You Reap What Your Sow, My Love
740 Park Avenue
Manhattan, New York
Tristano’s Penthouse
Tristano sat at his dining room table. He was blasé from the daily ritual of surviving, and he detested himself for still craving the touch of Artesia’s hands on his body, to hear the passion in her voice when she speaks, and the feel of her tight pussy gloving his dick.
The yearning to locate her was driving him mentally insane.
His cell phone rang.
Tristano lifted his cell phone, slid it open, and placed it up to his ear.
“Mr. Giordano, I have some good news for you.”
Tristano stood.
“Talk to me.”
“I have the information you requested on a Miss. Wockivoi.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“Let’s see here.”
Mr. Olney placed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“The telephone number you gave me leads to a residence in London, England.”
“London, England?”
“Yes sir, I set up telephone surveillance through a bogus financial aid telephone number, and Miss. Wockivoi called back. She not only confirmed her telephone number, but home address as well.”
“Is she living alone?”
Mr. Olney looked over the faxed report from one of his field investigators.
“Yes, however, there has been recent activity of a young gentleman’s frequent visits.”
That whore could not wait to spread her legs Tristano thought.
“Have my plan been put into effect?”
“Yes. Miss. Wockivoi should be getting that certified letter in the mail. And my men have been instructed to intercept the call at all cost, that is until you give us more specific instructions.”
“I have to thank you, and this conversation stays between you and me.”
“I’m not sure what you are speaking about Mr. Giordano.”
“Very good my man.”
“One more thing to take into consideration.”
“What is it?”
“Miss. Wockivoi graduates in two weeks.”
“Interesting. Mr. Olney, I have a strategic plan.”
“I’m listening.”
Tristano explained to Mr. Olney his plan.
Park Ridge, New Jersey
“Dad, have you heard from Artesia?”
Mr. Morris looked up from a deposition he was reading.
“No, and I do not intend too.”
“Why have you been so hard on Artesia? Have you forgotten, her negative publicity has brought in several clients? My caseload has tripled. I have been in court, more than out.”
“And you do not think these blessings could be we’re damn good attorneys.”
“I cannot deny that…”
“Then don’t. The wholesome looking woman, you’ve been dating is nice-looking, concentrate on her.”
“Yes, attractive, and very predictable.”
“Man, in my days, we call that boring. Is she at least good under the covers son?”
“That’s the only place.”
“Good, then she’s a keeper. I say discontinue thinking about Miss. Wockivoi, trust me, she can look after herself.”
Bradley turned and walked out his father’s office.
Old Westbury, New York
Michael’s Residence
Michael replaced the telephone receiver back on the cradle. He smiled to himself.
He knew Artesia and he had a prior history of being together.
Now comes the part of trying to locate her. His private investigator did not have any information concerning her whereabouts. Hopefully, he will have a solid lead by the end of the week.
Michael walked into his bedroom to prepare for work.
Wimbledon Village
Artesia’s Flat
One Week Later
“If you keep running from me, you know I will always chase after you.”
Preston leaned his head down and kissed Artesia’s breast nipple; he held the peaks together and switched his tongue over each inflamed nipple.
Preston kissed Artesia on the lips. He inched back and wet his finger; he inserted it inside her pussy and moved it around as he suckled her nipple.
Artesia spaced her legs wider.
Preston leaned his head downward and kissed Artesia’s chin; he moved his tongue along the bottom of her earlobe. He withdrew his finger and wiped her vaginal juices over a breast. His mouth swiftly dressed the nipple with his tongue, suckling it.
Artesia’s pussy palpitated.
Preston kissed Artesia on her shoulder blade; the tip of his tongue eagerly scooted across her skin. He whispered in her ear, “I’m in love with you. You hurt me, yet I keep returning to be by your side.”
Artesia palmed Preston’s shoulder blades and pushed him back.
Preston removed Artesia’s hands and held them at her side.
“Dammit Artesia, you’re just going to have to face the fact I’m in love with you.”
He released her hands, rolled his tongue down her body, as his body inched downward; he licked over her navel.
Artesia laid her head against the pillow.
“I don’t know Preston…this is too soon for me.”
Preston climbed over Artesia. He leaned down and kissed her tears away. He laid on top of her.
“Artesia, you know I will never hurt you.”
Preston tenderly kissed her lips.
Artesia wrapped her arms around Preston’s neck and hugged him. She was so tired; all she wanted was a simple life, marriage, and kids.
Artesia sniffled.
Preston wiped Artesia’s remaining tears away with the back of his hand
“Come on woman, you know I love you. Why do you think I haven’t walked away?”
“I…I know, it’s…”
The doorbell rang.”
Preston rolled over and sat up. He lifted his pants from off the carpet and put them on.
Artesia rose from the bed. She reached for her robe, slid into it, and tied the belt around her waist.
“Have no fear about us, all right.”
“Baby, our kids are going to have two powerhouse attorneys to read them bedtime stories.”
“The jury is still out on that verdict.”
“Just don’t go for the family jewels ever again.”
“I did apologize, and I even made it up to you the old fashion way.”
“I must admit, the pussy, was good that night.”
Preston grabbed Artesia’s hand and walked into the living room. Preston dropped Artesia’s hand and opened the door.
“I have a certified letter for a Miss. Lay’Luna Wockivoi.”
“That will be me.”
The mail carrier handed Artesia a slate-board to sign.
Artesia signed her signature and handed the mail carrier back the slate-board.
The mail carrier handed Artesia the certified letter.
“Have a good day ma’am.”
“Thank you.”
Preston pushed the door close.
“Hopefully, it’s news about the job interview.”
“That response was quick.”
Artesia walked over to the fireplace mantel. She ripped the letter open and looked down to read it.
Preston rushed to Artesia’s side.
“Baby, what is it?”
“They say I may be in jeopardy of not graduating.”
“Here let me see that.”
