Zhuni's Soulmate Part 2
Chapter 4: What Dreams May Come
Zhuni’s alarm clock went off, just as she was rounding the curve of the strangest dream
She could ever remember having. She was standing in front of a tree that had colors she had never seen before…and by her side was Jahbril, holding both of her hands to his lips …. There was a warm breeze blowing,with drums echoing in the distance … “what is this place” she asked Jahbril in the dream,
And he simply responded…This is home…..
Zhuni got to work 30 minutes early, just so she could talk to Mr. Florez about last night’s events. “ Mr. FLorez! where are you?!” "I’m around back in the copy room Z,what is it?, whats got you in EARLY today?” “Well" Zhuni beemed…"I met someone!". At that moment when Zhuni spoke those 3 little words…
I … met …. Someone, He knew. It felt like static electricity coursing thru his veins at this revelation!
He poured a fresh cup of coffee, and took Zhuni by the hand and over to the receptionist area. “ Now child tell me all about it!” Zhuni giggled like a 15 year old as she sat down next to Mr. Florez,He always made her feel like his child… eventhough she was almost 33 years old it felt good to have an elder like Mr. Florez sit and be concerned about who she had met. “ His name is Jahbril, and I spilled my latte on him! It was strange because I couldn’t sleep last night and I felt compelled to go for a walk, that’s when we met; and did you see the moon last night it was amazing never have I seen a moon like that before!”
Diallo Florez listened intensely to Zhuni’s encounter. He was actually more excited than she was, but he couldn’t show it just yet… he had to be sure,but in all his 67 years he had Never seen a petition manifest so quickly. “This is good news then Z, so when are you planning to see him again? “ Tonight! We have a dinner date at 7 pm!...she gushed, and she didn’t even know why she was SO happy ,at this thought she paused and said. “ You know Mr. Florez… I really can’t explain this… I feel as though I have known this man all my life,” then she remembered the dream, and told Mr. Florez as much of it as her memory would allow. An excitement was building inside of him that was so intense he had butterflies in his stomache just listening to her talk.
And if the symbols in her dream meant what he thought they did
this was going to prove to be very interesting indeed!
Chapter 5 Dinner with Destiny
The day progressed rather quickly for Zhuni, as she
zipped around the office, making her copies,and renewing
clients insurance policies. Everyone noticed how she seemed to be floating with that huge smile she'd been wearing since she got to the office.
Right around 3:30 she stopped and called Khandee on her break.
"Khandee, I have a date!" "What!, and when did all this happen?!" Khandee screamed into the phone. Zhuni replayed the previous nights events to her as well, and ended the 411 session by letting Khandee know that she couldnt remember feeling so
Infatuated with a person in a long time.
"Girl It's about time and a blessing! I'm happy for you!and after the date you BETTER call me with all the juicy details."
Zhuni agreed that she would, then she hung up and proceeded
to do her Office Depot Order, before 4:pm.
Now, at around 4:15.. who should come walking into her office,
none other that Jahbril himself,and what a vision he was.
Clad in His black work boots, with a white painting jumpsuit on and his long locks pulled back in a ponytail.
"Hello, Zhuni..I... I'm sorry I came to your job,but I was so close by I couldnt help but to come and see you."Flusterd, and flattered all at once Zhuni just beemed at this man. She was truely at a loss for words.
At that moment Mr. Florez came back from his apartment where his wife had fixed him lunch, just in time to see the sparks flying between these two."Well, hello...and would you be the gentleman I've heard so much about all day?, He chuckled. Mr. Florez knew that he was, and he also knew that indeed...this was the man sent to Zhuni...she couldnt see Jahbril's aura like he could ... but she could feel it. The man literaly glowed from the inside out!....along with having a faint scent of cinnamon seeming to travel in the air around him.
"Yes ... well I hope that I am ". Jahbril said with a sheepish grin.As he gave Mr. Florez eye contact, the connection was clear,and Jahbril seemed to recognize Mr.Florez in a strange kind of way. Zhuni, momentarily faded into the back ground as these two men conversed. She couldnt put her finger on the vibe, but it was almost as if this man were meeting her very own father.
Jahbril told him he was new to town and he was a contractor, able to fix anything, anywhere, anytime.Also that he was working on Mr. Hendersons building about 2 blocks over,had some electrical work he was finishing up, and at that Mr.Henderson was pleased so far.
"Zhuni. would you mind if I stole your friend away for a few minutes,? I want to talk to him about a couple of things I need done around this old place." He is all yours .. but just for a few minutes" Zhuni beemed.
They went the brightness beyond the front doors of the insurance office,past the icecream shop...and across the street to the small park that was at the corner.
