Reduced to Black Tears.

I can't take the screaming,
it rings in my ears.
Reverberating again,
so I relive my fears.

Oh, Merriam Webster,
I do consult thee.
Sirens sounding outside,
my discordant symphony.

I'm never screaming, my pen.
Don't think me impolite.
But I write of the silence
I'd love to hear tonight.

Tomorrow, I'll glow.
I'll be happy and smiling.
Though the radio frequency
leaves a feeling like dying.

I can't take the screaming,
to reverberate in my ears.
I lock up my emotions,
I spill out these black tears.
Written by BleedingInferno219 (Kristyn Ashley.)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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