*EROTICA* Introduction
It had been 4 weeks since she finally joined him. It had been a time of learning each other, of intensive training, and through the pain, sweat, even some tears and blood, the most intense pleasure she had ever experienced. He cared for her wholly, He looked after her physically, emotionally, and intellectually…and He had stimulated, played with, fucked and pleasured each facet of her Self. In return, she gave herself to Him completely. She looked after the small home, and after Him, and was learning to anticipate His needs and desires, whether for food, relaxation, entertainment, or sex.
She now wore His brand. At the end of the 2nd week with Him, He had surprised her with a guest for dinner. It was a friend of His who specialized in the branding process. Although terrified throughout the meal, and cleanup after, the lady was truly professional, with a kind and compassionate nature. She thoroughly explained the process and eased a majority of the fear. It had been decided that she would wear her Master’s initials with the word “OWNED” on the inside of her right hip. It wasn’t something she wanted to do often, but it was not nearly as bad as she had anticipated. His care afterwards was more than worth the pain, though she would never admit such a thing out loud! (She learned quickly that it was best not to give Him ideas…He always managed to come up with His own and that was more than enough!)
He arrived home from the day’s meetings in the city in an excellent mood. He announced that she needed to pack for the weekend away. They would be traveling into the mountains to visit a friend of His for several days. He said that she had progressed well in her training, and it was now time to introduce her to the local community. She knew that this was a milestone in her training, and her relationship with Him. He would never introduce her to His local kink community if He didn’t believe she would honor Him in word and deed. It was also a test of her commitment and absolute submission to Him. Although there would by no means be the entire community in attendance, there would be 10 to 15 of His closest friends staying on the property, and 40 to 50 at the party over the weekend. Her behavior as His slave would be carefully watched, and judged, and would reflect on Him even more than her. This thought alone made her heart pound, the thought of disappointing Him, much less dishonoring Him, through some accidental blunder, made her dizzy and light-headed.
They left the next day in the early morning haze. Although the nights cooled quickly, as soon as the sun crested the horizon, the heat began to build. It would be well over 100 degrees again today in the lowlands. Dry heat or not, 100+ was hideous! However, by the time the thermometers began creeping up into triple digits, they would be in the vibrant greens and cool shade of the mountain side. She could almost hear the breeze in the trees and feel the cold, clear water of the stream He had said ran close behind the house they would stay in. While He drove lost in His own thoughts, she closed her eyes and leaned her head on His shoulder. As His hand gently stroked her leg, she dozed lightly, lost in thoughts of being with Him in such a beautiful place. She had missed the rich colors of Virginia. Oh, not that the desert didn’t have its’ own beauty, but her eyes felt as seared and parched as her skin did after being outside in the heat of the lowlands.
She longed to walk with Him down a forest path to the edge of the rushing stream. She wanted to stand on the bank and slide the dress from her shoulders to pool around her feet. Naked, she would step into the stream, gasping from the cold but still leaning down to splash and play like a child. She would cup her hands into the sparkling clean water and raise them to His lips for Him to drink. After slaking His thirst with the cold mountain water, she would climb back up the bank to, at least for the moment, quench His thirst for her. He would lie back on the deep green grass, dappled sunshine filtering through the trees. She would take his cock into her mouth, holding it deep, she would slide her tongue along His shaft. She would feel as He hardened and swelled in her mouth. Sliding him deeply as she could, gagging as He met the back of her throat, she would pleasure Him to the best of her ability.
She was roused from these delicious thoughts by His tapping on her thigh. She opened her eyes to see the beautiful house nestled among trees so green and fresh, she immediately smiled. As the lady of the house came out to greet them, He stepped from the vehicle, and then reached His hand out to help her down. She stood a step behind Him and slightly to His right, head bowed and hands clasped at her waist.
Master greeted their hostess warmly and then turned to introduce her. On His directive, she would refer to their hostess as Mistress during their stay and treat Her as she would her Master. Eyes down, she presented Mistress with the dessert platter Master had allowed her to assemble as a humble thank you for Her hospitality. It did look lovely and enticing, peach bellini cupcakes with champagne frosting, parmesean garlic crackers, cheese pennies with pecans, and assorted fruits and cheese. All easy to eat, or be fed, with fingers…crumbs licked clean by warm, wet tongues.
They made their way into Her lovely home and were shown to their room. Master left her to unpack and settle them into their temporary quarters. She was given leave to bathe to prepare herself for the evening meal and introduction to Master’s closest friends. She spent time on the unpacking process. She had learned how her Master preferred his surroundings and so she made sure He would be pleased and feel at home when He returned for her. She then indulged in a long bath, using the scented oils He approved to soften her skin, anticipating his touch later in the evening. After her bath, she dusted on a shimmery powder flavored with peach. Circling her nipples with the soft puff, they stiffened immediately, and she felt the now-familiar ache for her Master. As she feathered the powder over her body, she felt her pussy juices begin to flow and she hoped that Master would want her this evening. In fact, she hoped He was in the mood to take her roughly, using the lash as foreplay, the sting of the welts eased by his expertly applied fingers and tongue.