They didnt speak the whole way there. They knew.
Once they were both satisfied that Zhuni could not see them or hear them,Jahbril spoke first." You are the Elder that sent for me,are you not? "I am" Diallo Answered quietly.You quickly...and I am concerned about how this is effect Zhuni, Hde said while turning to face this ancient energy in the flesh.
"You have been sending prayers up for this woman for many years. It was actually your prayers that made it easy to find her On this full moon...when the veil between the worlds is thin."I have been searching for her...and her soul energy for 100's of years." "Now that I have found her...I will Love her, and never let her go...infact I want to take her and the children back to where we come from,Niberu.The place where our Ancestors walk among us."
Mr. Florez's eyes danced with excitement ....and more concern.
He wasnt expecting to loose her,even for her soulmate.and he pondered how she would except what Jahbril proposed to do.
"When, when are you going to tell her?" "In two days, the last night of the full moon, when the portal is still open"
"Will she understand will you make her understand this Jahbril"? even I a Babaloa have difficulty recieving that you want to take this child...away from all she knows. He said with concern.
"She already understands..she just doesnt know what it is.but her soul already knows. At dinner tonight ...I will reveal my true self to her..."
Mr.Florez knew that this man was sincere as any man could be,about this woman..a woman he had grown to love as a daughter
for ten years now.He had to trust in what he knew,and he knew this would be what was best for Zhuni, and her family. He realized that he had to love her let her go.
When the two men returned to the office they were deep in conversation... but smiling. Jahbril announced that he would be there at Zhunis' house to pick her up at 7:pm,the excitement was so thick you could feel it in the air.
"Go on and leave now Zhuni", Diallo said. it,s close enough to closing,go on and tend to the kids, and get ready for your date." Are you sure Mr. Florez?.. "Oh thankyou!"Zhuni squealed.Before she walked out the door, she turned around and went back to hug Diallo you know, it feels like I am going to be with him for the rest of my life" Strange huh?, try as I might...I know I dont know him ...but I feel like... a part of me DOES know him". Diallo just smiled, and said " sometimes child... the stars line up just right, to let your soulmate in".Now, get going... see you tommorrow.
Chapter 6: That Song...I know it
"Mama, who is this guy you going out with tonight?" Yaya
asked in a huff. He hated it when his mother went out on dates.
He thought she was over trying to date, seeing as how some nucklehead always ended up hurting her feelings.
"Im going out with a very nice guy I met yesterday". Yesterday! Mama! why so soon! Yaya was so angry he couldnt believe this!" One day Mama and you are trusting him to take you somewhere!" "Why!"
Zhuni knew her son was protective over her, so she overlooked that sharp tone of his voice. Honestly, she couldnt explain it either..but it was something she just knew.
"Honey, listen to me, this man is ...he's just ... right for me..I feel like I know him,and that's the best I can tell you right now". "Alright Ma,but I wanna meet him before you go out tonight, for real." Yes Father" Zhuni said jokingly.
Zhuni picked an outfit she had never worn before. It was something she had bought on one of outings with Khandee.
It was an orange sundress that ties around her neck, with one plunging split on the side. She wore her cowrie shell ankle
bracelet and slathered on her honey butter lotion as a sweet accent.Her hair was natural and she washed it and let it set with her natural locking lotion which gave her the most beautiful curls. with a touch of brown lipstick... Zhuni looked like a queen.
It was 7:05,and the doorbell rang. "Ma mee, somebodys at da door! Zhane yelled from the kitchen where she was eating her icecream.
"Can you see who it is Yaya, I believe its Jahbril."
Yaya walked slowly over to the door peeked through the peep hole,then opened it. "Hello",Jahbril said with a smile. " You must be Yaya."Your mother spoke very highly of you yesterday."
"Yeah.. well, this is the first I'm hearing about you." So, where are you planning on taking my Mom for dinner?"
"Well,I thought we might go to Prosperity Grill By the Lake,I hear that Ms.Olunda cooks a fine curry rice with chicken.
"Yeah...she does" Yaya hesitated,but then smiled. for some reason,
he could not give Jahbril the cold shoulder he had planned on.
"You know, I am going to take good care of your mother,and before he could finish his statement,Zhane came in. "Hello, are you my mommies date?" she asked with pure amazment, she had been watching the conversation between her brother and him for the last 5 minutes. "Yes I am,and you must be princess Zhane.Your Mother told me all about you too little one!" "She did!, Zhane squealed!" "She did indeed, Jahbril continued.
At that moment Zhuni walked into the room, and Jahbril
could not believe how beautiful she looked. He was literally speechless for 30 seconds. "You... are a vision Zhuni,you are truely the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on".
