
I hear people say they are too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, have too little a nose, too big a nose, they've got freckles, wrinkles, pimples, or they are too pale, too dark and that makes them ugly.

These things do not make you ugly. You know what makes a person ugly? Listen to a Trump speech for 10 minutes. Hate makes you ugly. Not caring about people who are suffering makes you repugnant.

No one likes bullies but other bullies. There is a reason Trump looks up to people like Putin and Kim Jong-Un.

Back in High School, I was bullied. I was 6'1 and maybe 145 pounds and had a locker next to the one of the top wrestlers in the state. Everyday, he would take a shot at my shoulder. If I flinched he would hit me again.

To this day I have problems with that shoulder.

I would hate going to school, so much so that I couldn't sleep. My lack of sleep led me to falling asleep in classes, which led everyone around me thinking I did drugs.

I remember during graduation ceremonies the class president got busted when he dropped a pack of cigarettes and a joint fell out.

I was shocked he had a pack of cigarettes much less a joint. I wondered out loud, "Where would he get a joint in our school?"

My friend told me, "Tim, there are drugs all over our High School."

I joked, "How come no one ever offered me any?"

"They thought you had them all."

I would be so nervous about going to school, I would actually have a fever every morning. I managed to miss exactly the maximum number of days you could miss and still graduate.

When I first heard of Columbine, I didn't condone the shooters actions, but I did understand them.

Years later, I would see my old High School bully at a football game my son was playing in. I had stayed in shape. He hadn't. I had grown a couple inches, gotten a little more muscle, and he looked like he had shrunk some.

He was happy to see me. To him, his hitting me every day was just a normal thing.

"Hey Tim, you remember me?"

"Yeah, you used to hit me every day."

"Well, we all did things in High School we regret."

"Not all of us," and I left him standing there.

Should I have pretended that it was all forgotten? Maybe, but I don't feel bad about it.

I hope he has a good life. I don't hate him. I just don't want to be friends with him.

In his case, he might have grown out of his bullyness. I don't know. I'm not willing to take the chance.

Some people never grow out of it.

Written by TimWombles
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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