Shaking her head to bring herself back to reality, she stepped from the private bath into the bedroom. Dominated by a canopied, 4-poster bed, the room was warm and cozy. The fireplace in the corner was surrounded by a deep sofa and chair and she looked away as her mind crept to time that could be spent there with Master. She looked back to the bed and saw Master had returned while she bathed. Spread on the bed was a gauzy white miniskirt and a white satin shelf bra. As she slipped on the skirt, it settled into lovely flounces around the tops of her thighs. The bra fit perfectly, supporting her generous breasts and leaving the nipples exposed. When she looked in the mirror, she realized that she was truly on display this evening for her Master, and she said a quick plea that He be pleased. She applied liner and mascara to her eyes and brushed blush across her cheekbones and collar bones. A rich plum lipstick completed the look and she bundled her curls into a deliberately messy, but sexy, fall down her back.
When Master returned to bring her down for the meal, she was gratified when he stood still for a moment drinking her in. She watched his eyes go hot and hungry and had to smile…she knew she would feel the flogger tonight, he would love her through each stroke of the lash, and then love her further to ease the pain.
She entered the dining room at his heels, again, head bowed and hands clasped at her waist. He brought her forward to introduce her to the group. When she raised her head to acknowledge each of His friends, she realized several of them had their own subs or slaves with them. It was a diverse group, as she had expected, and she knew the conversation, and play, would be interesting this evening.
When Master turned to take his seat, she followed and after He was seated, she took her place on the satin pillow placed at the side of his chair. Although in His home, Master usually included her in meals and conversation with guests, she knew this weekend was different. She settled her mind and body into this resting pose, yet remained alert to Master. As the group ate and talked, Master would feed her bits from his plate, a taste of the succulent chicken, sweet potatoes, all from His fingers to her lips. Delicately accepting each morsel chosen for her, she would then lave at his fingers to ensure they were clean. She felt like a cat, warm, loved, and wished she knew how to truly purr.
When the meal was complete, the party moved into a large open room with couches and chairs in groupings. A fireplace dominated one end of the room, while an entire side was glass…open to the view of mountain and forest. Master moved to sit in an overstuffed chair next to the fireplace. As she pulled her eyes away from the view, she realized He had brought her cushion from the dining room and as he took His seat, she knelt in her place next to his chair. When dessert was served, she could see her Master’s pride in her as he accepted the compliments from His friends. A gentle stroke of her hair had her leaning into his legs, smiling at Him in gratitude.
The rest of the evening passed pleasantly…conversation and laughter among old friends. She listened avidly, enjoying the anecdotes of past adventures, and pleasures, her Master shared with these people he loved as family. He allowed several of His friends to ask her questions directly, and she felt the approval of His friends as she was able to answer openly and intelligently anything asked.
She knew she had done well when He gave her sips of a rich and woody red wine from His glass, and His hand rarely strayed from her neck, toying with a stray curl or stroking the tender flesh along her collar bone.
When Master rose to say good night to His friends and hostess, He gave her permission to thank Mistress also. It had truly been a lovely evening, and it was with great anticipation that she followed her Master to their room at the top of the stairs. She was not disappointed when they reached their room and He turned to her with eyes hot and His cock already pressing against the zipper of his jeans.
He told her to lay on the bed, face down, and He moved quietly around the room for a few moments. She felt Him when he came to stand next to the bed, the air almost buzzing with the electric current she felt from Him so often now. He raised the ruffled skirt exposing her ass to Him. Running His hands over her exposed flesh, He told her how pleased He was with her, that she had honored Him this evening, and with that said, the first stroke of the flogger landed across her ass cheeks. Stroke after stroke, she could feel His arousal and pleasure grow. When He reached between her legs and dipped a finger into her, He groaned at how hot and wet she was, ready for Him, for His use, for His pleasure. Using His fingers, He gave her orgasm after orgasm, her juices soaking His hand and the towel He had thought to put beneath her. Finally, He took his own pleasure with her mouth…stroking deeply, one hand fisted in her hair, the other grasping her breast, pinching and squeezing her nipple, so that when He came, He took her with Him.
First light was just creeping through the trees when she woke the next morning. She shifted and stretched, warm and soft with sleep, and snuggled closer to Him under the feather comforter. When he rolled on top of her, she opened to Him instantly…somehow always ready to receive all that He was willing to offer. As His cock, already hard for her, slid deep inside, she moaned. He filled her, and the long, slow strokes of His cock were their own kind of torture. She whimpered and lifted her hips, a plea for Him to move faster, harder, but He set the pace and she felt herself drawn up, belly coiling in pleasure, until her back was arched and hips rose to meet each thrust. He watched her closely, gauging His own release to meet hers, and gave them both the release they craved.
