Falling Into The Web Of Imprisoned Emotions
Indian Springs, Nevada
Nadia parked her car in the visitor’s parking lot of High Desert State Prison. She withdrew the key from out the ignition and glanced out the windshield.
Armed Guards roamed outside the prison fence of a castle-style fort.
Maybe this was not such a good ideal she thought.
Nadia unsnapped her seatbelt and grabbed her legal pad and ink pen from off the passenger seat.
Her cell phone rang.
“Darn it.”
She placed her legal pad and ink pen on the dashboard; she fumbled to pull her purse from under the seat. She lifted her purse, placed it on her lap, and quickly opened it. She took out her cell phone and slid it open; she placed it up to her ear.
“Yes, this is Dr. Ambrose. May I speak to a Miss. Nadia?”
“Actually, it’s simply Nadia, and this is she.”
“Nadia, I just received your message.”
“Dr. Ambrose, I apologize I could not make the scheduled interview, something unexpectedly came up.”
“I totally understand.”
“Since I didn’t come, is it possible that we could do it again?”
Sterling cleared his throat behind Nadia’s statement.
“That is, come together for the interview of course,” Nadia clarified.
“Nadia, whenever you decide to come. I will make absolutely sure I’m present, and not disappoint you.” There was a pause on Sterling’s end of the telephone. “Oh, that is for the interview of course.”
Nadia blushed.
“Can you come over at six o’clock this evening? In addition, since I canceled out on you at the last minute. I will prepare dinner for us.”
“I think I can get my strength up for that.”
Nadia liked Dr. Ambrose’s deep and commanding voice already.
“Nadia, what is your address?”
Nadia gave Sterling her home address.
“Is anything expected of me?”
“Just your presence, your expertise, and your manly strength.”
Maybe he should take a condom with him. He was horney enough to fuck anything in a skirt. Moreover, she was guilty of making two sexual innuendoes thus far.
“I will make sure I arrive with all three intact.”
“I will see you this evening Dr. Ambrose.”
“Yes, you will Nadia.”
Sterling hung up the telephone.
Nadia slid her cell phone close and placed it back inside her purse; she closed her purse and pushed it back under her seat. She grabbed her legal pad and ink pen from off the dashboard and opened the door. She stepped out her vehicle and pushed the door close. She walked toward the rear of her vehicle. She looked down at the huge dent to her bumper and thought about the handsome man that caused it. Too bad, she could not have met him under different circumstances.
Nadia walked to the security booth that protected the entrance to the prison grounds.
James signed his name to the parole board’s recommendation for an early release of one of his inmates. He placed the ink pen down on his desk and extended his arms over his head to stretch. He pivoted his head in the direction of his private security surveillance screen; he elongated his neck to peer closer.
James rolled his chair away from his desk and settled it in front of the surveillance screen.
“Very nice.”
He looked at the beautiful woman who walked across the parking lot and stopped at the security booth.
James zoomed in the security surveillance lens and focused on Nadia’s derrière.
“Yes, my name is Nadia, and I have an appointment with a James, the Warden.”
“May I ask what this visit entails?”
“Yes, I need his permission to seek some advice from a prisoner name Azele.”
The security officer looked Nadia up and down.
Nadia flashed him a seductive smile.
The security officer lifted the telephone receiver and placed it up to his ear. He pivoted his body to speak privately.
“Warden James, there’s a woman down here name Nadia, who states she would like to speak to prisoner number 145780, Azele.”
The security officer looked back at Nadia.
“You may clear her for entrance and have someone escort her to the Interrogation Room.”
“I don’t understand. Not the Holding Room?”
“Have her escorted to the Interrogation Room,” James repeated his stern command.
“Yes sir.”
The security officer replaced the telephone receiver back in the cradle. He turned to face Nadia.
“Nadia, there will be someone down here momentarily to escort you inside.”
“Thank you.”
“In the meantime, I need for you to wear this.”
The security officer handed Nadia a visitor badge.
“Thank you.”
Nadia clipped the badge to the side pocket of her suit jacket.
“I also need to stamp your hand ma’am.”
Nadia held her hand out.
The security officer stamped her hand.
Nadia glanced around her surroundings and looked up.
The first thing she noticed were the barbered wires atop the towering prison walls that extended for miles. From what she could see, someone was standing inside the Guard Tower.
She wondered what kind of world lurked behind the tall steel double-doors, which separated the prisoners from the rest of society.
The entrance doors to the prison grounds slowly opened.
A man wearing a correctional officer’s uniform with a duty belt wrapped around his hips, exited. He walked up to the security booth.
“Dwayne, this is Nadia.”
The correctional officer looked at Nadia’s face, and then looked down at her legs. He looked back at her face.
“You may follow me.”
The correctional officer had hoped the female visitor was not attractive. He knew the Warden had a sweet tooth for beautiful women.
Nadia followed the correctional officer through the entrance doors of High Desert State Prison.
“This place is far more than my expectations.”
Nadia had to absorb the enormity of the stoned architectural structural design. It compared nothing to the prison models she saw on television.
The dreary grayish-colored building looked like it dated back to the eighteenth century.
“This way Nadia.”
Nadia looked at the five-story building that housed the High Desert State Prison Administration Offices.
Correctional Officer Dwayne escorted Nadia up a flight of stairs. He unlocked a steel frame door and opened it. He stood back and allowed Nadia to enter.
Correctional Officer Dwayne and Nadia walked down a quiet hallway.
Nadia looked into some of the empty inmate holding cells. She saw steel bed frames without mattresses on them and a small silver toilet inside. She shivered at the claustrophobic space.
Correctional Officer Dwayne opened a door.
“Nadia, I need you to wait inside here.”
Nadia looked inside the small room. It had a steel table and one chair inside.
“I think there has been a misunderstanding. I am here to speak with the Warden to ask his permission to conduct a face-to-face interview with a prisoner who’s incarcerated here.”
“I understand, but this is a precautionary until you have gained security clearance.”
Nadia looked around the non-ventilated room.
“Could you at least leave the door open until you return?”
“I wish I could, but as a safety measure to the visitors. It’s a standard practice to lock all doors around here.”
“On my way here, I saw several doors open.”
“Yes, open doors with no prisoners in the cells.”
“I see. Please hurry back.”
“The Warden will be down momentarily.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome Nadia.”
Correctional Officer Dwayne walked to the door, exited the room, and pulled the door close.
Nadia heard him lock the door from the outside.
Now she wished she had brought her cell phone with her, or listened to her Editor, and brought Dale along.
Nadia walked over to the table and took a seat. She placed her legal pad and ink pen down on the dusty surface.
James looked at the woman who sat at the desk in the Interrogation Room.
God, she was lovely at every angle he thought.
He zoomed the surveillance lens on her breasts. Damn, she was good looking. She was too good looking to come and visit Azele, the most notorious violent inmate under his supervision.
Lucky mothafucka James thought.