Artesia handed the letter to Preston.
Preston read it.
“Baby, the letter states, you failed some classes, which will hinder you from graduating on time.”
“I’ve passed every course of study to complete my studies at Princeton, and at the University of Oxford. This can’t be happening to me.”
Artesia started to hyperventilate.
Preston grabbed Artesia and hugged her to him.
“Breathe baby.”
He rubbed up and her back.
“Preston, those classes mentioned will not be offered until next year.”
“Baby, believe me there’s a simple explanation to this.”
“To ease my mind, tell me.”
“It could be the result of a computer glitch.”
Preston looked down at his watch.
“The student affairs office is closed. I say the first thing tomorrow morning we pay them a visit. I guarantee you and I, will graduate on the same day, and on time.”
Preston hugged Artesia to him. He kissed her on the top of her head for reassurance.
740 Park Avenue
Manhattan, New York
Tristano’s Penthouse
Two Weeks later
Tristano lifted his suitcases from off the bed and walked out his bedroom.
“Let’s see how you feel Miss. Wockivoi, when your emotions get tossed to the fucking wind.”
Tristano opened the door, walked out, and pulled his door close.
Old Westbury, New York
Michael’s Residence
“Mr. Barron. I cannot find the whereabouts of this woman.”
Michael looked over at the letter lying on his dresser. The ring lying on top reminded him of the last time he saw the young girl who he made love to so tenderly.
“Keep trying, and the minute you find something out. You are to contact me immediately.”
“Yes sir.”
Michael slammed the telephone receiver on the cradle.
Wimbledon Village
Artesia’s Flat
Artesia entered her flat and pushed the door close. How was she going to tell her parents she would not be graduating in three days? She took a seat on the couch.
Her telephone rang.
She refused to take another call from Preston. He could not understand why she called off their relationship for good.
If he were the person not graduating, after seven years of college, he would be peeved also, she thought.
The call went to her answering machine.
“Artesia please call me, I miss you. Why won’t you talk to me?”
Her telephone rang again.
“Would you give it up Preston, dammit!”
The call went to her voice-mail.
“Artesia, this is Tristano. I need you to call me. I’m staying at the Savoy in town. This is an urgent matter.”
Artesia ran over to the telephone stand. She lifted the receiver and placed it up to her ear.
“Hello, hello.”
Both waited for her answering machine to beep.
“Are you screening calls?”
She smiled into the receiver. His voice sounded like home, the last memories of them together, made her smile sag.
“How can I help you Mr. Giordano.”
“We need to talk.”
“We have nothing more to talk about.”
“That is where you are wrong. I will see you tonight, and that bastard you’re sleeping with, I suggest you get rid of him, or dammit, I would.”
“How dare you…”
The telephone went silent in her ear.
Artesia placed the telephone receiver back on the cradle. She lifted the receiver again, dialed out, and placed it up to her ear.
“This is Tender Loving Day Spa and hair salon.”
“Yes, I would like to make a hair, manicure, and a pedicure appointment.”
“I can help you with that.”
Preston looked down at his watch.
Artesia pulled her vehicle into her driveway. She saw Preston sitting on her porch, apparently waiting for her return.
“Dammit, no means no, shit!”
Artesia withdrew her key out the ignition and unsnapped the seatbelt. She grabbed her shopping bags and purse from off the passenger seat and opened the door. She got out and pushed the door close.
Preston stood.
She was not on his shit today.
Artesia walked up to the door of her flat.
“How long have you been waiting here?”
“Long enough.”
“Preston what do you want?”
“We have been going together for seven months; you should not have to ask.”
“Preston, I thought I made myself clear.”
“I do not know how you feel about me. You keep changing your mind about us.”
Preston took in Artesia’s appearance. He assessed the new upswept hairstyle; he looked down at her polished toes peeking out the opening of her sandals.
Her skin had a radiance to it.
“Are you stepping out on me?”
“A college friend of mine and me is painting the town tonight.”
“Bullshit! You have a date.”
“Preston, I am going out with a female friend.”
“Dressed like that.”
“Yes, and why am I explaining myself. Our relationship is...”
Preston covered Artesia’s lips with his finger.
“I came over here to tell you how you may be able to graduate on time.”
Her smile clutched at his heart.
“I spoke to someone in Financial Aid concerning your grade transcript. I suppose to hear something back tomorrow morning.”
“That’s great.”
Artesia hugged Preston.
Preston hugged her in return.
Artesia tried to step back. Preston hugged her tighter.
“I love you Artesia, did I do something wrong?”
“Preston, I need space until I can figure this out about my situation. Right now, I can’t offer you nothing in return.”
“I’ll take my chances with nothing, then leaving you completely alone.”
“Preston, I have to go.
“Can I see you later, please?”
“How about I call you.”
“Artesia, I really love you. Tonight, when you are out with your…friend, remember that.”
Preston kissed Artesia on the side of her temple.
“That means a lot, thanks.”
Preston stepped back.
“You look so beautiful.”
He caressed her cheek, he leaned in and smelled her neck.
“And you smell so good.”
“The wondrous work of a spa.”
“Please remember what I said.”
“I will.”
Preston walked to his vehicle. He looked back at Artesia and smiled. He opened the door, got behind the steering wheel, and pulled the door close. He snapped his seat belt and started his vehicle. He backed up, and then pulled off.
Preston blew his horn.
Artesia unlocked the door, entered her flat, and pushed the door close.
Preston drove down the street and parked his vehicle. “Female friend my dick!” He felt bad for giving her false hope, on the contrary, how else could he see her.
Preston laid his head against the headrest and waited.
London England, United Kingdom
The Royal Suite
Artesia got out her vehicle. She handed the valet her car keys.
Preston parked his vehicle several cars back.
The doorman opened the door upon Artesia entering the Savoy’s Front Hall. She walked over to the reservation desk.
“Yes, can you advise Mr. Giordano his guest has arrived?”