She rose then to dress and, with His permission, went to wander outside in the early dawn. In deference to the cool mountain air, she slid on a long cotton skirt and soft sweater. She remained nude beneath the layer of clothing, as He preferred, and the soft material slid over her already sensitive nipples, keeping them hard and tight. Silently making her way to the kitchen, she started a pot of coffee, knowing Master would be ready for a cup by the time she returned from her wanderings.
The grass was cool and damp with morning dew beneath her bare feet. She wandered across the large yard and stepped onto the path that cut through the forest. She could hear the stream close by now. Moment by moment the sun rose higher turning the path into a corridor of light and shadow.
She followed the path toward the sound of the water breaking over river rocks. As she followed a curve along the path, it opened into a lovely clearing. Ahead of her the stream flowed cold and clear. Wildflowers grew in profusion along the bank, and sunlight dazzled the eye here and there as it struck the fast-flowing water. Raising her skirt to the tops of her thighs, she stepped carefully down into the water. It was icy cold, and so clear she could see the play of light and shadow against the rocks. She all but danced through the water, kicking and splashing, until she was so cold she could no longer feel her toes. Climbing the bank once again, she made her way back to the house, to her Master, ready to face whatever He had in store for her today.
When she returned to the kitchen, several people were up and moving around. A continental breakfast had been set out and the thought crossed her mind that she would be spoiled rotten by the end of the weekend not cooking or cleaning, having only to focus on Master, His needs, His pleasure. Smiling quietly at His friends, she took a tray and filled it with His favorites. Preparing 2 cups of coffee, she added them to the tray and then made her way back to their room, to Him.
He was not only awake, but already dressed for the day and seated at the little table next to the window. She placed the tray on the table and arranged her offerings before Him. When she made to take her place on the floor next to Him, He smiled and told her to sit in the chair across from Him so that she could share the meal with Him. Nerves had her feeling too jittery to eat, but He insisted, handing her a small plate with a muffin studded with fat, purple blueberries and several bright red strawberries with stems still attached. Handing her one of the cups of coffee, He leaned back and studied her while he munched on His own breakfast.
He told her that today would be a long day and that she needed to again prepare herself to be presented to the company that would begin to arrive shortly. He told her that as her gift for being included and accepted into the community, she would be giving foot baths to each guest who wanted one. He said He had arranged for a couple of the other subs staying in the house to help her with the supplies she would need. She would be graded by each participant and earn reward, or punishment, based on that grade. All ‘A’s’ would earn her a public orgasm, with the other subs and slaves using their mouths on her to bring her to the crest over and over. Each “B” would earn her a strike on the inner thigh that Master would deliver using the implement of His choice. The “C’s” would all be 3 strikes, again on the inner thigh using His preferred tools.
Anticipation, trepidation made her heart beat quicken. When Master excused her from the table, she moved into the bathroom to make herself ready as directed. Re-entering the bedroom, Master was already gone but there on the bed was His choice of clothing for the day. She gently fingered the black satin corset with garters dangling from the bottom. A matching thong, thigh-high stockings, and high heels would complete the outfit. Sliding the thong on first, she then carefully slid the stockings up her thighs. Just as she began to despair that she would never be able to lace the corset alone, Master came back into the room. Without a word, he moved behind her and began to pull at the elaborate laces, pulling it tight so that her breasts spilled out over the top of the black silky material. Slipping on the shoes, she turned to Him for inspection. He beckoned her forward and cupped her exposed breasts in His hands. Squeezing her nipples hard enough to make her suck in her breath, he leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. This show of affection and approval made her pussy flood and clench…as always, instantly ready to be taken and used for His pleasure. Stepping back, He took her hand and they made their way downstairs.
Entering the great room, Master made a quick hand gesture and she instantly dropped to her knees at his side. He directed her to present her titties and she spread her legs wide, opening her pussy, and laced her fingers behind her head, elbows and head back, mouth open in invitation. She could hear the pride in His voice as He presented His slave to the gathering. He then told her to crawl to the chair that had been prepared for the guests to receive their footbaths.
Arranging herself on the cushion, she kept her eyes down as the first guest took his place in the chair. She leaned forward and unlaced his shoes, setting them to the side. She slid the socks from his feet and rolled his pants-legs up over his calves. She then gently placed his feet in the tub of warm water on the floor in front of the chair. One foot at a time, she used the gentle cleanser Master had provided, taking the time to massage foot and calf, thumbs working to ease the tension and focusing on pressure points to relax the guest. She then rinsed the guest’s foot in the warm water. Taking one foot at a time, she licked and sucked the water from toes, instep, and ankle. When the guest rose to make his way back to the group, 2 subs stepped in and removed the dirty water. They then placed a fresh tub before her so she could care for the next guest.
It was hours of people and feet and as her hands ached and her mouth became parched, she would glance up now and then to find Master watching her closely. His eyes sparkled and a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth…this alone renewed her energy and she cared for each of His friends as if they were the first of the day. When finally Master took His place in the chair, she felt her belly clench low and hard. She slowly removed His shoes and socks and placed his feet in the warm water. Lifting His right foot, she placed the heel between her breasts and slicked her hands with the scented oil. She ran her hands from the top of his foot, around the ankle, and up his calves to his knees. She massaged and stroked, glancing up time and again to see that He was rock hard, cock bulging against his jeans. Gratified, she moved to the other foot and repeated the process. When she had licked the last drop of water from the back of his knee and sucked his toes dry, he stood above her and said it was time for a break.