Well before she goes and offer prisoner number 145780 sweet promises after he returns to the living world, he would make sure he shows her what she’s missing on the outside.
James stood and stretched. He opened his desk drawer and removed a key. He placed it inside his suit jacket breast pocket and pushed the drawer close. He took one more look at Azele’s visitor. He lifted his walkie-talkie from off his desk, walked to the door, and opened it. James exited his office and pulled the door close; he lifted the walkie-talkie to his mouth and pressed a button on the side.
“Officer Sheldon, I need you to report to the Interrogation Room. I need one of Azele’s loyal followers, frisked. The man is getting his drugs in here somehow. Also, I will need you to conduct a thorough cavity search. Is that understood?”
“I can handle that?”
James walked in the direction of the elevators. He pressed the down button and waited for the elevator doors to open.
The elevator doors opened. James stepped on. The elevator doors closed. James pushed the G button. The elevator slowly dropped four floors. The elevator doors opened.
James stepped off and walked to the Interrogation Room. He removed the key from out of his suit jacket breast pocket, inserted it inside the lock, and unlocked the door. He entered a small adjacent room with two wooden chairs and a steel table inside. James closed the door back, placed his walkie-talkie on a steel table, and then walked over to a glassed two-way mirror.
The surveillance camera did not capture the true essence of the woman’s beauty.
The light hue of her skin tone and almond shaped eyes made his manhood crave her touch.
James placed the key back inside his suit jacket breast pocket, folded his arms across his chest, and scrutinized the woman from head to toe.
Nadia looked around; she looked up and saw a mounted surveillance camera in the corner. From her journalist instincts, she knew someone was on the other side of the glassed two-way mirror. She smiled to herself and stood. She walked to the mirror and looked at her reflection.
Nadia slowly unbuttoned her suit jacket and pulled it open. She adjusted her black bra straps and buttoned back up her suit jacket. She looked at the mirror, and then inched her skirt up. She adjusted the thin strap to her black lacy thong, and then pulled her skirt down. She fluffed her shoulder length bob and flattened any hair strands out of place.
Nadia puckered up and kissed the thin air. She turned around, slowly walked back to the desk, and then took a seat.
James’ manhood enlarged beyond the length of what his pants could contain.
If the woman wanted to discuss adding her presence to Azele’s early parole board hearing, then she would have to do more than a limited strip tease act to persuade him to allow her testimony.
James grabbed his manhood at the memory of Nadia’s pussy hugged in a black lacy thong.
Nadia heard the insertion of jangling keys into the lock. She instantly stood.
Two correctional officers walked in. The one who followed, closed the door.
“My name is Officer Sheldon, and this is Officer Chives. We will be conducting a thorough body cavity search.”
“Pardon me, what?”
“Ma’am, you are here to see Azele, is this correct?”
“Why yes but...”
“Ma’am, prisoner number 145780, is a violent offender. This body cavity search is necessary, or your visit would be revoked.”
Nadia sighed. She really wanted the interview, and his opinions on several issues.
“I will submit. However, I would like a woman to conduct the body search.”
Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives looked at each other, and then laughed.
Both turned to face her.
“Ma’am, this is a maximum-security prison for male offenders,” Officer Sheldon declared.
“Sorry. No woman is available to assist,” Officer Chives uttered.
Nadia thought about it.
On the other side of the glassed two-way mirror, James held his breath in anticipation.
“Okay, what must I do to speed this process along?”
“I need you to disrobe and spread your legs.”
Nadia looked at the two correctional officers. She slowly unbuttoned her suit jacket and let it slide down her arms to the floor. She unhooked the front clasp of her black bra and allowed it to fall down her arms. Her bra landed on the floor.
Nadia stepped out of her satin dark-blue Baby Phat pumps. She unzipped her skirt from behind and tugged it down her legs.
The correctional officers’ eyes enlarged.
Nadia stepped out of her skirt and kicked it aside. She pushed her thong down her legs, gathered it at her ankles, and then stepped out of it.
James looked at the beauty who would rather waste her time and her body waiting for a man, who society knows will never see the light of day again.
Officer Sheldon removed a pair of latex gloves from out his back pants pocket and put them on.
“Officers, I think the prisoner’s visitor has convinced us she’s not hiding anything,” a voice stated over the mounted loudspeaker. “Please advise the visitor of inmate number 145780, to dress. Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives, you two are to leave the Interrogation Room immediately.”
The two correctional officers looked at Nadia, and then at each other.
Officer Sheldon looked back at Nadia. He looked down at the fine patch of downy hairs covering the mound of her pussy, and then back up to her breasts. He took a step forward.
“That would be all Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives,” James’ authoritative voice loudly whipped through the loudspeaker again.
James looked down at his firm manhood. If anyone is going to taste a sweet piece of that candy, it definitely will be him.
Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives turned and walked to the door. Officer Sheldon opened the door and walked out; Officer Chives followed and pulled the door close.
Nadia quickly dressed under the perusal of James’ watchful eyes.
James saw the small black mole under Nadia’s right breast just as she shielded it behind her bra.
Officer Sheldon knocked on the door to the adjoined Interrogation Room.
James took his eyes off Nadia. He walked to the door and opened it.
“What would you like us to do with the visitor? Azele is in the hole for another week.”
“Fuck, that’s right.” James looked at the glassed two-way mirror. What are the odds he will ever see the visitor again? “I will escort the visitor up to my office.”
“Maybe we all should go.”
“Officer Sheldon, I need you to stand guard in the Mess Hall. Officer Chives, you can return to A-Block.”
Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives turned and walked in the direction of their assignment.
James watched Nadia step back into her shoes. He looked down at his rigid manhood and palmed it. He walked to the door, opened it, and pulled the door close. He walked to the Interrogation Room and knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
James removed the key from out his breast pocket and unlocked the door. He withdrew the key and dropped it into the side pocket of his suit jacket. He took a deep breath, turned the doorknob, and entered the Interrogation Room. He closed the door and turned around.
James found Nadia’s eyes.
Nadia could do nothing but openly stare at the fine-looking brotha.
It must be her lucky day, two African American handsome men in one day.
Her eyes did a timely assessment of the brotha who stood around five inches taller than her five-foot seven inches. His brown-skinned facial features were prominent and striking. His intense eyes were dark-brown and set under a pair of thick eyebrows. His gaunt face was stony; it suited his wide mouth, which turned upward into a promising smile when he spoke. Nadia liked his hair, and the wavy sheen texture of it. His pinstripe suit looked impeccable and rested comfortably over his broad shoulders and muscular physique.
Nadia looked down at the man’s left ringless hand, and the solid gold Rolex clasped around his left wrist. She noticed his other hand had a titanium class ring on the ring finger.
“I apologize for your brief detainment.”
“No apology needed.”
Not since I know what I was waiting for...uum hum.
James liked the package in front of him. He could not believe how enticing she looked from her head down to her toes.
A woman with dimples and a lush body, yes.
