Image for the poem All That I need ...

All That I need ...

All that I need
is someone with me
like everything will fall into alignment if I could just meet
the woman of my dreams
it will help me sleep
it will silence the voices that are bothering me
A chance at redemption?
I guess I know I fucked up, on reflection
A confession was given a few poems ago
I would settle for perfection
I've accepted your rejection
I know
I'm just a creep and weirdo.
I feel it will help me understand myself
and take care of my mental health
the pills in this bottle will be so long ago

All that I need
is a shit load of money
to make all my problems just go away
I could buy myself hours
of time to devour
like the time I have wasted is not even known
I would drive a bright black mustang
buy a recording studio in Queensland
Move over east and just go with the flow

or Maybe

All that I need
is just a Cup of Tea
A moment to myself to breath


Written by u53l355 (Grifta)
Author's Note
I keep reflecting on what went wrong in the past and it's been clouding my future . I feel like all my problems could be solved with these material possessions . I have been going through aot lately and avoiding going out in fear people are going to try and start a fight with me. Last weekend was the last straw , I am sick of feeling helpless and weak because I refuse to get aggressive . I deleted and removed my main social's because I get FOMO and don't want to feel like this anymore . This poem is about the one thing that makes me feel comfortable and safe in this world . When I was young i used to visit Grandma and she would always make me a cup of tea and make me feel loved and wanted , Now even tho she has passed I still make myself a cup of tea to feel like everything will be ok .
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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