She took the offered hand to gain her feet again. Without another word, he led her from the room and out the back door. To the far left of the house, opposite the path she had traveled that morning, was a sparkling blue swimming pool. There was no one else yet taking advantage of the heated water and he pulled her to stand on the deck. He turned her around and unlaced the corset, dropping it on a nearby chair. He then slid the stockings down her legs, but not before dipping 2 fingers into her pussy, already glistening with her arousal. Finally nude before Him, He looked his fill before removing His own clothes and, again taking her hand, leading her down the steps into the water. He released her and allowed her to swim several laps, stretching muscles that had been severely cramped while crouched on the floor for so many hours. When she returned to Him, He placed her on the edge of the deck and spread her legs wide. Leaning down, he licked at her pussy, His pussy, nipping at the clit, and plunging His fingers deep inside her. Stroking over and over while His tongue laved at her clit, it was only moments before she was ready to cum for Him. A few more strokes of His tongue and He stood up and stepped back. He did not allow her to cum. He wanted her on the edge, needy and ready to be taken and used. When they rose from the water, she used a towel to dry Him, and then herself, before He led her back inside to where the group waited.
She entered the room a step behind Him, as a slave should, and followed Him to the center of the room. She glanced up when He stopped and saw before her a very unique chair. Taking her shoulders, He turned her and gently pushed her onto the wooden seat. He then raised her arms above her head and secured them to the ring at the top of the high back. The curve of the seatback had her back slightly arched, forcing her breasts up and out…fully displayed. Master then lifted one leg, placing it on the curved wooden leg rest, resembling the stirrups at the doctor’s office, and securing her thigh and ankle. He repeated this with her other leg and when He was done, she was spread wide for everyone in the room to see. Knowing her pussy still dripped from Master’s ministrations just a short while ago, she began to blush. But under the embarrassment was fear of what was to come, the type of fear that had her juices flowing even more.
Master stood beside the chair and spoke to the room. He thanked them for helping Him with this test of his slave and said it was time for the grading process. He called each person by name and a sub to Master’s left wrote down each grade. When He was done, Master stated that of the 32 people in the room, His slave had earned 24 “A’s,” 6 “B’s,” and 2 “C’s.” This meant that she would receive 24 orgasms but not until the 12 lashes she earned had been administered.
He carefully looked over the table where He had laid out some of His favorite items. Fingering the flogger, and knowing it was something she loved, he left it where it was. His eyes landed on the cane, and oh, she hated that thin reed that moved so quickly you couldn’t track its’ path, but it left a beautiful red welt and always forced tears from her eyes. Picking it up, he turned back to her, eyes dancing when He saw her own eyes widen in fear as they landed on the cane. He moved to the side and slowly ran the cane across her breasts, gently flicking it against her sensitive nipples, causing her to gasp even as they hardened more. He slid the cane down her stomach and across the tops of her thighs. Quickly flicking it up, he landed the first blow across her inner thigh. He was proud to see her bite her lips to keep from crying out and followed with the 2nd and 3rd strikes in quick succession. The welts rose quickly on the sensitive flesh and he struck the other thigh with 3 quick lashes. The last 6 blows left welts up and down her inner thighs, the last drawing a drop of blood that slowly slid down to splash against the tile at his feet.
He stepped back and addressed the group again. She had done well, and He was extremely pleased with His slave. He gestured the subs who had volunteered to deliver the reward forward. As one knelt between her wide-open legs, the other came to stand beside her. All she felt was hands and mouths, her breasts stroked, pinched, licked, nipped while a tongue stroked her pussy, lapping as her juices flowed, probing her depths. When the sub plunged fingers hard and fast, the first orgasm struck causing her to buck in the chair. This continued until she was crying with the pleasure, too much, too sensitive… With just 3 orgasms to go, Master waved the subs aside and stepped between her legs. His hands lightly slapped her cheeks to get her attention and then moved to squeeze and pull at her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples, causing her to writhe in the chair. One hand remained at her breast while the other slid between her legs. He plunged 3 fingers deep, curving them up as he fucked her. Her eyes locked on His as he rubbed at her G-spot with each thrust of his fingers. When the first orgasm struck, she finally screamed aloud, pussy squirting to soak his hand, wrist, and the floor below. He did not stop until she had the last 2 in quick succession, finally allowing her to collapse against the chair, shaking and sobbing.