“I also must once again apologize that you had to submit to a body search, but as the War... As an employer of High Desert State Prison, I have to tell you it’s mandatory.”
“I would not want to be the one who breaks the rules.”
“I need to escort you up to the Warden’s office for a cavity search.”
“I just submitted to a body search.”
“Correction, you submitted to a partial body search.”
“Is there a difference?”
“Yes, you may follow me.”
Nadia sighed.
“This is ridiculous.”
“I must agree. However, you are a visitor who would like to speak to Azele. An inmate who has limited visitations, and no conjugal rights.”
“If I knew I would have to submit to this. I would never have come here.”
“And deny me a once in a lifetime chance to meet a very beautiful woman,” James let slip out.
“Excuse me.”
“This way Nadia.”
She wondered how he even knew her first name.
Nadia grabbed her legal pad and ink pen from off the table and followed James out the Interrogation Room.
James palmed Nadia’s lower back as they walked to the elevator.
Nadia looked down at the front of James’ pants. A telltale sign she was in trouble. She never knew a man’s dick could measure longer than a twelve-inch ruler. Somehow, the thought excited her.
The elevator doors slid open.
Nadia entered the elevator. James followed.
The elevator doors slid close.
James pushed the elevator button, WO.
“What is your last name?”
“Miss. Nadia Whitlow, I have to tell you, I am only doing this as a precautionary.”
For whose pleasure she thought.
The elevator doors slid open.
James gently grabbed Nadia by her elbow and escorted her off the elevator.
The corridor to the Warden’s office was located on the upper level of the Administration Building.
Nadia looked around; there was not a presence in sight, so why did her nipples harden?
James stopped Nadia in front of a mahogany door.
Nadia got a faint whiff of James’ cologne.
Umm, he even smelled good she thought.
James lifted the key from out his side pocket, and then inserted it into the lock; he opened the door and stepped aside.
Nadia entered a spacious office.
James closed the door. He returned the key to the side pocket of his suit jacket.
“You may have a seat, Nadia.”
Nadia walked over to a tan couch and sat down. She placed her legal pad and ink pen on a glass table near the couch.
James walked back over to the door and locked it.
Nadia watched James’ every move.
James walked back over to where Nadia sat.
“Nadia, I need you to stand. As I stated earlier, I have to frisk you.”
Nadia stood.
“Do all visitors have to submit to this?”
“I..., no, but I can tell you are concealing something.”
James stood in front of Nadia.
“I need you to unbutton your suit jacket.”
Nadia began to unbutton her suit jacket.
James slid Nadia’s suit jacket from off her shoulders.
The suit jacket fell to the carpet.
“I can assure you nothing is under my bra.”
“Like I advised you, this is a thorough body search.”
Nadia reached downward and unclasped her bra.
The bra slid down her arms and landed on top of her suit jacket.
The air reached her skin. Her light brownish nipples blossomed.
James dragged his palm down Nadia’s chest. He stepped closer.
“I need the skirt off.”
“I think you’ve already established there’s nothing under my skirt when you intervened on the first body search.”
Nadia looked down at James’ pants. She could have sworn his dick increased in size since she glimpsed it earlier.
“Would you like me to take it off,” James whispered.
He bent his head downward and kissed Nadia on her shoulder blade. He nuzzled the side of her neck, and then licked over her collarbone.
Nadia pivoted her neck into James’ caresses.
“Please, I have never wanted anyone more in my life, as I want you now, no one.”
James inched back and looked down into Nadia’s eyes.
Nadia stepped back. She reached behind herself and slowly unzipped her skirt; she slowly pushed it down her legs and stepped out of it.
James looked over Nadia’s body. He took off his suit jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair. He knew this was totally out of character, but after he saw the perfection of her pussy, the curves of her hips, big breasts, and a nip-tucked abdomen, he had to have a feel.
James seized Nadia by her hand, walked over to his desk, and sat down in his leather chair. He unzipped his pants and took out his manhood.
Nadia looked down at the distended length of James’ hardened erection.
“Is this part of the thorough frisk as well?”
“This is the only way I can tell if you’re hiding anything up there.”
James grabbed Nadia by her hips and centered her body between his inner thighs. He slowly pulled her thong down and rested it on her upper thighs. He leaned forward and kissed the trimmed patch of her downy hairs. He streamed his tongue over, up, and then down her clitoris.
James leaned back. He slid Nadia’s thong down the rest of the way.
Nadia lifted her foot while James removed the thong from around one of her ankles. She lifted the other foot.
James grabbed Nadia’s thong from off the floor and sniffed it. He wiped it against her clitoris, opened his side desk drawer, and threw it inside. He pushed the drawer close.
This man was very contemptible she thought.
Nadia sat back on the desk.
James spaced Nadia’s legs and slowly kissed her inner thighs.
Nadia leaned back; her elbows braced her upper body weight.
James scooted his chair up. He leaned his head inward and licked up and down the slit in Nadia’s pussy.
“Umm,” Nadia moaned.
“If you don’t understand by now, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you,” James boldly spoke.
He inserted his finger inside her pussy, leaned his head downward again, and roamed his tongue up and down the folds that sandwiched her clitoris.
“Ohm,” Nadia purred.
James withdrew his finger and pulled Nadia’s buttocks down to the edge of his desk. He fingered her pussy again, withdrew it, and stuck the glossed finger inside his mouth.
“Have mercy, you taste good.”
He separated the opening to her pussy and delved his tongue inside.
“Oh shit.”
Nadia placed one of her palms on top of James’ head and rocked her pelvis against his face.
James plowed his tongue deeper inside Nadia’s womanhood. He smothered the opening with his mouth and begin suckling the soft flesh; he gently peeled the skin back and licked over the pinkish interior.
“Oh... James.” Nadia arched her back in physical stupor. “Yes..., yes right there... uum.”
James kissed the outside of Nadia’s clitoris and inched his face back. He massaged his face in the gulf of her pussy.
“I had to have you,” he mumbled against her drenched downy hairs.
James kissed the inner groove of Nadia’s thighs. He impatiently saturated the spread of downy hairs that covered her entire womanhood. He stood and leaned his upper body downward.
James kissed Nadia on her stomach; he kissed over the darkish-brownish areola, and then licked over the inflamed nipple.
Nadia wrapped her legs around James’ waist.
“Nadia, you are a very beautiful African American woman.”
“Show… show me.”
James dropped his hand, opened his desk drawer, and took out a condom. He tore the silver packet apart and removed the condom. He rolled it over his manhood and threw the ripped packet on the floor. He palmed his manhood and slowly pushed it inside Nadia’s pussy.
“Nadia... Nadia... oh baby your cunt feels tight and right.”
James posted Nadia’s hands over her head. He leaned his head downward and kissed over each breast while he repeatedly propelled his dick farther inside her pussy.
“Yeah…, yeah baby.”
James palmed one of Nadia’s hips and fully moved his dick inside of her.
“Oh that…, umm that dick feels like paradise in there.”