“Miss. Wockivoi, Mr. Giordano has left specific instructions for you to join him in his suite.”
Darn she really did not want to see him in private.
Just turn around and leave she thought.
The Reservation Attendant pivoted, lifted a key-card from off a silver hook, and turned back around.
“Here you are Miss. Wockivoi, the Royal Suite.”
Artesia took the key-card from out the Reservation Attendant’s hand.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
She looked over Artesia’s appearance.
“Enjoy your evening.”
“I shall, thank you.”
Artesia walked over to the elevators. She held her breath in and pushed the elevator up button.
What gall of him to leave instructions at the front desk pertaining to her arrival she thought.
The elevator doors slid open.
Artesia stepped on the elevator. She pivoted and pressed the number five button.
The elevator doors slid close.
Preston entered the Savoy hotel. He glanced around. He did not see Artesia. He walked over to the reservation desk.
“Yes, my wife was just in here. She forgot her car keys.”
“Yes, the pretty woman, upswept hairdo, wearing the strapless red mini-dress, red stilettos.”
“Sir, you could leave the keys with me, and as soon as your wife steps off the elevator, I will be sure to return them.”
“I can go up and give them to her.”
“I’m sorry sir, I cannot advise that.”
“Well could you at least ring her guest’s room and advise her I am down here.”
“I’m sorry sir, the guest of this hotel, has left specific instructions not to be disturbed for the duration of the evening.”
“Thank you.”
Preston walked out the hotel
“That bitch lied to me, fuck her.”
The elevator doors slid open.
As much as she wanted to stay on the elevator, the more she wanted to step off.
Artesia took a deep breath and stepped off.
The closing of the elevator doors felt like she entered a time warp.
Artesia walked the lonely quiet corridor. She looked at the gold-plated numbers on the door. She stopped in front of Tristano’s suite.
Artesia knocked on the door and stepped back. No one answered.
Tristano turned off the shower. He thought he heard someone knocking on the door. He listened, and then turned back on the shower.
Artesia inserted the key-card into the door lock, turned it, and pulled it out; she opened the door. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She entered the lavish foyer of Tristano’s suite and quietly closed the door.
Artesia placed the key-card on an antique mahogany table near the door.
“Tristano,” Artesia yelled out.
She entered his spacious living quarters. She placed her purse down on the glass table.
“You like men to lose themselves in your pussy. My pussy, which you gave away so fucking freely!”
“Tristano... I..., please…please...please forgive me, I only want you, and…and now I see that.”
“You lying whore!”
Artesia walked over to the complementary bar, slid a glass to her, and took the topper off the Decanter. She poured herself a drink, uprooted the decanter, and slid the topper back inside
Tristano’s eyes traveled up the back of Artesia’s legs.
God, he missed her so much.
“I think you may want to hold off on the celebration.”
Artesia was afraid to move. She took a deep breath and turned around. She opened her mouth, nothing came out. Her eyes devoured a wet hirsute chest wall. Strong hands gripped both ends of a towel resting around his neck. She looked down.
A white towel wrapped around his mid-section, shielded the object of a long-ago lust.
“Can...can we make this quick. I have an engagement.”
“If it’s with that mothafucka who followed you here, I do not think so.”
“No one followed me, and I’m here as you’ve requested.”
Tristano walked over to where Artesia stood.
Artesia spaced her presence.
Tristano inched closer. He looked down into her eyes, and then stroked her cheek.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“I took the liberty of ordering us room service, being you will be here to discuss important matters.”
“I do not understand, what matters?”
“How is school coming along? You’re due to graduate correct.”
“Tristano, what do you want? I’m sure you are not in England by coincidence.”
Tristano poured himself a drink.
“Would you like that drink.” He lifted Artesia’s glass and handed it to her. “Here you are.”
Artesia took the glass from out Tristano’s hand.
Tristano clicked his glass to Artesia’s glass and took a swig.
Artesia took a sip of her drink and placed it down on the bar. She walked over to the window and looked out.
The view of the Thames River and the surrounding area was breathtaking.
Tristano placed his glass on the bar and followed. He matted his groin against Artesia’s derrière.
“Tristano, why am I here.”
“I’m not use to letting good things go.”
He kissed the back of her ear.
Artesia inched forward.
“Do you think it’s easy, not too?”
Artesia turned around.
Tristano lifted the towel from off his neck and flipped it over Artesia’s head. He trapped her by her waist and pulled her into his body.
“I demand you to stop this.”
Tristano pulled Artesia closer, and affixed his lips firmly on hers.
Artesia wanted to feel his lips on hers one last time. She grabbed the back of Tristano’s head and pulled his lips down to hers.
Tristano immediately stopped. He inched his head back.
“It must’ve been easy for you to go from one man’s bed to the next. I once told you, one day you will reap what you sow for hurting me.”
Tristano stepped back, placed his towel back around his neck, and walked away from Artesia. He returned to the bar.
“I think you need to take a look at this.”
He lifted a piece of paper and slid it down the bar.
Artesia rushed over to the bar and lifted the piece of paper. She glanced over it. She lifted her head and looked at Tristano.
“This is my college transcript. How did you get this?”
“Correction, your transcript is this one.”
Tristano slid another sheet of paper down the bar.
Artesia lifted it and looked down at the transcript with the failing grades.
Tristano planted his presence behind her.
Artesia pivoted her head.
“Wait, is this your doing?”
“No, however, I know who may be responsible.”
“Who? This mistake is keeping me from graduating.”
“I can take care of this for a small price.”
“How much.”
“I never gave you the impression I am a man without funds. So, do not insult my intelligence.”
“Then what do you want to….”
“To take care of this.”
Tristano wrapped his arms around Artesia’s waist and kissed the back of her head. He hugged her body to his chest.
“Would the price of a Supreme Court judge’s daughter’s hand suffice?”
“I am not for sale, and the answer is, no.”