" OOh Ma mee... you DO look pretty!" Zhane said as she ran up to her mother and hugged her around her waiste.
In all the excitement Jahbril finally handed Zhuni the floweres he brought for and white daffodills... her favorite.
"Thank you, let me put these in water and we can go. Have my children been polite while you waited for me?" " Of course they were" Jahbril laughed good naturedly.
Soon, they were on there way to the restaurant.Zhuni felt like she had been in a dream since the night she met this mysterious man. What made her go walking that night? and Why could she not stop smelling sweet cinnamon since she met him? She was filled with so many questions,little did she know; she would soon have her answers.
This was a Thursday,so the crowd at Prosperity Grill was perfect. Not too many people, but just enough to give the place the warm glow and atmosphere it was known for.Jahbril could not have picked a better place.
Kenya was there waitress,a girl Zhuni had gone to middle school with,she looked virtualy the same too, Just about 4 inches taller which leveled her height out at right around 6ft.
They were seated at a table on the veranda, not too many people were out there,so it was romantic, and private.
They ordered red wine first while they waited for there orders to be brought out. at this point,Jahbril decided that this would be the time to talk to her about who he was and why he was there. "Queen Zhuni,can we take a stroll down to the end of the patio by the lake?" "Sure, Zhuni said, our food won't be here for at least 20 minutes, lets go." So they walked down the patio to the edge of the water,and Jahbril began to hum a song,while tapping lightly on the railing of the walkway.
It was a song that spoke of Ancient Love, a deep and moving ballad, that reminded her of something... or someone. Zhuni closed her eyes as he continued to sing and before she knew it she had sung the last verse of the song with Jahbril."I... I dont know how I know that song..." She said as she allowed his hand to sliup into hers. " I must have heard it somewhere,maybe when I was a little girl..." "Why, do I know that song Jahbril?"
Now, was the time. He cupped her face in his hands, and he told her a story that under any other circumstances would have been the tale of a madman... but she knew he told her about the history of that song,as she knew when he told her that she smelled cinnamon because that was the beacon that let him know where and how to find her,and she him.
Jahbril shared that he was from a place that was far beyond them but so close, and that in previous lifetimes,she and he had shared a love that was still being spoken of on there planet to that very day.
He explained that he ...was indeed her soulmate.
Zhuni’s alarm clock went off, just as she was rounding the curve of the strangest dream
She could ever remember having. She was standing in front of a tree that had colors she had never seen before…and by her side was Jahbril, holding both of her hands to his lips …. There was a warm breeze blowing,with drums echoing in the distance … “what is this place” she asked Jahbril in the dream,
And he simply responded…This is home…..
Zhuni got to work 30 minutes early, just so she could talk to Mr. Florez about last night’s events. “ Mr. FLorez! where are you?!” "I’m around back in the copy room Z,what is it?, whats got you in EARLY today?” “Well" Zhuni beemed…"I met someone!". At that moment when Zhuni spoke those 3 little words…
I … met …. Someone, He knew. It felt like static electricity coursing thru his veins at this revelation!
He poured a fresh cup of coffee, and took Zhuni by the hand and over to the receptionist area. “ Now child tell me all about it!” Zhuni giggled like a 15 year old as she sat down next to Mr. Florez,He always made her feel like his child… eventhough she was almost 33 years old it felt good to have an elder like Mr. Florez sit and be concerned about who she had met. “ His name is Jahbril, and I spilled my latte on him! It was strange because I couldn’t sleep last night and I felt compelled to go for a walk, that’s when we met; and did you see the moon last night it was amazing never have I seen a moon like that before!”
Diallo Florez listened intensely to Zhuni’s encounter. He was actually more excited than she was, but he couldn’t show it just yet… he had to be sure,but in all his 67 years he had Never seen a petition manifest so quickly. “This is good news then Z, so when are you planning to see him again? “ Tonight! We have a dinner date at 7 pm!...she gushed, and she didn’t even know why she was SO happy ,at this thought she paused and said. “ You know Mr. Florez… I really can’t explain this… I feel as though I have known this man all my life,” then she remembered the dream, and told Mr. Florez as much of it as her memory would allow. An excitement was building inside of him that was so intense he had butterflies in his stomache just listening to her talk.
And if the symbols in her dream meant what he thought they did
this was going to prove to be very interesting indeed!
Chapter 5 Dinner with Destiny
The day progressed rather quickly for Zhuni, as she
zipped around the office, making her copies,and renewing
clients insurance policies. Everyone noticed how she seemed to be floating with that huge smile she'd been wearing since she got to the office.