Nadia moved her pelvis in union with the grinding rhythm of James’ groin.
James leaned his upper body forward and slowly kissed Nadia on her lips. He let her hands go.
Nadia linked her arms around James’ neck and pulled his upper body down to hers. She kissed him affectionately on the lips.
James deepened the kiss. He inched back and looked down into Nadia’s eyes.
“Oh Nadia.” James dropped his head backwards; he drove his dick farther. “Shit.”
Nadia opened her legs wider; her back continued to greet the desk as James propelled his dick inside of her.
James held Nadia by the small of her back and lifted her from off his desk. He rushed over to the couch and laid her on it. He covered her body with his, palmed his manhood, and quickly jolted it back inside her womanhood.
“Nadia..., Nadia, I...”
James kissed one of Nadia’s breast nipples. He cradled her buttocks and thrust harder.
“I’m, I’m about to cum.”
Nadia arched her back. She cradled James to her, scraped her nails against his back, and climaxed.
“Nad…, Nadia,” James groaned, he relaxed his forehead against hers. “Fuckin good pussyyy…, ugg.” He cradled her buttocks tighter and ejaculated. “Shit.” James squeezed Nadia’s buttocks harder, and thrust repeatedly; he kissed her closed eyes, and ejaculated inside her again. He stuck his tongue inside her ear canal.
Nadia hugged James tighter at the pleasurable contact.
“Oh keep...” She held him tighter. “Ohhh, fuck.” She climaxed again.
Nadia’s pussy pulsating on James’ dick overcame him.
“Damn..., damn,” he groaned.
James slowly kissed Nadia on her lips while he moved inside of her. He still felt her womanhood compressing his manhood. He pressed his dick inside her pussy and held it in place.
Nadia moved her pelvis as her climax gradually withered away. She kissed James on his earlobe. She could not understand the situation she got herself into, but she had no regrets in the end.
James rested his weight on top of Nadia. He inched back and looked down into her eyes.
“Can I see you later on?”
“I beg your pardon.”
“Nadia, I like you. I know this may sound crazy, but believe me, I have never sacrificed my career in this fashion, however, the moment I saw you, my common sense fled me. My dick feels good inside you. This feels different, it feels comfortable.”
“I’m sorry, but this never happened, and I was never here.”
“No baby, one thing I could say, you are here.” James moved his semi-flaccid dick inside Nadia’s pussy. “Have dinner with me tonight.”
“I can’t.”
“Come on now. I will take you to any place you desire, all I need from you is the answer yes.”
Nadia quickly kissed James on his lips.
“I tell you what. If we ever meet on this green earth again, I will let you take me out to dinner.”
“And let me make love to you properly.”
“Yes, and let you make love to me properly. By the way, what’s your name?”
“James,” Nadia murmured softly
James kissed Nadia on the side of her lips.
“Uum James.”
Nadia closed her eyes, as his tongue traveled across her lips.
James licked Nadia’s chin.
Nadia thought to herself and reopened her eyes. “Wait a minute.” She pushed James’ chest back. “James, the Warden?”
“How dare you…”
James kissed Nadia on her lips interrupting her disbelief. He kissed her on the chin again and spaced his face.
“I apologize for retaining my title, but I liked who I saw.”
“Does that also hold true for the peep show you got on the other side of the glassed two-way mirror?”
“Yes, and also when you were waiting at the security booth.”
“I do not believe this.”
“Nadia, I need to tell you that Azele will be in the hole for another week, and the parole board will not accept any more testimonies on his behalf.”
“I'm confused here; parole board, testimonies.”
“Aren’t you here to persuade me to let you submit a testimony on behalf of Azele’s parole board meeting.”
“Most certainly not! I am here to speak to you about allowing me to interview Azele. Hopefully, he can shed some light on the mentality of the Las Vegas Slasher. The MO of the suspect is similar to the New Orleans Serial Killer, and I wanted to ask him some questions, and also get his opinions on some key factors.”
“So, you’re not one of Azele’s female followers?”
James kissed the side of Nadia’s neck.
“No, I am not.”
“That confession places my mind at rest.”
“Well James, I have to get a move on things.”
James inched his flaccid manhood out of Nadia’s pussy, and then completely withdrew. He got up off the couch and held his hand out.
Nadia took a hold of James’ hand and stood.
“Remember your promise.”
“I will.”
James removed the condom from off his manhood. He walked over to the trash bin stationed by his desk and threw it inside. He pushed his desk drawer closed, and then zipped his pants.
Nadia quickly dressed.
James walked back over to Nadia.
“Can I walk you out to your car?”
“Yes, I would like that.”
“The next time you visit this prison. You are to contact me first. I refuse to have you running around here unchaperoned.”
“I have myself.”
“I know you do, but I can’t have my woman getting mistaken for an inmate’s groupie.”
“I will contact you, and your woman, I am not.”
“Nadia, I do not bring every woman up here and make love to them, as I did to you?”
Nadia heard the seriousness in James’ voice.
“James, I assumed we ended up gaining something good for the moment, and a promise if we see each other again, then who knows.”
“Oh, you will see me again, count on it. And the next time you and I make love; it will not be by chance.” James stroked Nadia’s cheek. “By the way, where do you work?”
“I am an Investigative Journalist for the Las Vegas Times Newspaper.”
“I like an educated and beautiful woman.”
“I will claim both at the moment.”
“And witty.”
Nadia instantly blushed.
Her deep dimples turned him on.
James placed both hands in his front pants pockets.
“Can I interest you in lunch?”
“I would love that, but at the moment, I’m really pressed for time.”
Nadia looked back over at the couch and smiled at the memory of what she just shared with this nice-looking brotha. She reached up and stroked James’ thick eyebrows; she palmed his face, dragged it down to hers, and kissed him on the lips.
James pulled Nadia closer and enlightened the kiss; he twisted his tongue around hers and fed off her lips.
“Oh, you taste damn good.” He inched back and rested his forehead against hers. “You are everything to me, please have dinner with me tonight,” James faintly uttered. He kissed her forehead and retracted a step.
Nadia lifted on the balls of her feet and kissed James’ lips again. She stroked his chin.
“I’m assuming there’s a future promise in that kiss.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
She came here for an interview, and got a big hard dick pumped inside her in return she thought.
Nadia looked down at her Fossil watch.
“Ooh James, I have to get home.”
“Care to take me with you?”
“If we ever run into each other again...”
“Just remember, all’s fair in love...”
“And war,” Nadia finished.
“Not from my end. Oh, before you go. Would you like a brief tour of High Desert State Prison?”
“Yes, why not.”
“Well, this is the Warden’s office, and I am the Warden of this institution.”
“Do tell me more.”
James laughed.
“I like you, Nadia.”
“I can’t wait until we run back into each other again, and you show me.”
“I have a couple of minutes to spare. Can I show you now?”
“It’s not going to happen.”
“I thought I’ll try.”
Both laughed.
James grabbed a hold of Nadia’s hand and walked to the door.