“I guess you will never participate in your commencement this year, or any year to follow.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“So far, I have.”
“Why? We have not spoken for over seven months, and then you reappear in my life, and issue me a no-win resolution.”
“Actually, it’s simple. Marry me, you graduate, if you refuse, no graduation, ever.”
“Tell me you’re not serious. Marry you.”
Tristano dropped his arms from around Artesia’s waist, turned, and walked over to the telephone. He lifted the receiver and dialed a series of numbers.
Artesia rushed over to Tristano.
“Wait, who are you calling?”
“Since you refused me, you will have yourself to blame for never finishing what you started.”
“Wait a minute, let’s talk this over.”
Artesia tried to take the receiver from out Tristano’s hand. He held it above his head.
Even in her stilettos. Her arm could not stretch that far.
“Are we in agreement, marry me, or stay in college for the rest of your life.”
Artesia palmed Tristano’s chest and tried to reach her arm farther.
Her soft hand on him was the breaking point.
Tristano dropped the phone and pulled Artesia into his arms. He trapped her lips against his.
Artesia tried to step back. Tristano held on tighter and increased the pressure against her lips.
“Dammit I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips, His tongue slipped inside her mouth, clarifying his admission.
Artesia wrapped her arms around Tristano’s neck. She hated to admit it, but she missed his lips on hers, his commanding voice, his muscular frame supporting her, the throne of passion she always experienced in his arms.
Artesia kissed Tristano’s neck, his lips. She laid her forehead against his chin.
“I’ve missed you too, and I am so sorry for hurting you.”
Tristano tilted Artesia’s chin and reclaimed her lips.
Both took the leisure to dine off each other’s lips
“Oh Tristano…you came...”
Tristano deepened the kiss.
Two voices bemoaned in compliance.
Tristano lifted Artesia and whisked her back to the master bedroom suite. He laid her on the bed and stood back.
Artesia sat up and snatched the towel from off Tristano’s waist.
Tristano threw the towel around his neck on the bottom of the bed. He climbed over Artesia.
Artesia’s back sunk back against the coverlet.
Tristano lifted Artesia’s dress. He pulled the thong down her legs, took it off, and tossed it somewhere. He leaned his face down and kissed over her lower stomach. He licked up her stomach. Her dress permitted his tongue from roaming farther.
“Come here.”
Tristano leaned his face downward.
Artesia palmed the sides of Tristano’s face and brought his face down. She looked up into his eyes.
“I never meant to hurt you, and once again, I am truly sorry.”
She kissed him on the lips.
Tristano laid his forehead against hers.
“I love you Artesia, and baby I’m sorry for our last encounter, and my behavior.”
He kissed her bottom lip.
“I have been living with regret and physical abstinence since that night. I…”
Someone knocked on the door.
Tristano lifted his head and pivoted it in the direction of the bedroom door.
“Dammit, I haven’t touched you in months, the minute I do, I’m interrupted.”
Tristano inched back, and then rose from the bed.
Artesia sat up.
What was she thinking? This can’t happen.
“I have to go.”
“Not without an answer, remember you are to graduate in two days, after tomorrow, the offer gets taken off the table.”
“I forgot how…conniving and smooth talking a Giordano can be.”
“What the fuck does that mean!”
“It doesn’t matter.”
The persistent knocks on the door became louder.
“Don’t forget the door.”
“We will discuss your statement, after we’ve eaten.”
Artesia’s eyes did not miss Tristano’s hard erection
Damn, she wanted one last rendezvous with him.
Tristano lifted the towel from off the floor and knotted it around his midsection. He leaned down and kissed Artesia on her lips.
“As much, as you look desirable, clothed. You may want to get comfortable; you will not be going home tonight.”
Tristano turned and walked out the bedroom.
Artesia bent over and unsnapped her stilettoes.
Tristano heard the shilling sound of the telephone. He walked over to it, lifted the receiver, and replaced it on the cradle. He walked over to the door and opened it.
“Where is Artesia?”
“Man, you have some balls to come up to my hotel suite demanding to see my fiancée.”
“Artesia,” Preston yelled.
Preston attempted to enter Tristano’s hotel suite.
“Slow down youngster, you do not want any of this.”
“Fuck you old man, you don’t want any of this.”
Preston took a step forward.
Tristano grabbed Preston around his neck and pushed him backwards.
“You motherfucker…”
Preston took a swing at Tristano.
Tristano ducked his head back, and then punched Preston in his mouth.
Preston tasted his blood.
“You fuck!”
He barged into Tristano’s suite. He wrapped his arms around his waist and drove him backwards; he tried to wrestle Tristano to the floor.
Tristano balled both fists and crashed them down on Preston’s back.
Preston dropped to his knees; his body emitted a series of coughing. He attempted to stand.
“I told you mothafucker, that piece of pussy is mine.”
Tristano kneed Preston under his chin.
Preston landed on his back.
Artesia heard the commotion. She slid into a complementary robe, tied the belt around her waist, and ran into the adjacent living room.
“What the hell is going on out here! Tristano, Preston, would you two stop this madness, please.”
Tristano turned around.
Preston quickly stood and punched Tristano in his stomach.
Tristano doubled over.
Preston shoved Tristano farther into the suite.
Tristano’s towel fell off him.
“Will you two stop before, someone gets hurt.”
Tristano and Preston went blow-for-blow, knocking everything down in their pathway.
Tristano grabbed Preston around his neck and strangled him.
“I told you, you did not want any of this.”
Preston dropped to his knees.
“Tristano stop before you kill him.”
“That’s my fucking intentions!”
“No Tristano, please stop.”
Artesia tried to unlatch Tristano’s hands from around Preston’s neck, after hearing Preston gasping for breath, and the color draining from his face. She ran into the corridor.
“Someone help me please.”
Security rushed into the hotel suite.
A man pushing a serving cart followed behind.