Several friends stepped in to help release her from the chair. They ½ carried her back outside to the hot tub on the deck. Master stripped and stepped in first and then His friends gently placed her in his lap. He held her close, rubbing her back, stroking her hair, and telling her how proud she had made Him. As the warmth seeped in and the bone-rattling shaking eased, she was finally able to meet his eyes. He leaned down and ever so gently kissed her forehead. It was all she needed, no words could convey more feeling than that simple gesture from her Master. Sated, exhausted, heart full, she tucked her head into the crook of his neck and sighed…
She now wore His brand. At the end of the 2nd week with Him, He had surprised her with a guest for dinner. It was a friend of His who specialized in the branding process. Although terrified throughout the meal, and cleanup after, the lady was truly professional, with a kind and compassionate nature. She thoroughly explained the process and eased a majority of the fear. It had been decided that she would wear her Master’s initials with the word “OWNED” on the inside of her right hip. It wasn’t something she wanted to do often, but it was not nearly as bad as she had anticipated. His care afterwards was more than worth the pain, though she would never admit such a thing out loud! (She learned quickly that it was best not to give Him ideas…He always managed to come up with His own and that was more than enough!)
He arrived home from the day’s meetings in the city in an excellent mood. He announced that she needed to pack for the weekend away. They would be traveling into the mountains to visit a friend of His for several days. He said that she had progressed well in her training, and it was now time to introduce her to the local community. She knew that this was a milestone in her training, and her relationship with Him. He would never introduce her to His local kink community if He didn’t believe she would honor Him in word and deed. It was also a test of her commitment and absolute submission to Him. Although there would by no means be the entire community in attendance, there would be 10 to 15 of His closest friends staying on the property, and 40 to 50 at the party over the weekend. Her behavior as His slave would be carefully watched, and judged, and would reflect on Him even more than her. This thought alone made her heart pound, the thought of disappointing Him, much less dishonoring Him, through some accidental blunder, made her dizzy and light-headed.
They left the next day in the early morning haze. Although the nights cooled quickly, as soon as the sun crested the horizon, the heat began to build. It would be well over 100 degrees again today in the lowlands. Dry heat or not, 100+ was hideous! However, by the time the thermometers began creeping up into triple digits, they would be in the vibrant greens and cool shade of the mountain side. She could almost hear the breeze in the trees and feel the cold, clear water of the stream He had said ran close behind the house they would stay in. While He drove lost in His own thoughts, she closed her eyes and leaned her head on His shoulder. As His hand gently stroked her leg, she dozed lightly, lost in thoughts of being with Him in such a beautiful place. She had missed the rich colors of Virginia. Oh, not that the desert didn’t have its’ own beauty, but her eyes felt as seared and parched as her skin did after being outside in the heat of the lowlands.
She longed to walk with Him down a forest path to the edge of the rushing stream. She wanted to stand on the bank and slide the dress from her shoulders to pool around her feet. Naked, she would step into the stream, gasping from the cold but still leaning down to splash and play like a child. She would cup her hands into the sparkling clean water and raise them to His lips for Him to drink. After slaking His thirst with the cold mountain water, she would climb back up the bank to, at least for the moment, quench His thirst for her. He would lie back on the deep green grass, dappled sunshine filtering through the trees. She would take his cock into her mouth, holding it deep, she would slide her tongue along His shaft. She would feel as He hardened and swelled in her mouth. Sliding him deeply as she could, gagging as He met the back of her throat, she would pleasure Him to the best of her ability.
She was roused from these delicious thoughts by His tapping on her thigh. She opened her eyes to see the beautiful house nestled among trees so green and fresh, she immediately smiled. As the lady of the house came out to greet them, He stepped from the vehicle, and then reached His hand out to help her down. She stood a step behind Him and slightly to His right, head bowed and hands clasped at her waist.
Master greeted their hostess warmly and then turned to introduce her. On His directive, she would refer to their hostess as Mistress during their stay and treat Her as she would her Master. Eyes down, she presented Mistress with the dessert platter Master had allowed her to assemble as a humble thank you for Her hospitality. It did look lovely and enticing, peach bellini cupcakes with champagne frosting, parmesean garlic crackers, cheese pennies with pecans, and assorted fruits and cheese. All easy to eat, or be fed, with fingers…crumbs licked clean by warm, wet tongues.
They made their way into Her lovely home and were shown to their room. Master left her to unpack and settle them into their temporary quarters. She was given leave to bathe to prepare herself for the evening meal and introduction to Master’s closest friends. She spent time on the unpacking process. She had learned how her Master preferred his surroundings and so she made sure He would be pleased and feel at home when He returned for her. She then indulged in a long bath, using the scented oils He approved to soften her skin, anticipating his touch later in the evening. After her bath, she dusted on a shimmery powder flavored with peach. Circling her nipples with the soft puff, they stiffened immediately, and she felt the now-familiar ache for her Master. As she feathered the powder over her body, she felt her pussy juices begin to flow and she hoped that Master would want her this evening. In fact, she hoped He was in the mood to take her roughly, using the lash as foreplay, the sting of the welts eased by his expertly applied fingers and tongue.
