More Dreams, Mixed Bags!

from a nightmare, then second dream a comedy!
at 3:10am woke from a weird nightmare, where i was in some kind of weird dystopian world, where everyone and everything seemed covered covered in mud (no, not mud wrestling) and everyone was trying to kill not just me, but anyone else, whilst clasping metal balls in their hands, clambering over the dead to try and get more! i knew i was going to become a victim and was trying to get away, i felt the terror and managed to clamber away from it all. just a few minutes after waking up from this, i heard my daughter and her friend arrive home safely. the only thing that i did different yesterday, was to put on a strong nicotine patch 21mg about 9pm, from reading more, possibly partly responsible for the dream. i stayed awake for about 3 hours (till 6) at 5am decided to remove the patch and wear it during the day instead of 24 hours. this time had another dream, thankfully not scarey, just quirky: i was cycling energetically, put the bike down and did a bit of cross country running nearly ran of a mountain edge into a sea(not good, can't swim, or fly!) but i changed direction, and so did the dream. i came across an old ramshackle quaint old cottage, and as i wandered down a short overgrown drive, i started finding some old coins. whilst picking a few up. seemingly, out of nowhere appeared a father and daughter, he seemed mid 40's, she seemed about 10(ish) strange as dreams are, he was my surgeon!, yet a few moments later, became Hugh Lawrie! he didn't seem quite as keen as me at finding coins, but interested enough to pick a few up as novelties... he did seem happy when i found an old beer barrel screw. i told him i was a numismatist(but i'm alright now!) he looked over with a look that said that he was totally disinterested in this revelation. then i told him that only 5 days ago, i'd had major heart surgery, the response this time was doubt, but i got the impression, that he thought me fairly harmless, and he had decided to humour me, and see if i came out with any other curious stories, such as alien abduction etc. then i woke up! feeling relieved that i'd had quite a funny dream this time............

by Jemia
Written by missjem56 (Jemia de Blondeville)
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