Right around 3:30 she stopped and called Khandee on her break.
"Khandee, I have a date!" "What!, and when did all this happen?!" Khandee screamed into the phone. Zhuni replayed the previous nights events to her as well, and ended the 411 session by letting Khandee know that she couldnt remember feeling so
Infatuated with a person in a long time.
"Girl It's about time and a blessing! I'm happy for you!and after the date you BETTER call me with all the juicy details."
Zhuni agreed that she would, then she hung up and proceeded
to do her Office Depot Order, before 4:pm.
Now, at around 4:15.. who should come walking into her office,
none other that Jahbril himself,and what a vision he was.
Clad in His black work boots, with a white painting jumpsuit on and his long locks pulled back in a ponytail.
"Hello, Zhuni..I... I'm sorry I came to your job,but I was so close by I couldnt help but to come and see you."Flusterd, and flattered all at once Zhuni just beemed at this man. She was truely at a loss for words.
At that moment Mr. Florez came back from his apartment where his wife had fixed him lunch, just in time to see the sparks flying between these two."Well, hello...and would you be the gentleman I've heard so much about all day?, He chuckled. Mr. Florez knew that he was, and he also knew that indeed...this was the man sent to Zhuni...she couldnt see Jahbril's aura like he could ... but she could feel it. The man literaly glowed from the inside out!....along with having a faint scent of cinnamon seeming to travel in the air around him.
"Yes ... well I hope that I am ". Jahbril said with a sheepish grin.As he gave Mr. Florez eye contact, the connection was clear,and Jahbril seemed to recognize Mr.Florez in a strange kind of way. Zhuni, momentarily faded into the back ground as these two men conversed. She couldnt put her finger on the vibe, but it was almost as if this man were meeting her very own father.
Jahbril told him he was new to town and he was a contractor, able to fix anything, anywhere, anytime.Also that he was working on Mr. Hendersons building about 2 blocks over,had some electrical work he was finishing up, and at that Mr.Henderson was pleased so far.
"Zhuni. would you mind if I stole your friend away for a few minutes,? I want to talk to him about a couple of things I need done around this old place." He is all yours .. but just for a few minutes" Zhuni beemed.
They went the brightness beyond the front doors of the insurance office,past the icecream shop...and across the street to the small park that was at the corner.
They didnt speak the whole way there. They knew.
Once they were both satisfied that Zhuni could not see them or hear them,Jahbril spoke first." You are the Elder that sent for me,are you not? "I am" Diallo Answered quietly.You quickly...and I am concerned about how this is effect Zhuni, Hde said while turning to face this ancient energy in the flesh.
"You have been sending prayers up for this woman for many years. It was actually your prayers that made it easy to find her On this full moon...when the veil between the worlds is thin."I have been searching for her...and her soul energy for 100's of years." "Now that I have found her...I will Love her, and never let her go...infact I want to take her and the children back to where we come from,Niberu.The place where our Ancestors walk among us."
Mr. Florez's eyes danced with excitement ....and more concern.
He wasnt expecting to loose her,even for her soulmate.and he pondered how she would except what Jahbril proposed to do.
"When, when are you going to tell her?" "In two days, the last night of the full moon, when the portal is still open"
"Will she understand will you make her understand this Jahbril"? even I a Babaloa have difficulty recieving that you want to take this child...away from all she knows. He said with concern.
"She already understands..she just doesnt know what it is.but her soul already knows. At dinner tonight ...I will reveal my true self to her..."
Mr.Florez knew that this man was sincere as any man could be,about this woman..a woman he had grown to love as a daughter
for ten years now.He had to trust in what he knew,and he knew this would be what was best for Zhuni, and her family. He realized that he had to love her let her go.
When the two men returned to the office they were deep in conversation... but smiling. Jahbril announced that he would be there at Zhunis' house to pick her up at 7:pm,the excitement was so thick you could feel it in the air.
"Go on and leave now Zhuni", Diallo said. it,s close enough to closing,go on and tend to the kids, and get ready for your date." Are you sure Mr. Florez?.. "Oh thankyou!"Zhuni squealed.Before she walked out the door, she turned around and went back to hug Diallo you know, it feels like I am going to be with him for the rest of my life" Strange huh?, try as I might...I know I dont know him ...but I feel like... a part of me DOES know him". Diallo just smiled, and said " sometimes child... the stars line up just right, to let your soulmate in".Now, get going... see you tommorrow.
Chapter 6: That Song...I know it
"Mama, who is this guy you going out with tonight?" Yaya
asked in a huff. He hated it when his mother went out on dates.