Shaking her head to bring herself back to reality, she stepped from the private bath into the bedroom. Dominated by a canopied, 4-poster bed, the room was warm and cozy. The fireplace in the corner was surrounded by a deep sofa and chair and she looked away as her mind crept to time that could be spent there with Master. She looked back to the bed and saw Master had returned while she bathed. Spread on the bed was a gauzy white miniskirt and a white satin shelf bra. As she slipped on the skirt, it settled into lovely flounces around the tops of her thighs. The bra fit perfectly, supporting her generous breasts and leaving the nipples exposed. When she looked in the mirror, she realized that she was truly on display this evening for her Master, and she said a quick plea that He be pleased. She applied liner and mascara to her eyes and brushed blush across her cheekbones and collar bones. A rich plum lipstick completed the look and she bundled her curls into a deliberately messy, but sexy, fall down her back.
When Master returned to bring her down for the meal, she was gratified when he stood still for a moment drinking her in. She watched his eyes go hot and hungry and had to smile…she knew she would feel the flogger tonight, he would love her through each stroke of the lash, and then love her further to ease the pain.
She entered the dining room at his heels, again, head bowed and hands clasped at her waist. He brought her forward to introduce her to the group. When she raised her head to acknowledge each of His friends, she realized several of them had their own subs or slaves with them. It was a diverse group, as she had expected, and she knew the conversation, and play, would be interesting this evening.
When Master turned to take his seat, she followed and after He was seated, she took her place on the satin pillow placed at the side of his chair. Although in His home, Master usually included her in meals and conversation with guests, she knew this weekend was different. She settled her mind and body into this resting pose, yet remained alert to Master. As the group ate and talked, Master would feed her bits from his plate, a taste of the succulent chicken, sweet potatoes, all from His fingers to her lips. Delicately accepting each morsel chosen for her, she would then lave at his fingers to ensure they were clean. She felt like a cat, warm, loved, and wished she knew how to truly purr.
When the meal was complete, the party moved into a large open room with couches and chairs in groupings. A fireplace dominated one end of the room, while an entire side was glass…open to the view of mountain and forest. Master moved to sit in an overstuffed chair next to the fireplace. As she pulled her eyes away from the view, she realized He had brought her cushion from the dining room and as he took His seat, she knelt in her place next to his chair. When dessert was served, she could see her Master’s pride in her as he accepted the compliments from His friends. A gentle stroke of her hair had her leaning into his legs, smiling at Him in gratitude.
The rest of the evening passed pleasantly…conversation and laughter among old friends. She listened avidly, enjoying the anecdotes of past adventures, and pleasures, her Master shared with these people he loved as family. He allowed several of His friends to ask her questions directly, and she felt the approval of His friends as she was able to answer openly and intelligently anything asked.
She knew she had done well when He gave her sips of a rich and woody red wine from His glass, and His hand rarely strayed from her neck, toying with a stray curl or stroking the tender flesh along her collar bone.
When Master rose to say good night to His friends and hostess, He gave her permission to thank Mistress also. It had truly been a lovely evening, and it was with great anticipation that she followed her Master to their room at the top of the stairs. She was not disappointed when they reached their room and He turned to her with eyes hot and His cock already pressing against the zipper of his jeans.
He told her to lay on the bed, face down, and He moved quietly around the room for a few moments. She felt Him when he came to stand next to the bed, the air almost buzzing with the electric current she felt from Him so often now. He raised the ruffled skirt exposing her ass to Him. Running His hands over her exposed flesh, He told her how pleased He was with her, that she had honored Him this evening, and with that said, the first stroke of the flogger landed across her ass cheeks. Stroke after stroke, she could feel His arousal and pleasure grow. When He reached between her legs and dipped a finger into her, He groaned at how hot and wet she was, ready for Him, for His use, for His pleasure. Using His fingers, He gave her orgasm after orgasm, her juices soaking His hand and the towel He had thought to put beneath her. Finally, He took his own pleasure with her mouth…stroking deeply, one hand fisted in her hair, the other grasping her breast, pinching and squeezing her nipple, so that when He came, He took her with Him.
First light was just creeping through the trees when she woke the next morning. She shifted and stretched, warm and soft with sleep, and snuggled closer to Him under the feather comforter. When he rolled on top of her, she opened to Him instantly…somehow always ready to receive all that He was willing to offer. As His cock, already hard for her, slid deep inside, she moaned. He filled her, and the long, slow strokes of His cock were their own kind of torture. She whimpered and lifted her hips, a plea for Him to move faster, harder, but He set the pace and she felt herself drawn up, belly coiling in pleasure, until her back was arched and hips rose to meet each thrust. He watched her closely, gauging His own release to meet hers, and gave them both the release they craved.
She rose then to dress and, with His permission, went to wander outside in the early dawn. In deference to the cool mountain air, she slid on a long cotton skirt and soft sweater. She remained nude beneath the layer of clothing, as He preferred, and the soft material slid over her already sensitive nipples, keeping them hard and tight. Silently making her way to the kitchen, she started a pot of coffee, knowing Master would be ready for a cup by the time she returned from her wanderings.