740 Park Avenue
Manhattan, New York
Tristano’s Penthouse
Tristano sat at his dining room table. He was blasé from the daily ritual of surviving, and he detested himself for still craving the touch of Artesia’s hands on his body, to hear the passion in her voice when she speaks, and the feel of her tight pussy gloving his dick.
The yearning to locate her was driving him mentally insane.
His cell phone rang.
Tristano lifted his cell phone, slid it open, and placed it up to his ear.
“Mr. Giordano, I have some good news for you.”
Tristano stood.
“Talk to me.”
“I have the information you requested on a Miss. Wockivoi.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“Let’s see here.”
Mr. Olney placed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“The telephone number you gave me leads to a residence in London, England.”
“London, England?”
“Yes sir, I set up telephone surveillance through a bogus financial aid telephone number, and Miss. Wockivoi called back. She not only confirmed her telephone number, but home address as well.”
“Is she living alone?”
Mr. Olney looked over the faxed report from one of his field investigators.
“Yes, however, there has been recent activity of a young gentleman’s frequent visits.”
That whore could not wait to spread her legs Tristano thought.
“Have my plan been put into effect?”
“Yes. Miss. Wockivoi should be getting that certified letter in the mail. And my men have been instructed to intercept the call at all cost, that is until you give us more specific instructions.”
“I have to thank you, and this conversation stays between you and me.”
“I’m not sure what you are speaking about Mr. Giordano.”
“Very good my man.”
“One more thing to take into consideration.”
“What is it?”
“Miss. Wockivoi graduates in two weeks.”
“Interesting. Mr. Olney, I have a strategic plan.”
“I’m listening.”
Tristano explained to Mr. Olney his plan.
Park Ridge, New Jersey
“Dad, have you heard from Artesia?”
Mr. Morris looked up from a deposition he was reading.
“No, and I do not intend too.”
“Why have you been so hard on Artesia? Have you forgotten, her negative publicity has brought in several clients? My caseload has tripled. I have been in court, more than out.”
“And you do not think these blessings could be we’re damn good attorneys.”
“I cannot deny that…”
“Then don’t. The wholesome looking woman, you’ve been dating is nice-looking, concentrate on her.”
“Yes, attractive, and very predictable.”
“Man, in my days, we call that boring. Is she at least good under the covers son?”
“That’s the only place.”
“Good, then she’s a keeper. I say discontinue thinking about Miss. Wockivoi, trust me, she can look after herself.”
Bradley turned and walked out his father’s office.
Old Westbury, New York
Michael’s Residence
Michael replaced the telephone receiver back on the cradle. He smiled to himself.
He knew Artesia and he had a prior history of being together.
Now comes the part of trying to locate her. His private investigator did not have any information concerning her whereabouts. Hopefully, he will have a solid lead by the end of the week.
Michael walked into his bedroom to prepare for work.
Wimbledon Village
Artesia’s Flat
One Week Later
“If you keep running from me, you know I will always chase after you.”
Preston leaned his head down and kissed Artesia’s breast nipple; he held the peaks together and switched his tongue over each inflamed nipple.
Preston kissed Artesia on the lips. He inched back and wet his finger; he inserted it inside her pussy and moved it around as he suckled her nipple.
Artesia spaced her legs wider.
Preston leaned his head downward and kissed Artesia’s chin; he moved his tongue along the bottom of her earlobe. He withdrew his finger and wiped her vaginal juices over a breast. His mouth swiftly dressed the nipple with his tongue, suckling it.
Artesia’s pussy palpitated.
Preston kissed Artesia on her shoulder blade; the tip of his tongue eagerly scooted across her skin. He whispered in her ear, “I’m in love with you. You hurt me, yet I keep returning to be by your side.”
Artesia palmed Preston’s shoulder blades and pushed him back.
Preston removed Artesia’s hands and held them at her side.
“Dammit Artesia, you’re just going to have to face the fact I’m in love with you.”
He released her hands, rolled his tongue down her body, as his body inched downward; he licked over her navel.
Artesia laid her head against the pillow.
“I don’t know Preston…this is too soon for me.”
Preston climbed over Artesia. He leaned down and kissed her tears away. He laid on top of her.
“Artesia, you know I will never hurt you.”
Preston tenderly kissed her lips.
Artesia wrapped her arms around Preston’s neck and hugged him. She was so tired; all she wanted was a simple life, marriage, and kids.
Artesia sniffled.
Preston wiped Artesia’s remaining tears away with the back of his hand
“Come on woman, you know I love you. Why do you think I haven’t walked away?”
“I…I know, it’s…”
The doorbell rang.”
Preston rolled over and sat up. He lifted his pants from off the carpet and put them on.
Artesia rose from the bed. She reached for her robe, slid into it, and tied the belt around her waist.
“Have no fear about us, all right.”
“Baby, our kids are going to have two powerhouse attorneys to read them bedtime stories.”
“The jury is still out on that verdict.”
“Just don’t go for the family jewels ever again.”
“I did apologize, and I even made it up to you the old fashion way.”
“I must admit, the pussy, was good that night.”
Preston grabbed Artesia’s hand and walked into the living room. Preston dropped Artesia’s hand and opened the door.
“I have a certified letter for a Miss. Lay’Luna Wockivoi.”
“That will be me.”
The mail carrier handed Artesia a slate-board to sign.
Artesia signed her signature and handed the mail carrier back the slate-board.
The mail carrier handed Artesia the certified letter.
“Have a good day ma’am.”
“Thank you.”
Preston pushed the door close.
“Hopefully, it’s news about the job interview.”
“That response was quick.”
Artesia walked over to the fireplace mantel. She ripped the letter open and looked down to read it.
Preston rushed to Artesia’s side.
“Baby, what is it?”
“They say I may be in jeopardy of not graduating.”
“Here let me see that.”
Artesia handed the letter to Preston.
Preston read it.