Indian Springs, Nevada
Nadia parked her car in the visitor’s parking lot of High Desert State Prison. She withdrew the key from out the ignition and glanced out the windshield.
Armed Guards roamed outside the prison fence of a castle-style fort.
Maybe this was not such a good ideal she thought.
Nadia unsnapped her seatbelt and grabbed her legal pad and ink pen from off the passenger seat.
Her cell phone rang.
“Darn it.”
She placed her legal pad and ink pen on the dashboard; she fumbled to pull her purse from under the seat. She lifted her purse, placed it on her lap, and quickly opened it. She took out her cell phone and slid it open; she placed it up to her ear.
“Yes, this is Dr. Ambrose. May I speak to a Miss. Nadia?”
“Actually, it’s simply Nadia, and this is she.”
“Nadia, I just received your message.”
“Dr. Ambrose, I apologize I could not make the scheduled interview, something unexpectedly came up.”
“I totally understand.”
“Since I didn’t come, is it possible that we could do it again?”
Sterling cleared his throat behind Nadia’s statement.
“That is, come together for the interview of course,” Nadia clarified.
“Nadia, whenever you decide to come. I will make absolutely sure I’m present, and not disappoint you.” There was a pause on Sterling’s end of the telephone. “Oh, that is for the interview of course.”
Nadia blushed.
“Can you come over at six o’clock this evening? In addition, since I canceled out on you at the last minute. I will prepare dinner for us.”
“I think I can get my strength up for that.”
Nadia liked Dr. Ambrose’s deep and commanding voice already.
“Nadia, what is your address?”
Nadia gave Sterling her home address.
“Is anything expected of me?”
“Just your presence, your expertise, and your manly strength.”
Maybe he should take a condom with him. He was horney enough to fuck anything in a skirt. Moreover, she was guilty of making two sexual innuendoes thus far.
“I will make sure I arrive with all three intact.”
“I will see you this evening Dr. Ambrose.”
“Yes, you will Nadia.”
Sterling hung up the telephone.
Nadia slid her cell phone close and placed it back inside her purse; she closed her purse and pushed it back under her seat. She grabbed her legal pad and ink pen from off the dashboard and opened the door. She stepped out her vehicle and pushed the door close. She walked toward the rear of her vehicle. She looked down at the huge dent to her bumper and thought about the handsome man that caused it. Too bad, she could not have met him under different circumstances.
Nadia walked to the security booth that protected the entrance to the prison grounds.
James signed his name to the parole board’s recommendation for an early release of one of his inmates. He placed the ink pen down on his desk and extended his arms over his head to stretch. He pivoted his head in the direction of his private security surveillance screen; he elongated his neck to peer closer.
James rolled his chair away from his desk and settled it in front of the surveillance screen.
“Very nice.”
He looked at the beautiful woman who walked across the parking lot and stopped at the security booth.
James zoomed in the security surveillance lens and focused on Nadia’s derrière.
“Yes, my name is Nadia, and I have an appointment with a James, the Warden.”
“May I ask what this visit entails?”
“Yes, I need his permission to seek some advice from a prisoner name Azele.”
The security officer looked Nadia up and down.
Nadia flashed him a seductive smile.
The security officer lifted the telephone receiver and placed it up to his ear. He pivoted his body to speak privately.
“Warden James, there’s a woman down here name Nadia, who states she would like to speak to prisoner number 145780, Azele.”
The security officer looked back at Nadia.
“You may clear her for entrance and have someone escort her to the Interrogation Room.”
“I don’t understand. Not the Holding Room?”
“Have her escorted to the Interrogation Room,” James repeated his stern command.
“Yes sir.”
The security officer replaced the telephone receiver back in the cradle. He turned to face Nadia.
“Nadia, there will be someone down here momentarily to escort you inside.”
“Thank you.”
“In the meantime, I need for you to wear this.”
The security officer handed Nadia a visitor badge.
“Thank you.”
Nadia clipped the badge to the side pocket of her suit jacket.
“I also need to stamp your hand ma’am.”
Nadia held her hand out.
The security officer stamped her hand.
Nadia glanced around her surroundings and looked up.
The first thing she noticed were the barbered wires atop the towering prison walls that extended for miles. From what she could see, someone was standing inside the Guard Tower.
She wondered what kind of world lurked behind the tall steel double-doors, which separated the prisoners from the rest of society.
The entrance doors to the prison grounds slowly opened.
A man wearing a correctional officer’s uniform with a duty belt wrapped around his hips, exited. He walked up to the security booth.
“Dwayne, this is Nadia.”
The correctional officer looked at Nadia’s face, and then looked down at her legs. He looked back at her face.
“You may follow me.”
The correctional officer had hoped the female visitor was not attractive. He knew the Warden had a sweet tooth for beautiful women.
Nadia followed the correctional officer through the entrance doors of High Desert State Prison.
“This place is far more than my expectations.”
Nadia had to absorb the enormity of the stoned architectural structural design. It compared nothing to the prison models she saw on television.
The dreary grayish-colored building looked like it dated back to the eighteenth century.
“This way Nadia.”
Nadia looked at the five-story building that housed the High Desert State Prison Administration Offices.
Correctional Officer Dwayne escorted Nadia up a flight of stairs. He unlocked a steel frame door and opened it. He stood back and allowed Nadia to enter.
Correctional Officer Dwayne and Nadia walked down a quiet hallway.
Nadia looked into some of the empty inmate holding cells. She saw steel bed frames without mattresses on them and a small silver toilet inside. She shivered at the claustrophobic space.
Correctional Officer Dwayne opened a door.
“Nadia, I need you to wait inside here.”
Nadia looked inside the small room. It had a steel table and one chair inside.
“I think there has been a misunderstanding. I am here to speak with the Warden to ask his permission to conduct a face-to-face interview with a prisoner who’s incarcerated here.”
“I understand, but this is a precautionary until you have gained security clearance.”
Nadia looked around the non-ventilated room.
“Could you at least leave the door open until you return?”
“I wish I could, but as a safety measure to the visitors. It’s a standard practice to lock all doors around here.”
“On my way here, I saw several doors open.”
“Yes, open doors with no prisoners in the cells.”
“I see. Please hurry back.”
“The Warden will be down momentarily.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome Nadia.”
Correctional Officer Dwayne walked to the door, exited the room, and pulled the door close.
Nadia heard him lock the door from the outside.
Now she wished she had brought her cell phone with her, or listened to her Editor, and brought Dale along.
Nadia walked over to the table and took a seat. She placed her legal pad and ink pen down on the dusty surface.
James looked at the woman who sat at the desk in the Interrogation Room.
God, she was lovely at every angle he thought.
He zoomed the surveillance lens on her breasts. Damn, she was good looking. She was too good looking to come and visit Azele, the most notorious violent inmate under his supervision.
Lucky mothafucka James thought.
Well before she goes and offer prisoner number 145780 sweet promises after he returns to the living world, he would make sure he shows her what she’s missing on the outside.
