You Are Beautiful

No one is ever happy with the way they look.
They say silly things like, "my nose is to long/short and my eyes are the wrong color/to close together/to far apart and I have the worst figure, I'm to fat/thin/short/tall. My hair is the wrong color/thinning/to curly/to straight"  
Then they say, "I'm ugly"  
None of the above makes anyone ugly. The only ugly people I know are ugly on the inside.  
They are rude, crude, selfish creatures that are eaten up. They are controlling assholes who know it all and are never wrong even when they are.  
Mind you, we could all take better care of ourselves, and if we choose to make changes, that's our choice. We can change those physical characteristics, but ugly never changes, that ugly that comes from deep within.  
Repeat after me, "I'm beautiful and I know it."  
C'mon, Say it.  
Now believe it, cause it's true.
Written by TimWombles
Published | Edited 8th May 2021
Author's Note
I read a poem by Bluevelvete. I don't really think blue thinks she's ugly, but a lot of people think they are, and this is for them.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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