He thought she was over trying to date, seeing as how some nucklehead always ended up hurting her feelings.
"Im going out with a very nice guy I met yesterday". Yesterday! Mama! why so soon! Yaya was so angry he couldnt believe this!" One day Mama and you are trusting him to take you somewhere!" "Why!"
Zhuni knew her son was protective over her, so she overlooked that sharp tone of his voice. Honestly, she couldnt explain it either..but it was something she just knew.
"Honey, listen to me, this man is ...he's just ... right for me..I feel like I know him,and that's the best I can tell you right now". "Alright Ma,but I wanna meet him before you go out tonight, for real." Yes Father" Zhuni said jokingly.
Zhuni picked an outfit she had never worn before. It was something she had bought on one of outings with Khandee.
It was an orange sundress that ties around her neck, with one plunging split on the side. She wore her cowrie shell ankle
bracelet and slathered on her honey butter lotion as a sweet accent.Her hair was natural and she washed it and let it set with her natural locking lotion which gave her the most beautiful curls. with a touch of brown lipstick... Zhuni looked like a queen.
It was 7:05,and the doorbell rang. "Ma mee, somebodys at da door! Zhane yelled from the kitchen where she was eating her icecream.
"Can you see who it is Yaya, I believe its Jahbril."
Yaya walked slowly over to the door peeked through the peep hole,then opened it. "Hello",Jahbril said with a smile. " You must be Yaya."Your mother spoke very highly of you yesterday."
"Yeah.. well, this is the first I'm hearing about you." So, where are you planning on taking my Mom for dinner?"
"Well,I thought we might go to Prosperity Grill By the Lake,I hear that Ms.Olunda cooks a fine curry rice with chicken.
"Yeah...she does" Yaya hesitated,but then smiled. for some reason,
he could not give Jahbril the cold shoulder he had planned on.
"You know, I am going to take good care of your mother,and before he could finish his statement,Zhane came in. "Hello, are you my mommies date?" she asked with pure amazment, she had been watching the conversation between her brother and him for the last 5 minutes. "Yes I am,and you must be princess Zhane.Your Mother told me all about you too little one!" "She did!, Zhane squealed!" "She did indeed, Jahbril continued.
At that moment Zhuni walked into the room, and Jahbril
could not believe how beautiful she looked. He was literally speechless for 30 seconds. "You... are a vision Zhuni,you are truely the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on".
" OOh Ma mee... you DO look pretty!" Zhane said as she ran up to her mother and hugged her around her waiste.
In all the excitement Jahbril finally handed Zhuni the floweres he brought for and white daffodills... her favorite.
"Thank you, let me put these in water and we can go. Have my children been polite while you waited for me?" " Of course they were" Jahbril laughed good naturedly.
Soon, they were on there way to the restaurant.Zhuni felt like she had been in a dream since the night she met this mysterious man. What made her go walking that night? and Why could she not stop smelling sweet cinnamon since she met him? She was filled with so many questions,little did she know; she would soon have her answers.
This was a Thursday,so the crowd at Prosperity Grill was perfect. Not too many people, but just enough to give the place the warm glow and atmosphere it was known for.Jahbril could not have picked a better place.
Kenya was there waitress,a girl Zhuni had gone to middle school with,she looked virtualy the same too, Just about 4 inches taller which leveled her height out at right around 6ft.
They were seated at a table on the veranda, not too many people were out there,so it was romantic, and private.
They ordered red wine first while they waited for there orders to be brought out. at this point,Jahbril decided that this would be the time to talk to her about who he was and why he was there. "Queen Zhuni,can we take a stroll down to the end of the patio by the lake?" "Sure, Zhuni said, our food won't be here for at least 20 minutes, lets go." So they walked down the patio to the edge of the water,and Jahbril began to hum a song,while tapping lightly on the railing of the walkway.
It was a song that spoke of Ancient Love, a deep and moving ballad, that reminded her of something... or someone. Zhuni closed her eyes as he continued to sing and before she knew it she had sung the last verse of the song with Jahbril."I... I dont know how I know that song..." She said as she allowed his hand to sliup into hers. " I must have heard it somewhere,maybe when I was a little girl..." "Why, do I know that song Jahbril?"
Now, was the time. He cupped her face in his hands, and he told her a story that under any other circumstances would have been the tale of a madman... but she knew he told her about the history of that song,as she knew when he told her that she smelled cinnamon because that was the beacon that let him know where and how to find her,and she him.
Jahbril shared that he was from a place that was far beyond them but so close, and that in previous lifetimes,she and he had shared a love that was still being spoken of on there planet to that very day.
He explained that he ...was indeed her soulmate.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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