James stood and stretched. He opened his desk drawer and removed a key. He placed it inside his suit jacket breast pocket and pushed the drawer close. He took one more look at Azele’s visitor. He lifted his walkie-talkie from off his desk, walked to the door, and opened it. James exited his office and pulled the door close; he lifted the walkie-talkie to his mouth and pressed a button on the side.
“Officer Sheldon, I need you to report to the Interrogation Room. I need one of Azele’s loyal followers, frisked. The man is getting his drugs in here somehow. Also, I will need you to conduct a thorough cavity search. Is that understood?”
“I can handle that?”
James walked in the direction of the elevators. He pressed the down button and waited for the elevator doors to open.
The elevator doors opened. James stepped on. The elevator doors closed. James pushed the G button. The elevator slowly dropped four floors. The elevator doors opened.
James stepped off and walked to the Interrogation Room. He removed the key from out of his suit jacket breast pocket, inserted it inside the lock, and unlocked the door. He entered a small adjacent room with two wooden chairs and a steel table inside. James closed the door back, placed his walkie-talkie on a steel table, and then walked over to a glassed two-way mirror.
The surveillance camera did not capture the true essence of the woman’s beauty.
The light hue of her skin tone and almond shaped eyes made his manhood crave her touch.
James placed the key back inside his suit jacket breast pocket, folded his arms across his chest, and scrutinized the woman from head to toe.
Nadia looked around; she looked up and saw a mounted surveillance camera in the corner. From her journalist instincts, she knew someone was on the other side of the glassed two-way mirror. She smiled to herself and stood. She walked to the mirror and looked at her reflection.
Nadia slowly unbuttoned her suit jacket and pulled it open. She adjusted her black bra straps and buttoned back up her suit jacket. She looked at the mirror, and then inched her skirt up. She adjusted the thin strap to her black lacy thong, and then pulled her skirt down. She fluffed her shoulder length bob and flattened any hair strands out of place.
Nadia puckered up and kissed the thin air. She turned around, slowly walked back to the desk, and then took a seat.
James’ manhood enlarged beyond the length of what his pants could contain.
If the woman wanted to discuss adding her presence to Azele’s early parole board hearing, then she would have to do more than a limited strip tease act to persuade him to allow her testimony.
James grabbed his manhood at the memory of Nadia’s pussy hugged in a black lacy thong.
Nadia heard the insertion of jangling keys into the lock. She instantly stood.
Two correctional officers walked in. The one who followed, closed the door.
“My name is Officer Sheldon, and this is Officer Chives. We will be conducting a thorough body cavity search.”
“Pardon me, what?”
“Ma’am, you are here to see Azele, is this correct?”
“Why yes but...”
“Ma’am, prisoner number 145780, is a violent offender. This body cavity search is necessary, or your visit would be revoked.”
Nadia sighed. She really wanted the interview, and his opinions on several issues.
“I will submit. However, I would like a woman to conduct the body search.”
Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives looked at each other, and then laughed.
Both turned to face her.
“Ma’am, this is a maximum-security prison for male offenders,” Officer Sheldon declared.
“Sorry. No woman is available to assist,” Officer Chives uttered.
Nadia thought about it.
On the other side of the glassed two-way mirror, James held his breath in anticipation.
“Okay, what must I do to speed this process along?”
“I need you to disrobe and spread your legs.”
Nadia looked at the two correctional officers. She slowly unbuttoned her suit jacket and let it slide down her arms to the floor. She unhooked the front clasp of her black bra and allowed it to fall down her arms. Her bra landed on the floor.
Nadia stepped out of her satin dark-blue Baby Phat pumps. She unzipped her skirt from behind and tugged it down her legs.
The correctional officers’ eyes enlarged.
Nadia stepped out of her skirt and kicked it aside. She pushed her thong down her legs, gathered it at her ankles, and then stepped out of it.
James looked at the beauty who would rather waste her time and her body waiting for a man, who society knows will never see the light of day again.
Officer Sheldon removed a pair of latex gloves from out his back pants pocket and put them on.
“Officers, I think the prisoner’s visitor has convinced us she’s not hiding anything,” a voice stated over the mounted loudspeaker. “Please advise the visitor of inmate number 145780, to dress. Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives, you two are to leave the Interrogation Room immediately.”
The two correctional officers looked at Nadia, and then at each other.
Officer Sheldon looked back at Nadia. He looked down at the fine patch of downy hairs covering the mound of her pussy, and then back up to her breasts. He took a step forward.
“That would be all Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives,” James’ authoritative voice loudly whipped through the loudspeaker again.
James looked down at his firm manhood. If anyone is going to taste a sweet piece of that candy, it definitely will be him.
Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives turned and walked to the door. Officer Sheldon opened the door and walked out; Officer Chives followed and pulled the door close.
Nadia quickly dressed under the perusal of James’ watchful eyes.
James saw the small black mole under Nadia’s right breast just as she shielded it behind her bra.
Officer Sheldon knocked on the door to the adjoined Interrogation Room.
James took his eyes off Nadia. He walked to the door and opened it.
“What would you like us to do with the visitor? Azele is in the hole for another week.”
“Fuck, that’s right.” James looked at the glassed two-way mirror. What are the odds he will ever see the visitor again? “I will escort the visitor up to my office.”
“Maybe we all should go.”
“Officer Sheldon, I need you to stand guard in the Mess Hall. Officer Chives, you can return to A-Block.”
Officer Sheldon and Officer Chives turned and walked in the direction of their assignment.
James watched Nadia step back into her shoes. He looked down at his rigid manhood and palmed it. He walked to the door, opened it, and pulled the door close. He walked to the Interrogation Room and knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
James removed the key from out his breast pocket and unlocked the door. He withdrew the key and dropped it into the side pocket of his suit jacket. He took a deep breath, turned the doorknob, and entered the Interrogation Room. He closed the door and turned around.
James found Nadia’s eyes.
Nadia could do nothing but openly stare at the fine-looking brotha.
It must be her lucky day, two African American handsome men in one day.
Her eyes did a timely assessment of the brotha who stood around five inches taller than her five-foot seven inches. His brown-skinned facial features were prominent and striking. His intense eyes were dark-brown and set under a pair of thick eyebrows. His gaunt face was stony; it suited his wide mouth, which turned upward into a promising smile when he spoke. Nadia liked his hair, and the wavy sheen texture of it. His pinstripe suit looked impeccable and rested comfortably over his broad shoulders and muscular physique.
Nadia looked down at the man’s left ringless hand, and the solid gold Rolex clasped around his left wrist. She noticed his other hand had a titanium class ring on the ring finger.
“I apologize for your brief detainment.”
“No apology needed.”
Not since I know what I was waiting for...uum hum.
James liked the package in front of him. He could not believe how enticing she looked from her head down to her toes.
A woman with dimples and a lush body, yes.
“I also must once again apologize that you had to submit to a body search, but as the War... As an employer of High Desert State Prison, I have to tell you it’s mandatory.”
