the fun in that?"
The blonde male stayed quiet and still; he had answered her once. His jaw had taken a week to heal enough for the swelling to go down. No, he loved the pain she gave; getting severely injured was another thing altogether.
Mellos nodded at the male, so the blonde idiot was learning. There might be hope for him yet, though she did not hold out much hope there.
Sam flashed across the planet to the building where he had left the broken commander of the earth. Landing with a thud, he saw more than a few troopers tense up. Fortunately, none of them were fired, though Sam wished someone had. Searching, he soon found the commander of the blockade from before.
Grabbing the male by his shirt, Sam had him high above his head; the male gasped when Sam stated. "I thought I gave you a message to deliver.
You only have half a rotation of this planet before you never leave."
"I gave the message, the first councilor laughed." The commander said.
"I see," Sam spit out as he concentrated. His mind was zooming across space, finally stopping in an extremely crowded world. Feeling around Sam, I felt the same sense as before. Zooming in on the building that the reason was in, Sam suddenly hit a wall. Getting mad, Sam let loose a blast of energy that blew a sizable hole in the wall.
Entering through the hole, Sam felt six other minds as powerful. Grabbing the powerful mind from before Sam had it and its owner against the wall.
I suggest you get your people off the planet before you are a few thousand short of troopers. Sam felt the other minds start to advance toward him.
Feeling his anger grow, he slapped all the others back against the walls. This was before they could mount an attack or defense.
Sam felt five of them fade, though one was still conscious. Growling, Sam smashed an energy fist into the mid-section of that one, feeling it crumple, and then it disappeared.
Now then, Sam thought as the first councilor's mouth dropped open. As I was saying, he had trounced them with a speed he had not seen in five hundred years. Remove them now, or they will never leave!
You are a pure Clive Stone, and you will not kill you. The first councilor started.
Oh, there, you are wrong! Sam thought as he started to squeeze the throat of the first counselor. The councilor's eyes got large, and then they began to bulge. Disgusted, Sam increased the pressure 'til he heard a satisfying snap. Watching the being's head flop to the side, Sam withdrew at incredible speed.
Sam knew it was time to beat a retreat. He had felt a mind approaching that made all of those in the chamber pale in comparison. Though not much, it felt more powerful than all the seven there. Snapping back to his body, Sam felt his body flung away from where it had been.
Hmmm, I got to work on that landing.
The doors to the chamber were flung aside as the old Doctor entered. Looking around, he saw that the first councilor's vessel was dead. How...? Looking up at the gaping hole, the Doctor nodded. ‘So,’ he thought, ‘the Clive Stone has learned solid thought transfer. This was bad, extremely bad.’
Walking to the body of the first councilor's vessel, the Doctor removed a small black box from the belt. Clicking it off, he moved to a large black case set into a wall with six others.
"I told all of you that this was getting more dangerous. Now, we are at war again, with only eight of us. I should keep you there as punishment. Unfortunately, all of us will be needed to win." The Doctor sadly stated. Reaching into the fold of his robe, the Doctor removed a communicator.
"Get the replacement for the first councilor ready. I will be there to retrieve it soon."
Withdrawing the case, the old Doctor hurriedly turned and left. Looking at the point, he shook his head. He was going to have to get involved. Just like five centuries ago, they had waited far too long to have him get involved.
Getting into the transport, he felt it lift, speeding haphazardly away. Moments later, they settled outside the medical unit. I might as well do as Clive Stone asked, for now. "This is the Lord, Doctor; evacuate the planet now. Anyone not gone may have to deal with me!"
Smiling, he heard several shouting voices, many in desperation. ‘Good,’ the Doctor thought, ‘there were enough that remembered.’
Picking himself up off the ground, Sam was amazed when he saw all the IP troopers heading for their ships. Hell, not only were they leaving, but they were screaming to hurry. Shaking his head, he did not think it was what he had done.
Still amazed, he watched as, only twenty minutes later, more than a dozen ships left the surface. Sitting back, a small smile crossed his lips until another powerful mind contacted him.
So, you are not an average Clive Stone. You are not afraid to kill. That is incredibly good. I might have a challenge this time. Unlike long ago, this time, I cannot predict the outcome. I have lived to face such a powerful opponent as you. I await you with great anticipation. The powerful mind told him.
Sam was nodding, then felt foolish. There was no way the mind could see. For the death you and they have caused, you will receive punishment.
Ummmm, yes. I look forward to this... punishment. The powerful mind thought then started to push against Sam. The Doctor was amazed when not only was he stopped, but he was forced back quite a bit. Nodding his head, the Doctor thought, ‘Yes, they had again waited far too long to get him involved.’ So, unlike the previous Clive Stone mind, it is a weak little thing.
Sam was amazed that he had moved the powerful mind at all. Then, what the reason had said hit home. Sam's anger grew as he pushed harder, feeling the sense of struggling to hold him.
Then, the mind was quickly being pressed back.
The Doctor was also amazed when he was not able to break free. Feeling his body as he was suddenly shoved back into it, the Doctor felt the pressure. He would be another casualty of this Clive Stone if he did not do something. Suddenly afraid, an emotion he had not experienced in an exceptionally long time, the Doctor pushed back.
Again, Sam felt himself losing ground. Nodding, he released the powerful mind.
I look forward to grappling with you again. The Doctor stated, then disengaged contact. A small evil smile crossed his lips. Finally, a true power for his mind to go against! A second emotion he had not felt in an exceptionally long time, excitement, flooded through him.
Sam shook his head as his vision returned to the here and now. Still, he had not moved as he watched the second wave of IP troops leave the surface. Had he scared them that bad? No, there had to be something else at work here.
Taking to the sky, Sam returned to the wooded area where he had met the first inhabitants of this world. He saw several tall, thin inhabitants wandering around, looking lost.
Walking up to the one he had talked to before, the being looked up to see Sam. Almost immediately, the being dropped to its knees. Sam guessed knees.
"Lord Clive Stone, we will serve you in all things." It said as the others trembled.
Sam's mouth dropped open, "I am not here to rule you. You and your people have been slaves to the IP for far too long. I am only here to free you."
Most of those there could not believe what they had just heard. Free them? What was that?
He speaks only the truth. They all heard Queen Triada's thoughts. I will talk to them; you have more pressing matters.
Confused, Sam turned to see that a wicked, smiling Mellos had just appeared. Great, Sam thought, which is all I need: a psychotic on his back.
"So, about time you stopped long enough. I am going to end you, you piece of filth!" Mellos connected with Sam's chin, knocking him off his feet. Damn, he thought she was pissed.
To be continued
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