Boys caught naked by girl Scouts part 7 of 8
Boys caught naked by girl Scouts part 7 of 8
Steve was stock still, mammoth cock already beginning to reflate in anticipation of the nude walk with the senior girl scouts buzzing around him. Clothes were a disgusting thought. He would be happy to live as a nudist from now on - providing there were plenty of females around to gawk and gape. He did not want clothes. He wanted eyeball inspections of his naked body.
Rod Kelly could live nude too. With a girl who would make him strip off the minute, he came into the house and show off his red bush. Who would take him into the woods and, behind the first tree, instruct him to disrobe completely? This nude walk, next to an understanding girl, was the experience of his life. No way he would take his clothes back, not till they got to earshot of town.
When she saw, he was not volunteering to dress, Emily gave him a playful tickle on his bottom, still quilted from his lying on the grass.
As brazenly reached out and cupped the dangling, loose balls with their big rocks, one heavier and lower than its brother.
Rod beamed, proud of his new-found courage. He would stroll hand in hand with Emily naked. With the air around his skin and the leaves grazing his hips. As happy as he has ever been. All the way, as far as he could. And repeat it on their picnic tomorrow.
When Melissa had made her offer to reinstate clothing Gerry had turned his cute snub nose to Alice. She firmly shook her head.
No argument.
Alan and Sally were standing on the edge. When Melissa made her offer his hand started to rise. Sally's dark eyes flashed, and she decisively grasped his hand and pulled it back down. And kept holding on. Alan submitted and dreamt of the treehouse.
The last part of their walk commenced.
It was even more idyllic than the first.
Sally, the pretty brunette, sometimes walked with an arm draped over handsome Alan's shoulder, sometimes around his waist. She marveled at the movement of muscle in his abdomen, like rubber under the drum-skin tightness of his belly.
She only had to drop her concupiscent gaze lower to settle on his organs of generation, as her biology text put it. His were the loveliest in existence, she was sure. What a wedding night package for some lucky bride. If she caressed him lightly, grazing his tight little ass or running fingers up his back, she saw the petite penis fill and stick out.
As she followed with some thrilling details about plans for his treehouse visit it would surprise her, surprise him, and stick up at the sky.
Gloria Jenkins, the pudgy girl who liked pictures of statues, wove in and out of the line - precisely to see what was happening with the boys' genitals. Just now she had seen the red-headed boy walking arm in arm with Emily whispering away, and his funny, narrow, curved cock was pointing the way down the pathway as the two of them swung along, hand in hand.
Gloria was suddenly joined by Milly Smithers who darted back from where she had been walking at the head of the line. "Oh my God," she whispered. "The big boy is at it again. Girls have been teasing him about telling at school and his thing just stood right up."
"All the way?"
"All the way! Right flat against his belly pointing at the sky!"
"Ohhhhh! Let us see! Remember we tasted his stuff but, gee, it was
SOOO sour."
Susie Winthrop had been enjoying the sight of each of the boys too. It was great to inspect their pricks. But now she was getting the rear views. She liked their round, tight asses. muscling along. Their bottoms were all so nice. Gerry had by far the tightest and most defined: a gymnast's ass.
But Susie was becoming a connoisseur. What she savored was not just their bottoms. Now she was pursuing the prurient view right into the boys' cracks. She aimed to catch them when they mounted a rise or stepped over rocks. She had seen Steve's crack when, climbing an incline in front of her, he had bent over to struggle with his shoelaces.
His cheeks had parted, and the crack opened, and she had seen his hole. It was just like her kitten's nose and mouth. From its circumference, like rays of a sunburst, auburn hairs were flattened by sweat.
She stood behind him loving this privileged rear view. It thrilled her and her panties were getting soaked. Then he surprised her, looking behind and winking! The show-off had deliberately bent over, standing on the incline, to open his crack. But after his cheeky wink, he bent over again and continued to work on his laces. He wanted her to look at it some more.
His puckering hole itself was like another eye winking back at her. It was the most intimate thing she thought she could look at. It was the center of his secret being or something like it. His balls sometimes hove into view between his legs but sadly never his prick because it was always standing out in front, a disappointment to any girl behind him.
Indeed when, after this encounter, he resumed walking he positioned himself so Susie could see it. After the dirty excitement of exposing his hole to her, his cock was pointing ramrod stiff to the sky.