“I would not want to be the one who breaks the rules.”
“I need to escort you up to the Warden’s office for a cavity search.”
“I just submitted to a body search.”
“Correction, you submitted to a partial body search.”
“Is there a difference?”
“Yes, you may follow me.”
Nadia sighed.
“This is ridiculous.”
“I must agree. However, you are a visitor who would like to speak to Azele. An inmate who has limited visitations, and no conjugal rights.”
“If I knew I would have to submit to this. I would never have come here.”
“And deny me a once in a lifetime chance to meet a very beautiful woman,” James let slip out.
“Excuse me.”
“This way Nadia.”
She wondered how he even knew her first name.
Nadia grabbed her legal pad and ink pen from off the table and followed James out the Interrogation Room.
James palmed Nadia’s lower back as they walked to the elevator.
Nadia looked down at the front of James’ pants. A telltale sign she was in trouble. She never knew a man’s dick could measure longer than a twelve-inch ruler. Somehow, the thought excited her.
The elevator doors slid open.
Nadia entered the elevator. James followed.
The elevator doors slid close.
James pushed the elevator button, WO.
“What is your last name?”
“Miss. Nadia Whitlow, I have to tell you, I am only doing this as a precautionary.”
For whose pleasure she thought.
The elevator doors slid open.
James gently grabbed Nadia by her elbow and escorted her off the elevator.
The corridor to the Warden’s office was located on the upper level of the Administration Building.
Nadia looked around; there was not a presence in sight, so why did her nipples harden?
James stopped Nadia in front of a mahogany door.
Nadia got a faint whiff of James’ cologne.
Umm, he even smelled good she thought.
James lifted the key from out his side pocket, and then inserted it into the lock; he opened the door and stepped aside.
Nadia entered a spacious office.
James closed the door. He returned the key to the side pocket of his suit jacket.
“You may have a seat, Nadia.”
Nadia walked over to a tan couch and sat down. She placed her legal pad and ink pen on a glass table near the couch.
James walked back over to the door and locked it.
Nadia watched James’ every move.
James walked back over to where Nadia sat.
“Nadia, I need you to stand. As I stated earlier, I have to frisk you.”
Nadia stood.
“Do all visitors have to submit to this?”
“I..., no, but I can tell you are concealing something.”
James stood in front of Nadia.
“I need you to unbutton your suit jacket.”
Nadia began to unbutton her suit jacket.
James slid Nadia’s suit jacket from off her shoulders.
The suit jacket fell to the carpet.
“I can assure you nothing is under my bra.”
“Like I advised you, this is a thorough body search.”
Nadia reached downward and unclasped her bra.
The bra slid down her arms and landed on top of her suit jacket.
The air reached her skin. Her light brownish nipples blossomed.
James dragged his palm down Nadia’s chest. He stepped closer.
“I need the skirt off.”
“I think you’ve already established there’s nothing under my skirt when you intervened on the first body search.”
Nadia looked down at James’ pants. She could have sworn his dick increased in size since she glimpsed it earlier.
“Would you like me to take it off,” James whispered.
He bent his head downward and kissed Nadia on her shoulder blade. He nuzzled the side of her neck, and then licked over her collarbone.
Nadia pivoted her neck into James’ caresses.
“Please, I have never wanted anyone more in my life, as I want you now, no one.”
James inched back and looked down into Nadia’s eyes.
Nadia stepped back. She reached behind herself and slowly unzipped her skirt; she slowly pushed it down her legs and stepped out of it.
James looked over Nadia’s body. He took off his suit jacket and tossed it on a nearby chair. He knew this was totally out of character, but after he saw the perfection of her pussy, the curves of her hips, big breasts, and a nip-tucked abdomen, he had to have a feel.
James seized Nadia by her hand, walked over to his desk, and sat down in his leather chair. He unzipped his pants and took out his manhood.
Nadia looked down at the distended length of James’ hardened erection.
“Is this part of the thorough frisk as well?”
“This is the only way I can tell if you’re hiding anything up there.”
James grabbed Nadia by her hips and centered her body between his inner thighs. He slowly pulled her thong down and rested it on her upper thighs. He leaned forward and kissed the trimmed patch of her downy hairs. He streamed his tongue over, up, and then down her clitoris.
James leaned back. He slid Nadia’s thong down the rest of the way.
Nadia lifted her foot while James removed the thong from around one of her ankles. She lifted the other foot.
James grabbed Nadia’s thong from off the floor and sniffed it. He wiped it against her clitoris, opened his side desk drawer, and threw it inside. He pushed the drawer close.
This man was very contemptible she thought.
Nadia sat back on the desk.
James spaced Nadia’s legs and slowly kissed her inner thighs.
Nadia leaned back; her elbows braced her upper body weight.
James scooted his chair up. He leaned his head inward and licked up and down the slit in Nadia’s pussy.
“Umm,” Nadia moaned.
“If you don’t understand by now, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you,” James boldly spoke.
He inserted his finger inside her pussy, leaned his head downward again, and roamed his tongue up and down the folds that sandwiched her clitoris.
“Ohm,” Nadia purred.
James withdrew his finger and pulled Nadia’s buttocks down to the edge of his desk. He fingered her pussy again, withdrew it, and stuck the glossed finger inside his mouth.
“Have mercy, you taste good.”
He separated the opening to her pussy and delved his tongue inside.
“Oh shit.”
Nadia placed one of her palms on top of James’ head and rocked her pelvis against his face.
James plowed his tongue deeper inside Nadia’s womanhood. He smothered the opening with his mouth and begin suckling the soft flesh; he gently peeled the skin back and licked over the pinkish interior.
“Oh... James.” Nadia arched her back in physical stupor. “Yes..., yes right there... uum.”
James kissed the outside of Nadia’s clitoris and inched his face back. He massaged his face in the gulf of her pussy.
“I had to have you,” he mumbled against her drenched downy hairs.
James kissed the inner groove of Nadia’s thighs. He impatiently saturated the spread of downy hairs that covered her entire womanhood. He stood and leaned his upper body downward.
James kissed Nadia on her stomach; he kissed over the darkish-brownish areola, and then licked over the inflamed nipple.
Nadia wrapped her legs around James’ waist.
“Nadia, you are a very beautiful African American woman.”
“Show… show me.”
James dropped his hand, opened his desk drawer, and took out a condom. He tore the silver packet apart and removed the condom. He rolled it over his manhood and threw the ripped packet on the floor. He palmed his manhood and slowly pushed it inside Nadia’s pussy.
“Nadia... Nadia... oh baby your cunt feels tight and right.”
James posted Nadia’s hands over her head. He leaned his head downward and kissed over each breast while he repeatedly propelled his dick farther inside her pussy.
“Yeah…, yeah baby.”
James palmed one of Nadia’s hips and fully moved his dick inside of her.
“Oh that…, umm that dick feels like paradise in there.”