“Baby, the letter states, you failed some classes, which will hinder you from graduating on time.”
“I’ve passed every course of study to complete my studies at Princeton, and at the University of Oxford. This can’t be happening to me.”
Artesia started to hyperventilate.
Preston grabbed Artesia and hugged her to him.
“Breathe baby.”
He rubbed up and her back.
“Preston, those classes mentioned will not be offered until next year.”
“Baby, believe me there’s a simple explanation to this.”
“To ease my mind, tell me.”
“It could be the result of a computer glitch.”
Preston looked down at his watch.
“The student affairs office is closed. I say the first thing tomorrow morning we pay them a visit. I guarantee you and I, will graduate on the same day, and on time.”
Preston hugged Artesia to him. He kissed her on the top of her head for reassurance.
740 Park Avenue
Manhattan, New York
Tristano’s Penthouse
Two Weeks later
Tristano lifted his suitcases from off the bed and walked out his bedroom.
“Let’s see how you feel Miss. Wockivoi, when your emotions get tossed to the fucking wind.”
Tristano opened the door, walked out, and pulled his door close.
Old Westbury, New York
Michael’s Residence
“Mr. Barron. I cannot find the whereabouts of this woman.”
Michael looked over at the letter lying on his dresser. The ring lying on top reminded him of the last time he saw the young girl who he made love to so tenderly.
“Keep trying, and the minute you find something out. You are to contact me immediately.”
“Yes sir.”
Michael slammed the telephone receiver on the cradle.
Wimbledon Village
Artesia’s Flat
Artesia entered her flat and pushed the door close. How was she going to tell her parents she would not be graduating in three days? She took a seat on the couch.
Her telephone rang.
She refused to take another call from Preston. He could not understand why she called off their relationship for good.
If he were the person not graduating, after seven years of college, he would be peeved also, she thought.
The call went to her answering machine.
“Artesia please call me, I miss you. Why won’t you talk to me?”
Her telephone rang again.
“Would you give it up Preston, dammit!”
The call went to her voice-mail.
“Artesia, this is Tristano. I need you to call me. I’m staying at the Savoy in town. This is an urgent matter.”
Artesia ran over to the telephone stand. She lifted the receiver and placed it up to her ear.
“Hello, hello.”
Both waited for her answering machine to beep.
“Are you screening calls?”
She smiled into the receiver. His voice sounded like home, the last memories of them together, made her smile sag.
“How can I help you Mr. Giordano.”
“We need to talk.”
“We have nothing more to talk about.”
“That is where you are wrong. I will see you tonight, and that bastard you’re sleeping with, I suggest you get rid of him, or dammit, I would.”
“How dare you…”
The telephone went silent in her ear.
Artesia placed the telephone receiver back on the cradle. She lifted the receiver again, dialed out, and placed it up to her ear.
“This is Tender Loving Day Spa and hair salon.”
“Yes, I would like to make a hair, manicure, and a pedicure appointment.”
“I can help you with that.”
Preston looked down at his watch.
Artesia pulled her vehicle into her driveway. She saw Preston sitting on her porch, apparently waiting for her return.
“Dammit, no means no, shit!”
Artesia withdrew her key out the ignition and unsnapped the seatbelt. She grabbed her shopping bags and purse from off the passenger seat and opened the door. She got out and pushed the door close.
Preston stood.
She was not on his shit today.
Artesia walked up to the door of her flat.
“How long have you been waiting here?”
“Long enough.”
“Preston what do you want?”
“We have been going together for seven months; you should not have to ask.”
“Preston, I thought I made myself clear.”
“I do not know how you feel about me. You keep changing your mind about us.”
Preston took in Artesia’s appearance. He assessed the new upswept hairstyle; he looked down at her polished toes peeking out the opening of her sandals.
Her skin had a radiance to it.
“Are you stepping out on me?”
“A college friend of mine and me is painting the town tonight.”
“Bullshit! You have a date.”
“Preston, I am going out with a female friend.”
“Dressed like that.”
“Yes, and why am I explaining myself. Our relationship is...”
Preston covered Artesia’s lips with his finger.
“I came over here to tell you how you may be able to graduate on time.”
Her smile clutched at his heart.
“I spoke to someone in Financial Aid concerning your grade transcript. I suppose to hear something back tomorrow morning.”
“That’s great.”
Artesia hugged Preston.
Preston hugged her in return.
Artesia tried to step back. Preston hugged her tighter.
“I love you Artesia, did I do something wrong?”
“Preston, I need space until I can figure this out about my situation. Right now, I can’t offer you nothing in return.”
“I’ll take my chances with nothing, then leaving you completely alone.”
“Preston, I have to go.
“Can I see you later, please?”
“How about I call you.”
“Artesia, I really love you. Tonight, when you are out with your…friend, remember that.”
Preston kissed Artesia on the side of her temple.
“That means a lot, thanks.”
Preston stepped back.
“You look so beautiful.”
He caressed her cheek, he leaned in and smelled her neck.
“And you smell so good.”
“The wondrous work of a spa.”
“Please remember what I said.”
“I will.”
Preston walked to his vehicle. He looked back at Artesia and smiled. He opened the door, got behind the steering wheel, and pulled the door close. He snapped his seat belt and started his vehicle. He backed up, and then pulled off.
Preston blew his horn.
Artesia unlocked the door, entered her flat, and pushed the door close.
Preston drove down the street and parked his vehicle. “Female friend my dick!” He felt bad for giving her false hope, on the contrary, how else could he see her.
Preston laid his head against the headrest and waited.
London England, United Kingdom
The Royal Suite
Artesia got out her vehicle. She handed the valet her car keys.
Preston parked his vehicle several cars back.
The doorman opened the door upon Artesia entering the Savoy’s Front Hall. She walked over to the reservation desk.
“Yes, can you advise Mr. Giordano his guest has arrived?”