Susie thought that Rod's hind view was even more exciting. First, there was a tuft of wiry red hair in his crack. That was like a token of evil. Unnatural. The devil's work. A thrilling discovery. Second, his testicles really did dangle, one lower than the other. And seeing that hairless scrotum swing like a pendulum - swinging between his legs, in the rear view - was pure joy. She felt deliciously wicked, sneaking the backstage view when Rod had no idea a girl was poking her nose up his most intimate part.
As for that handsome Alan Larsen, his cock and testicles could not be seen from behind even when he took big climbing strides. But just some minutes ago she had glimpsed deep in his crack and seen a hairless pink puckering hole - extremely cute and boyish - which reminded her, strange to say, of Rod's puckering foreskin. These body parts - asshole and foreskin - were cousins. Her vagina deposited another globule of lubrication in her soaked panties.
The procession halted.
Melissa had mounted a rise. From here she looked down on an opening in the woodlands. The track was about to wind its way through the neglected corner of a golf course, miles from the clubhouse and remote from the fairway and never used. Except for today. Even from this distance, the party could see two spacious marquees and a dense gathering of people, 50 to 70.
As the rest of the hikers joined her, she extracted a small pair of field binoculars and surveyed the scene like Robert E Lee at Gettysburg.
"What have we here? It looks like...oh, no... goodness...oh yes."
She turned to confront her party and pronounced, "Wouldn't you know? It is the Golf Club Ladies' Day Picnic. And we are going to have to go right through them. There's no other way around."
"Well, what about our clothes now?" challenged Gerry.
"Yeah, we can't walk nude right through that lot!" insisted Alan.
Melissa appeared to agree but caught Steve's expression. He was desperate to walk naked through the ladies' picnic. She could not deny him this fulfillment. This would be the greatest moment of his life given all that he had poured out to her a brief time ago about his innermost urges. She also saw Alice cooing into Gerry's ear. The short blond was beginning to look very submissive indeed. As she whispered, he started nodding solemnly. He had been told by Alice that he would be staying naked and there was nothing he could do about it. She would be making all the decisions for him from this day forth.
Meanwhile, Sally's dark eyes were flashing as she whispered to Alan,
"We. Are. Going. To. Let. Those. Golf. Ladies. See...the prettiest penis in the whole wide world!" Wow! He was suddenly stirred by the sheer...naughtiness...of it.
"But what if they laugh at it?"
"Well, wouldn't that be kind of nice too?"
He thought of the way he had enjoyed total nudity on this walk. He thought of the sweetness of surrender to female authority. And if female golfers pointed at him and laughed at a small dick, well, he would be set on fire the way Steve was when they pointed at his big one.
Melissa was ready to move but resented Steve's beaming smile and now-rock-hard penis. He was rearing to go, to get into it, to display himself to the female golfers. He was enjoying this too much. There was one cruel trick left to her.
She ordered Tammy, Christine, Susie, and Gloria to take Steve by the arms and hold them back. She asked Milly Smithers, the girl fascinated by the bulges in men's swimmers, to very gently prize Steve's erection out just a tiny distance from his pubis. Because she, Melissa, was going to shave all Steve's pubic bush until he was clean as a whisker.
There were intakes of breath. She delved into her backpack and opened a pink toiletries bag to produce her razor. Steve gaped, his eyes wild, but as she wielded that thing so near his stubborn prick he dared not struggle. She started at the base of his shaft, moved to the sides of the brush, and satisfied herself with rough cropping before returning to complete the depilation more thoroughly. Then she did the circuit again rounding up every one of his auburn curliest.
He was completely shorn.
Tammy fell on some of the fallen curls and snatched them up. "
Souvenirs! For the girls at school!" And her companions went wild, grabbing the short auburn locks to wrap in their handkerchiefs. Sally, who had heard about pubic shaving from her sister and planned to use it on Alan in the treehouse, looked Alan in the eye. He read her intention. She was sending a signal that he would soon be as bare as an egg down there. Like Steve. He swallowed deep. Nothing need to be said. Sufficient unto the day...
Emily snuggled into Rod. "Whatever else I order you to do, you're not losing your flaming red bush."
His response surprised me.
"Oh, I guess it grows back fast."
His readiness to let her shame him did not have limits. She absorbed this little revelation with warm pleasure.