The grass was cool and damp with morning dew beneath her bare feet. She wandered across the large yard and stepped onto the path that cut through the forest. She could hear the stream close by now. Moment by moment the sun rose higher turning the path into a corridor of light and shadow.
She followed the path toward the sound of the water breaking over river rocks. As she followed a curve along the path, it opened into a lovely clearing. Ahead of her the stream flowed cold and clear. Wildflowers grew in profusion along the bank, and sunlight dazzled the eye here and there as it struck the fast-flowing water. Raising her skirt to the tops of her thighs, she stepped carefully down into the water. It was icy cold, and so clear she could see the play of light and shadow against the rocks. She all but danced through the water, kicking and splashing, until she was so cold she could no longer feel her toes. Climbing the bank once again, she made her way back to the house, to her Master, ready to face whatever He had in store for her today.
When she returned to the kitchen, several people were up and moving around. A continental breakfast had been set out and the thought crossed her mind that she would be spoiled rotten by the end of the weekend not cooking or cleaning, having only to focus on Master, His needs, His pleasure. Smiling quietly at His friends, she took a tray and filled it with His favorites. Preparing 2 cups of coffee, she added them to the tray and then made her way back to their room, to Him.
He was not only awake, but already dressed for the day and seated at the little table next to the window. She placed the tray on the table and arranged her offerings before Him. When she made to take her place on the floor next to Him, He smiled and told her to sit in the chair across from Him so that she could share the meal with Him. Nerves had her feeling too jittery to eat, but He insisted, handing her a small plate with a muffin studded with fat, purple blueberries and several bright red strawberries with stems still attached. Handing her one of the cups of coffee, He leaned back and studied her while he munched on His own breakfast.
He told her that today would be a long day and that she needed to again prepare herself to be presented to the company that would begin to arrive shortly. He told her that as her gift for being included and accepted into the community, she would be giving foot baths to each guest who wanted one. He said He had arranged for a couple of the other subs staying in the house to help her with the supplies she would need. She would be graded by each participant and earn reward, or punishment, based on that grade. All ‘A’s’ would earn her a public orgasm, with the other subs and slaves using their mouths on her to bring her to the crest over and over. Each “B” would earn her a strike on the inner thigh that Master would deliver using the implement of His choice. The “C’s” would all be 3 strikes, again on the inner thigh using His preferred tools.
Anticipation, trepidation made her heart beat quicken. When Master excused her from the table, she moved into the bathroom to make herself ready as directed. Re-entering the bedroom, Master was already gone but there on the bed was His choice of clothing for the day. She gently fingered the black satin corset with garters dangling from the bottom. A matching thong, thigh-high stockings, and high heels would complete the outfit. Sliding the thong on first, she then carefully slid the stockings up her thighs. Just as she began to despair that she would never be able to lace the corset alone, Master came back into the room. Without a word, he moved behind her and began to pull at the elaborate laces, pulling it tight so that her breasts spilled out over the top of the black silky material. Slipping on the shoes, she turned to Him for inspection. He beckoned her forward and cupped her exposed breasts in His hands. Squeezing her nipples hard enough to make her suck in her breath, he leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. This show of affection and approval made her pussy flood and clench…as always, instantly ready to be taken and used for His pleasure. Stepping back, He took her hand and they made their way downstairs.
Entering the great room, Master made a quick hand gesture and she instantly dropped to her knees at his side. He directed her to present her titties and she spread her legs wide, opening her pussy, and laced her fingers behind her head, elbows and head back, mouth open in invitation. She could hear the pride in His voice as He presented His slave to the gathering. He then told her to crawl to the chair that had been prepared for the guests to receive their footbaths.
Arranging herself on the cushion, she kept her eyes down as the first guest took his place in the chair. She leaned forward and unlaced his shoes, setting them to the side. She slid the socks from his feet and rolled his pants-legs up over his calves. She then gently placed his feet in the tub of warm water on the floor in front of the chair. One foot at a time, she used the gentle cleanser Master had provided, taking the time to massage foot and calf, thumbs working to ease the tension and focusing on pressure points to relax the guest. She then rinsed the guest’s foot in the warm water. Taking one foot at a time, she licked and sucked the water from toes, instep, and ankle. When the guest rose to make his way back to the group, 2 subs stepped in and removed the dirty water. They then placed a fresh tub before her so she could care for the next guest.
It was hours of people and feet and as her hands ached and her mouth became parched, she would glance up now and then to find Master watching her closely. His eyes sparkled and a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth…this alone renewed her energy and she cared for each of His friends as if they were the first of the day. When finally Master took His place in the chair, she felt her belly clench low and hard. She slowly removed His shoes and socks and placed his feet in the warm water. Lifting His right foot, she placed the heel between her breasts and slicked her hands with the scented oil. She ran her hands from the top of his foot, around the ankle, and up his calves to his knees. She massaged and stroked, glancing up time and again to see that He was rock hard, cock bulging against his jeans. Gratified, she moved to the other foot and repeated the process. When she had licked the last drop of water from the back of his knee and sucked his toes dry, he stood above her and said it was time for a break.