“Miss. Wockivoi, Mr. Giordano has left specific instructions for you to join him in his suite.”
Darn she really did not want to see him in private.
Just turn around and leave she thought.
The Reservation Attendant pivoted, lifted a key-card from off a silver hook, and turned back around.
“Here you are Miss. Wockivoi, the Royal Suite.”
Artesia took the key-card from out the Reservation Attendant’s hand.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
She looked over Artesia’s appearance.
“Enjoy your evening.”
“I shall, thank you.”
Artesia walked over to the elevators. She held her breath in and pushed the elevator up button.
What gall of him to leave instructions at the front desk pertaining to her arrival she thought.
The elevator doors slid open.
Artesia stepped on the elevator. She pivoted and pressed the number five button.
The elevator doors slid close.
Preston entered the Savoy hotel. He glanced around. He did not see Artesia. He walked over to the reservation desk.
“Yes, my wife was just in here. She forgot her car keys.”
“Yes, the pretty woman, upswept hairdo, wearing the strapless red mini-dress, red stilettos.”
“Sir, you could leave the keys with me, and as soon as your wife steps off the elevator, I will be sure to return them.”
“I can go up and give them to her.”
“I’m sorry sir, I cannot advise that.”
“Well could you at least ring her guest’s room and advise her I am down here.”
“I’m sorry sir, the guest of this hotel, has left specific instructions not to be disturbed for the duration of the evening.”
“Thank you.”
Preston walked out the hotel
“That bitch lied to me, fuck her.”
The elevator doors slid open.
As much as she wanted to stay on the elevator, the more she wanted to step off.
Artesia took a deep breath and stepped off.
The closing of the elevator doors felt like she entered a time warp.
Artesia walked the lonely quiet corridor. She looked at the gold-plated numbers on the door. She stopped in front of Tristano’s suite.
Artesia knocked on the door and stepped back. No one answered.
Tristano turned off the shower. He thought he heard someone knocking on the door. He listened, and then turned back on the shower.
Artesia inserted the key-card into the door lock, turned it, and pulled it out; she opened the door. She took a deep breath and pushed the door open. She entered the lavish foyer of Tristano’s suite and quietly closed the door.
Artesia placed the key-card on an antique mahogany table near the door.
“Tristano,” Artesia yelled out.
She entered his spacious living quarters. She placed her purse down on the glass table.
“You like men to lose themselves in your pussy. My pussy, which you gave away so fucking freely!”
“Tristano... I..., please…please...please forgive me, I only want you, and…and now I see that.”
“You lying whore!”
Artesia walked over to the complementary bar, slid a glass to her, and took the topper off the Decanter. She poured herself a drink, uprooted the decanter, and slid the topper back inside
Tristano’s eyes traveled up the back of Artesia’s legs.
God, he missed her so much.
“I think you may want to hold off on the celebration.”
Artesia was afraid to move. She took a deep breath and turned around. She opened her mouth, nothing came out. Her eyes devoured a wet hirsute chest wall. Strong hands gripped both ends of a towel resting around his neck. She looked down.
A white towel wrapped around his mid-section, shielded the object of a long-ago lust.
“Can...can we make this quick. I have an engagement.”
“If it’s with that mothafucka who followed you here, I do not think so.”
“No one followed me, and I’m here as you’ve requested.”
Tristano walked over to where Artesia stood.
Artesia spaced her presence.
Tristano inched closer. He looked down into her eyes, and then stroked her cheek.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“I took the liberty of ordering us room service, being you will be here to discuss important matters.”
“I do not understand, what matters?”
“How is school coming along? You’re due to graduate correct.”
“Tristano, what do you want? I’m sure you are not in England by coincidence.”
Tristano poured himself a drink.
“Would you like that drink.” He lifted Artesia’s glass and handed it to her. “Here you are.”
Artesia took the glass from out Tristano’s hand.
Tristano clicked his glass to Artesia’s glass and took a swig.
Artesia took a sip of her drink and placed it down on the bar. She walked over to the window and looked out.
The view of the Thames River and the surrounding area was breathtaking.
Tristano placed his glass on the bar and followed. He matted his groin against Artesia’s derrière.
“Tristano, why am I here.”
“I’m not use to letting good things go.”
He kissed the back of her ear.
Artesia inched forward.
“Do you think it’s easy, not too?”
Artesia turned around.
Tristano lifted the towel from off his neck and flipped it over Artesia’s head. He trapped her by her waist and pulled her into his body.
“I demand you to stop this.”
Tristano pulled Artesia closer, and affixed his lips firmly on hers.
Artesia wanted to feel his lips on hers one last time. She grabbed the back of Tristano’s head and pulled his lips down to hers.
Tristano immediately stopped. He inched his head back.
“It must’ve been easy for you to go from one man’s bed to the next. I once told you, one day you will reap what you sow for hurting me.”
Tristano stepped back, placed his towel back around his neck, and walked away from Artesia. He returned to the bar.
“I think you need to take a look at this.”
He lifted a piece of paper and slid it down the bar.
Artesia rushed over to the bar and lifted the piece of paper. She glanced over it. She lifted her head and looked at Tristano.
“This is my college transcript. How did you get this?”
“Correction, your transcript is this one.”
Tristano slid another sheet of paper down the bar.
Artesia lifted it and looked down at the transcript with the failing grades.
Tristano planted his presence behind her.
Artesia pivoted her head.
“Wait, is this your doing?”
“No, however, I know who may be responsible.”
“Who? This mistake is keeping me from graduating.”
“I can take care of this for a small price.”
“How much.”
“I never gave you the impression I am a man without funds. So, do not insult my intelligence.”
“Then what do you want to….”
“To take care of this.”
Tristano wrapped his arms around Artesia’s waist and kissed the back of her head. He hugged her body to his chest.
“Would the price of a Supreme Court judge’s daughter’s hand suffice?”
“I am not for sale, and the answer is, no.”