Gerry had a different response, however. He asked Alice, "Your cousins won't want to do that?"
"Oh, I don't know."
"Okay, a deal. The hair, the make-up, even the ...girly underwear if they want. But not..."
"Oh, I think I'll be making that decision, boy."
No argument.
They started the descent.
Some yards out the socializing lady golfers noticed the party of hikers.
Closer, they became aware that the leader, a rangy young athlete, was naked. Then, he had a huge erect prick. When he was in their midst, he had no pubic hair.
They were middle-aged and elderly. They stared in astonishment, then gluttony. For the second time today, Steve felt exploratory female eyes all over his midriff. His great white monster throbbed.
And now...this time...there was none of the terror that had made him hide behind bushes. For him now no terror. Just a celestial dirty thrill, a great surge of it right through his being, his gut, to the bulbous mushroom head of his prick. Especially when he saw the popping eyes wide as saucers. Especially when he saw a woman as old as his grandmother lock in a prurient leer at his cock.
A big dollop of pre-cum now appeared from his penis slit.
Every one of the excited, stunned women golfers was imagining what she could do - if anything - with a battering ram that monstrous.
As their silent astonishment turned to gasps and giggles the surging female golfers, some with drinks or paper plates in hand, saw amid the uniformed girl scouts, a thin red-headed youth with a nervously bobbing over overlarge Adam's apple... and a long-curved penis pointing the way ahead. He was blushing acutely.
"It's just like a swan's neck," he heard an obese, pearl-wearing matron exclaim. And then sink into giggles, blushing at her indecorous comment. "Look at those BALLS!" gushed a brazen dyed-haired 60-year-old gesturing with a cigarette holder. "What a pair of baubles!"
There was huge merriment from her circle. "I love his red curls," trilled a 30-something. "Wish I had those to come home to."
It was Emily who was asking in Rod's ear whether he felt shame now. And what was it like? Her panties were soaking. He was close to tears or fainting; the experience was so intense. He would be able to talk about it later. But some nameless impulse was willing his cock to stay at full mast as the crowds parted for him. He would not be without this experience. He reached back for Emily's hand. But she had deliberately drifted off, to make him suffer more.
To be continued
Steve was stock still, mammoth cock already beginning to reflate in anticipation of the nude walk with the senior girl scouts buzzing around him. Clothes were a disgusting thought. He would be happy to live as a nudist from now on - providing there were plenty of females around to gawk and gape. He did not want clothes. He wanted eyeball inspections of his naked body.
Rod Kelly could live nude too. With a girl who would make him strip off the minute, he came into the house and show off his red bush. Who would take him into the woods and, behind the first tree, instruct him to disrobe completely? This nude walk, next to an understanding girl, was the experience of his life. No way he would take his clothes back, not till they got to earshot of town.
When she saw, he was not volunteering to dress, Emily gave him a playful tickle on his bottom, still quilted from his lying on the grass.
As brazenly reached out and cupped the dangling, loose balls with their big rocks, one heavier and lower than its brother.
Rod beamed, proud of his new-found courage. He would stroll hand in hand with Emily naked. With the air around his skin and the leaves grazing his hips. As happy as he has ever been. All the way, as far as he could. And repeat it on their picnic tomorrow.
When Melissa had made her offer to reinstate clothing Gerry had turned his cute snub nose to Alice. She firmly shook her head.
No argument.
Alan and Sally were standing on the edge. When Melissa made her offer his hand started to rise. Sally's dark eyes flashed, and she decisively grasped his hand and pulled it back down. And kept holding on. Alan submitted and dreamt of the treehouse.
The last part of their walk commenced.
It was even more idyllic than the first.
Sally, the pretty brunette, sometimes walked with an arm draped over handsome Alan's shoulder, sometimes around his waist. She marveled at the movement of muscle in his abdomen, like rubber under the drum-skin tightness of his belly.
She only had to drop her concupiscent gaze lower to settle on his organs of generation, as her biology text put it. His were the loveliest in existence, she was sure. What a wedding night package for some lucky bride. If she caressed him lightly, grazing his tight little ass or running fingers up his back, she saw the petite penis fill and stick out.
As she followed with some thrilling details about plans for his treehouse visit it would surprise her, surprise him, and stick up at the sky.