Nadia moved her pelvis in union with the grinding rhythm of James’ groin.
James leaned his upper body forward and slowly kissed Nadia on her lips. He let her hands go.
Nadia linked her arms around James’ neck and pulled his upper body down to hers. She kissed him affectionately on the lips.
James deepened the kiss. He inched back and looked down into Nadia’s eyes.
“Oh Nadia.” James dropped his head backwards; he drove his dick farther. “Shit.”
Nadia opened her legs wider; her back continued to greet the desk as James propelled his dick inside of her.
James held Nadia by the small of her back and lifted her from off his desk. He rushed over to the couch and laid her on it. He covered her body with his, palmed his manhood, and quickly jolted it back inside her womanhood.
“Nadia..., Nadia, I...”
James kissed one of Nadia’s breast nipples. He cradled her buttocks and thrust harder.
“I’m, I’m about to cum.”
Nadia arched her back. She cradled James to her, scraped her nails against his back, and climaxed.
“Nad…, Nadia,” James groaned, he relaxed his forehead against hers. “Fuckin good pussyyy…, ugg.” He cradled her buttocks tighter and ejaculated. “Shit.” James squeezed Nadia’s buttocks harder, and thrust repeatedly; he kissed her closed eyes, and ejaculated inside her again. He stuck his tongue inside her ear canal.
Nadia hugged James tighter at the pleasurable contact.
“Oh keep...” She held him tighter. “Ohhh, fuck.” She climaxed again.
Nadia’s pussy pulsating on James’ dick overcame him.
“Damn..., damn,” he groaned.
James slowly kissed Nadia on her lips while he moved inside of her. He still felt her womanhood compressing his manhood. He pressed his dick inside her pussy and held it in place.
Nadia moved her pelvis as her climax gradually withered away. She kissed James on his earlobe. She could not understand the situation she got herself into, but she had no regrets in the end.
James rested his weight on top of Nadia. He inched back and looked down into her eyes.
“Can I see you later on?”
“I beg your pardon.”
“Nadia, I like you. I know this may sound crazy, but believe me, I have never sacrificed my career in this fashion, however, the moment I saw you, my common sense fled me. My dick feels good inside you. This feels different, it feels comfortable.”
“I’m sorry, but this never happened, and I was never here.”
“No baby, one thing I could say, you are here.” James moved his semi-flaccid dick inside Nadia’s pussy. “Have dinner with me tonight.”
“I can’t.”
“Come on now. I will take you to any place you desire, all I need from you is the answer yes.”
Nadia quickly kissed James on his lips.
“I tell you what. If we ever meet on this green earth again, I will let you take me out to dinner.”
“And let me make love to you properly.”
“Yes, and let you make love to me properly. By the way, what’s your name?”
“James,” Nadia murmured softly
James kissed Nadia on the side of her lips.
“Uum James.”
Nadia closed her eyes, as his tongue traveled across her lips.
James licked Nadia’s chin.
Nadia thought to herself and reopened her eyes. “Wait a minute.” She pushed James’ chest back. “James, the Warden?”
“How dare you…”
James kissed Nadia on her lips interrupting her disbelief. He kissed her on the chin again and spaced his face.
“I apologize for retaining my title, but I liked who I saw.”
“Does that also hold true for the peep show you got on the other side of the glassed two-way mirror?”
“Yes, and also when you were waiting at the security booth.”
“I do not believe this.”
“Nadia, I need to tell you that Azele will be in the hole for another week, and the parole board will not accept any more testimonies on his behalf.”
“I'm confused here; parole board, testimonies.”
“Aren’t you here to persuade me to let you submit a testimony on behalf of Azele’s parole board meeting.”
“Most certainly not! I am here to speak to you about allowing me to interview Azele. Hopefully, he can shed some light on the mentality of the Las Vegas Slasher. The MO of the suspect is similar to the New Orleans Serial Killer, and I wanted to ask him some questions, and also get his opinions on some key factors.”
“So, you’re not one of Azele’s female followers?”
James kissed the side of Nadia’s neck.
“No, I am not.”
“That confession places my mind at rest.”
“Well James, I have to get a move on things.”
James inched his flaccid manhood out of Nadia’s pussy, and then completely withdrew. He got up off the couch and held his hand out.
Nadia took a hold of James’ hand and stood.
“Remember your promise.”
“I will.”
James removed the condom from off his manhood. He walked over to the trash bin stationed by his desk and threw it inside. He pushed his desk drawer closed, and then zipped his pants.
Nadia quickly dressed.
James walked back over to Nadia.
“Can I walk you out to your car?”
“Yes, I would like that.”
“The next time you visit this prison. You are to contact me first. I refuse to have you running around here unchaperoned.”
“I have myself.”
“I know you do, but I can’t have my woman getting mistaken for an inmate’s groupie.”
“I will contact you, and your woman, I am not.”
“Nadia, I do not bring every woman up here and make love to them, as I did to you?”
Nadia heard the seriousness in James’ voice.
“James, I assumed we ended up gaining something good for the moment, and a promise if we see each other again, then who knows.”
“Oh, you will see me again, count on it. And the next time you and I make love; it will not be by chance.” James stroked Nadia’s cheek. “By the way, where do you work?”
“I am an Investigative Journalist for the Las Vegas Times Newspaper.”
“I like an educated and beautiful woman.”
“I will claim both at the moment.”
“And witty.”
Nadia instantly blushed.
Her deep dimples turned him on.
James placed both hands in his front pants pockets.
“Can I interest you in lunch?”
“I would love that, but at the moment, I’m really pressed for time.”
Nadia looked back over at the couch and smiled at the memory of what she just shared with this nice-looking brotha. She reached up and stroked James’ thick eyebrows; she palmed his face, dragged it down to hers, and kissed him on the lips.
James pulled Nadia closer and enlightened the kiss; he twisted his tongue around hers and fed off her lips.
“Oh, you taste damn good.” He inched back and rested his forehead against hers. “You are everything to me, please have dinner with me tonight,” James faintly uttered. He kissed her forehead and retracted a step.
Nadia lifted on the balls of her feet and kissed James’ lips again. She stroked his chin.
“I’m assuming there’s a future promise in that kiss.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
She came here for an interview, and got a big hard dick pumped inside her in return she thought.
Nadia looked down at her Fossil watch.
“Ooh James, I have to get home.”
“Care to take me with you?”
“If we ever run into each other again...”
“Just remember, all’s fair in love...”
“And war,” Nadia finished.
“Not from my end. Oh, before you go. Would you like a brief tour of High Desert State Prison?”
“Yes, why not.”
“Well, this is the Warden’s office, and I am the Warden of this institution.”
“Do tell me more.”
James laughed.
“I like you, Nadia.”
“I can’t wait until we run back into each other again, and you show me.”
“I have a couple of minutes to spare. Can I show you now?”
“It’s not going to happen.”
“I thought I’ll try.”
Both laughed.
James grabbed a hold of Nadia’s hand and walked to the door.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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