“I guess you will never participate in your commencement this year, or any year to follow.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“So far, I have.”
“Why? We have not spoken for over seven months, and then you reappear in my life, and issue me a no-win resolution.”
“Actually, it’s simple. Marry me, you graduate, if you refuse, no graduation, ever.”
“Tell me you’re not serious. Marry you.”
Tristano dropped his arms from around Artesia’s waist, turned, and walked over to the telephone. He lifted the receiver and dialed a series of numbers.
Artesia rushed over to Tristano.
“Wait, who are you calling?”
“Since you refused me, you will have yourself to blame for never finishing what you started.”
“Wait a minute, let’s talk this over.”
Artesia tried to take the receiver from out Tristano’s hand. He held it above his head.
Even in her stilettos. Her arm could not stretch that far.
“Are we in agreement, marry me, or stay in college for the rest of your life.”
Artesia palmed Tristano’s chest and tried to reach her arm farther.
Her soft hand on him was the breaking point.
Tristano dropped the phone and pulled Artesia into his arms. He trapped her lips against his.
Artesia tried to step back. Tristano held on tighter and increased the pressure against her lips.
“Dammit I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips, His tongue slipped inside her mouth, clarifying his admission.
Artesia wrapped her arms around Tristano’s neck. She hated to admit it, but she missed his lips on hers, his commanding voice, his muscular frame supporting her, the throne of passion she always experienced in his arms.
Artesia kissed Tristano’s neck, his lips. She laid her forehead against his chin.
“I’ve missed you too, and I am so sorry for hurting you.”
Tristano tilted Artesia’s chin and reclaimed her lips.
Both took the leisure to dine off each other’s lips
“Oh Tristano…you came...”
Tristano deepened the kiss.
Two voices bemoaned in compliance.
Tristano lifted Artesia and whisked her back to the master bedroom suite. He laid her on the bed and stood back.
Artesia sat up and snatched the towel from off Tristano’s waist.
Tristano threw the towel around his neck on the bottom of the bed. He climbed over Artesia.
Artesia’s back sunk back against the coverlet.
Tristano lifted Artesia’s dress. He pulled the thong down her legs, took it off, and tossed it somewhere. He leaned his face down and kissed over her lower stomach. He licked up her stomach. Her dress permitted his tongue from roaming farther.
“Come here.”
Tristano leaned his face downward.
Artesia palmed the sides of Tristano’s face and brought his face down. She looked up into his eyes.
“I never meant to hurt you, and once again, I am truly sorry.”
She kissed him on the lips.
Tristano laid his forehead against hers.
“I love you Artesia, and baby I’m sorry for our last encounter, and my behavior.”
He kissed her bottom lip.
“I have been living with regret and physical abstinence since that night. I…”
Someone knocked on the door.
Tristano lifted his head and pivoted it in the direction of the bedroom door.
“Dammit, I haven’t touched you in months, the minute I do, I’m interrupted.”
Tristano inched back, and then rose from the bed.
Artesia sat up.
What was she thinking? This can’t happen.
“I have to go.”
“Not without an answer, remember you are to graduate in two days, after tomorrow, the offer gets taken off the table.”
“I forgot how…conniving and smooth talking a Giordano can be.”
“What the fuck does that mean!”
“It doesn’t matter.”
The persistent knocks on the door became louder.
“Don’t forget the door.”
“We will discuss your statement, after we’ve eaten.”
Artesia’s eyes did not miss Tristano’s hard erection
Damn, she wanted one last rendezvous with him.
Tristano lifted the towel from off the floor and knotted it around his midsection. He leaned down and kissed Artesia on her lips.
“As much, as you look desirable, clothed. You may want to get comfortable; you will not be going home tonight.”
Tristano turned and walked out the bedroom.
Artesia bent over and unsnapped her stilettoes.
Tristano heard the shilling sound of the telephone. He walked over to it, lifted the receiver, and replaced it on the cradle. He walked over to the door and opened it.
“Where is Artesia?”
“Man, you have some balls to come up to my hotel suite demanding to see my fiancée.”
“Artesia,” Preston yelled.
Preston attempted to enter Tristano’s hotel suite.
“Slow down youngster, you do not want any of this.”
“Fuck you old man, you don’t want any of this.”
Preston took a step forward.
Tristano grabbed Preston around his neck and pushed him backwards.
“You motherfucker…”
Preston took a swing at Tristano.
Tristano ducked his head back, and then punched Preston in his mouth.
Preston tasted his blood.
“You fuck!”
He barged into Tristano’s suite. He wrapped his arms around his waist and drove him backwards; he tried to wrestle Tristano to the floor.
Tristano balled both fists and crashed them down on Preston’s back.
Preston dropped to his knees; his body emitted a series of coughing. He attempted to stand.
“I told you mothafucker, that piece of pussy is mine.”
Tristano kneed Preston under his chin.
Preston landed on his back.
Artesia heard the commotion. She slid into a complementary robe, tied the belt around her waist, and ran into the adjacent living room.
“What the hell is going on out here! Tristano, Preston, would you two stop this madness, please.”
Tristano turned around.
Preston quickly stood and punched Tristano in his stomach.
Tristano doubled over.
Preston shoved Tristano farther into the suite.
Tristano’s towel fell off him.
“Will you two stop before, someone gets hurt.”
Tristano and Preston went blow-for-blow, knocking everything down in their pathway.
Tristano grabbed Preston around his neck and strangled him.
“I told you, you did not want any of this.”
Preston dropped to his knees.
“Tristano stop before you kill him.”
“That’s my fucking intentions!”
“No Tristano, please stop.”
Artesia tried to unlatch Tristano’s hands from around Preston’s neck, after hearing Preston gasping for breath, and the color draining from his face. She ran into the corridor.
“Someone help me please.”
Security rushed into the hotel suite.
A man pushing a serving cart followed behind.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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