Gloria Jenkins, the pudgy girl who liked pictures of statues, wove in and out of the line - precisely to see what was happening with the boys' genitals. Just now she had seen the red-headed boy walking arm in arm with Emily whispering away, and his funny, narrow, curved cock was pointing the way down the pathway as the two of them swung along, hand in hand.
Gloria was suddenly joined by Milly Smithers who darted back from where she had been walking at the head of the line. "Oh my God," she whispered. "The big boy is at it again. Girls have been teasing him about telling at school and his thing just stood right up."
"All the way?"
"All the way! Right flat against his belly pointing at the sky!"
"Ohhhhh! Let us see! Remember we tasted his stuff but, gee, it was
SOOO sour."
Susie Winthrop had been enjoying the sight of each of the boys too. It was great to inspect their pricks. But now she was getting the rear views. She liked their round, tight asses. muscling along. Their bottoms were all so nice. Gerry had by far the tightest and most defined: a gymnast's ass.
But Susie was becoming a connoisseur. What she savored was not just their bottoms. Now she was pursuing the prurient view right into the boys' cracks. She aimed to catch them when they mounted a rise or stepped over rocks. She had seen Steve's crack when, climbing an incline in front of her, he had bent over to struggle with his shoelaces.
His cheeks had parted, and the crack opened, and she had seen his hole. It was just like her kitten's nose and mouth. From its circumference, like rays of a sunburst, auburn hairs were flattened by sweat.
She stood behind him loving this privileged rear view. It thrilled her and her panties were getting soaked. Then he surprised her, looking behind and winking! The show-off had deliberately bent over, standing on the incline, to open his crack. But after his cheeky wink, he bent over again and continued to work on his laces. He wanted her to look at it some more.
His puckering hole itself was like another eye winking back at her. It was the most intimate thing she thought she could look at. It was the center of his secret being or something like it. His balls sometimes hove into view between his legs but sadly never his prick because it was always standing out in front, a disappointment to any girl behind him.
Indeed when, after this encounter, he resumed walking he positioned himself so Susie could see it. After the dirty excitement of exposing his hole to her, his cock was pointing ramrod stiff to the sky.
Susie thought that Rod's hind view was even more exciting. First, there was a tuft of wiry red hair in his crack. That was like a token of evil. Unnatural. The devil's work. A thrilling discovery. Second, his testicles really did dangle, one lower than the other. And seeing that hairless scrotum swing like a pendulum - swinging between his legs, in the rear view - was pure joy. She felt deliciously wicked, sneaking the backstage view when Rod had no idea a girl was poking her nose up his most intimate part.
As for that handsome Alan Larsen, his cock and testicles could not be seen from behind even when he took big climbing strides. But just some minutes ago she had glimpsed deep in his crack and seen a hairless pink puckering hole - extremely cute and boyish - which reminded her, strange to say, of Rod's puckering foreskin. These body parts - asshole and foreskin - were cousins. Her vagina deposited another globule of lubrication in her soaked panties.
The procession halted.
Melissa had mounted a rise. From here she looked down on an opening in the woodlands. The track was about to wind its way through the neglected corner of a golf course, miles from the clubhouse and remote from the fairway and never used. Except for today. Even from this distance, the party could see two spacious marquees and a dense gathering of people, 50 to 70.
As the rest of the hikers joined her, she extracted a small pair of field binoculars and surveyed the scene like Robert E Lee at Gettysburg.
"What have we here? It looks like...oh, no... goodness...oh yes."
She turned to confront her party and pronounced, "Wouldn't you know? It is the Golf Club Ladies' Day Picnic. And we are going to have to go right through them. There's no other way around."
"Well, what about our clothes now?" challenged Gerry.
"Yeah, we can't walk nude right through that lot!" insisted Alan.
Melissa appeared to agree but caught Steve's expression. He was desperate to walk naked through the ladies' picnic. She could not deny him this fulfillment. This would be the greatest moment of his life given all that he had poured out to her a brief time ago about his innermost urges. She also saw Alice cooing into Gerry's ear. The short blond was beginning to look very submissive indeed. As she whispered, he started nodding solemnly. He had been told by Alice that he would be staying naked and there was nothing he could do about it. She would be making all the decisions for him from this day forth.