She took the offered hand to gain her feet again. Without another word, he led her from the room and out the back door. To the far left of the house, opposite the path she had traveled that morning, was a sparkling blue swimming pool. There was no one else yet taking advantage of the heated water and he pulled her to stand on the deck. He turned her around and unlaced the corset, dropping it on a nearby chair. He then slid the stockings down her legs, but not before dipping 2 fingers into her pussy, already glistening with her arousal. Finally nude before Him, He looked his fill before removing His own clothes and, again taking her hand, leading her down the steps into the water. He released her and allowed her to swim several laps, stretching muscles that had been severely cramped while crouched on the floor for so many hours. When she returned to Him, He placed her on the edge of the deck and spread her legs wide. Leaning down, he licked at her pussy, His pussy, nipping at the clit, and plunging His fingers deep inside her. Stroking over and over while His tongue laved at her clit, it was only moments before she was ready to cum for Him. A few more strokes of His tongue and He stood up and stepped back. He did not allow her to cum. He wanted her on the edge, needy and ready to be taken and used. When they rose from the water, she used a towel to dry Him, and then herself, before He led her back inside to where the group waited.
She entered the room a step behind Him, as a slave should, and followed Him to the center of the room. She glanced up when He stopped and saw before her a very unique chair. Taking her shoulders, He turned her and gently pushed her onto the wooden seat. He then raised her arms above her head and secured them to the ring at the top of the high back. The curve of the seatback had her back slightly arched, forcing her breasts up and out…fully displayed. Master then lifted one leg, placing it on the curved wooden leg rest, resembling the stirrups at the doctor’s office, and securing her thigh and ankle. He repeated this with her other leg and when He was done, she was spread wide for everyone in the room to see. Knowing her pussy still dripped from Master’s ministrations just a short while ago, she began to blush. But under the embarrassment was fear of what was to come, the type of fear that had her juices flowing even more.
Master stood beside the chair and spoke to the room. He thanked them for helping Him with this test of his slave and said it was time for the grading process. He called each person by name and a sub to Master’s left wrote down each grade. When He was done, Master stated that of the 32 people in the room, His slave had earned 24 “A’s,” 6 “B’s,” and 2 “C’s.” This meant that she would receive 24 orgasms but not until the 12 lashes she earned had been administered.
He carefully looked over the table where He had laid out some of His favorite items. Fingering the flogger, and knowing it was something she loved, he left it where it was. His eyes landed on the cane, and oh, she hated that thin reed that moved so quickly you couldn’t track its’ path, but it left a beautiful red welt and always forced tears from her eyes. Picking it up, he turned back to her, eyes dancing when He saw her own eyes widen in fear as they landed on the cane. He moved to the side and slowly ran the cane across her breasts, gently flicking it against her sensitive nipples, causing her to gasp even as they hardened more. He slid the cane down her stomach and across the tops of her thighs. Quickly flicking it up, he landed the first blow across her inner thigh. He was proud to see her bite her lips to keep from crying out and followed with the 2nd and 3rd strikes in quick succession. The welts rose quickly on the sensitive flesh and he struck the other thigh with 3 quick lashes. The last 6 blows left welts up and down her inner thighs, the last drawing a drop of blood that slowly slid down to splash against the tile at his feet.
He stepped back and addressed the group again. She had done well, and He was extremely pleased with His slave. He gestured the subs who had volunteered to deliver the reward forward. As one knelt between her wide-open legs, the other came to stand beside her. All she felt was hands and mouths, her breasts stroked, pinched, licked, nipped while a tongue stroked her pussy, lapping as her juices flowed, probing her depths. When the sub plunged fingers hard and fast, the first orgasm struck causing her to buck in the chair. This continued until she was crying with the pleasure, too much, too sensitive… With just 3 orgasms to go, Master waved the subs aside and stepped between her legs. His hands lightly slapped her cheeks to get her attention and then moved to squeeze and pull at her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples, causing her to writhe in the chair. One hand remained at her breast while the other slid between her legs. He plunged 3 fingers deep, curving them up as he fucked her. Her eyes locked on His as he rubbed at her G-spot with each thrust of his fingers. When the first orgasm struck, she finally screamed aloud, pussy squirting to soak his hand, wrist, and the floor below. He did not stop until she had the last 2 in quick succession, finally allowing her to collapse against the chair, shaking and sobbing.
Several friends stepped in to help release her from the chair. They ½ carried her back outside to the hot tub on the deck. Master stripped and stepped in first and then His friends gently placed her in his lap. He held her close, rubbing her back, stroking her hair, and telling her how proud she had made Him. As the warmth seeped in and the bone-rattling shaking eased, she was finally able to meet his eyes. He leaned down and ever so gently kissed her forehead. It was all she needed, no words could convey more feeling than that simple gesture from her Master. Sated, exhausted, heart full, she tucked her head into the crook of his neck and sighed…
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