Meanwhile, Sally's dark eyes were flashing as she whispered to Alan,
"We. Are. Going. To. Let. Those. Golf. Ladies. See...the prettiest penis in the whole wide world!" Wow! He was suddenly stirred by the sheer...naughtiness...of it.
"But what if they laugh at it?"
"Well, wouldn't that be kind of nice too?"
He thought of the way he had enjoyed total nudity on this walk. He thought of the sweetness of surrender to female authority. And if female golfers pointed at him and laughed at a small dick, well, he would be set on fire the way Steve was when they pointed at his big one.
Melissa was ready to move but resented Steve's beaming smile and now-rock-hard penis. He was rearing to go, to get into it, to display himself to the female golfers. He was enjoying this too much. There was one cruel trick left to her.
She ordered Tammy, Christine, Susie, and Gloria to take Steve by the arms and hold them back. She asked Milly Smithers, the girl fascinated by the bulges in men's swimmers, to very gently prize Steve's erection out just a tiny distance from his pubis. Because she, Melissa, was going to shave all Steve's pubic bush until he was clean as a whisker.
There were intakes of breath. She delved into her backpack and opened a pink toiletries bag to produce her razor. Steve gaped, his eyes wild, but as she wielded that thing so near his stubborn prick he dared not struggle. She started at the base of his shaft, moved to the sides of the brush, and satisfied herself with rough cropping before returning to complete the depilation more thoroughly. Then she did the circuit again rounding up every one of his auburn curliest.
He was completely shorn.
Tammy fell on some of the fallen curls and snatched them up. "
Souvenirs! For the girls at school!" And her companions went wild, grabbing the short auburn locks to wrap in their handkerchiefs. Sally, who had heard about pubic shaving from her sister and planned to use it on Alan in the treehouse, looked Alan in the eye. He read her intention. She was sending a signal that he would soon be as bare as an egg down there. Like Steve. He swallowed deep. Nothing need to be said. Sufficient unto the day...
Emily snuggled into Rod. "Whatever else I order you to do, you're not losing your flaming red bush."
His response surprised me.
"Oh, I guess it grows back fast."
His readiness to let her shame him did not have limits. She absorbed this little revelation with warm pleasure.
Gerry had a different response, however. He asked Alice, "Your cousins won't want to do that?"
"Oh, I don't know."
"Okay, a deal. The hair, the make-up, even the ...girly underwear if they want. But not..."
"Oh, I think I'll be making that decision, boy."
No argument.
They started the descent.
Some yards out the socializing lady golfers noticed the party of hikers.
Closer, they became aware that the leader, a rangy young athlete, was naked. Then, he had a huge erect prick. When he was in their midst, he had no pubic hair.
They were middle-aged and elderly. They stared in astonishment, then gluttony. For the second time today, Steve felt exploratory female eyes all over his midriff. His great white monster throbbed.
And now...this time...there was none of the terror that had made him hide behind bushes. For him now no terror. Just a celestial dirty thrill, a great surge of it right through his being, his gut, to the bulbous mushroom head of his prick. Especially when he saw the popping eyes wide as saucers. Especially when he saw a woman as old as his grandmother lock in a prurient leer at his cock.
A big dollop of pre-cum now appeared from his penis slit.
Every one of the excited, stunned women golfers was imagining what she could do - if anything - with a battering ram that monstrous.
As their silent astonishment turned to gasps and giggles the surging female golfers, some with drinks or paper plates in hand, saw amid the uniformed girl scouts, a thin red-headed youth with a nervously bobbing over overlarge Adam's apple... and a long-curved penis pointing the way ahead. He was blushing acutely.
"It's just like a swan's neck," he heard an obese, pearl-wearing matron exclaim. And then sink into giggles, blushing at her indecorous comment. "Look at those BALLS!" gushed a brazen dyed-haired 60-year-old gesturing with a cigarette holder. "What a pair of baubles!"
There was huge merriment from her circle. "I love his red curls," trilled a 30-something. "Wish I had those to come home to."
It was Emily who was asking in Rod's ear whether he felt shame now. And what was it like? Her panties were soaking. He was close to tears or fainting; the experience was so intense. He would be able to talk about it later. But some nameless impulse was willing his cock to stay at full mast as the crowds parted for him. He would not be without this experience. He reached back for Emily's hand. But she had deliberately drifted off, to make him suffer more.
To be continued
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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