“My Tap” ... A Poem written by Big Virge 16/7/2020

Now I’m A Man Whose Mental ...  
.... TAPS .....
Into Spoken Words And Poetic Verse ...
About This World And How It Turns ...
So My Tap Runs And RUNS And RUNS ... !!!
Like A River Does ... !!!!!!!!!!
With Flows UPON FLOWS ...
of ... Rhyme Driven Prose ... !!!
And Reality Quotes That Go To Show ...
That ... Writers Block ...
AIN’T A Thing That I’ve Got ... !!!

Or Have EVER Had ... !!!
Because I Stick To The FACTS ...
Instead of Writing LIES ...
For My Words To Be LIKED ... !!!
And APPARENTLY ... “ LOVED “ ... ?!?
By Those Within The MASS Populous ...
Who ... Make Folks BIG ... !!!
When They Buy Their Stuff ... !!!

I Guess Kinda Like TRUMP ... ?!?
So You SEE My Tap STUNS ...
Just Like TASER Guns ... !!!

Because ... What I TAP ...
Is Where My Thoughts Run ...
So Engage MY BRAIN ...
Rather Than What’s LAME ... !!!
The Pursuit of World FAME ...
And The Type of CHAINS ...
That RESTRICT What You Say ...
So That Money Can Be Made ...
Even When What’s Displayed ...
Are Creative Displays ...
That Really AREN’T So Great ... !!!
Which Is Why MY TAP ...
DOESN’T Flow Like THAT... !!!

It Flows Like NIAGRA ...
That’s FILLED With Viagra ... !!!
Ready To ... Capture ...
Ho’s And Those Slappers ... !!!
Whose Asses Gets TAPPED ...
MORE Than Banks Get Cash ...
And You Shouldn’t Doubt That ... !!!

My Tap Flows With POWER ...
So REFUSES To Cower ...
Like Creative Cowards ... !!!

Whose Flower Is Showered ...
With The Kind of POWDER ...
That Makes Their Taps WEAK ...
And UNABLE To Speak ...

... Those REALITIES ... !!!
That PROVE That ...
Peace And Unity ...
Are Beyond The Reach ...
of Our Human Breed ... !!!

Cos’ This AIN’T The Sixties ...
This Is TWENTY TWENTY ... !!!

So Its HARD To Believe ...
That Movements From ...
.... " Recent History " ...
In These Days And Times ... !!!
UNLESS They’re THOSE ...
of ... NEW Gender Lines ... !!!

While Blacks Still CHOKE ... !?!
Because of BAD Vibes ...
From Police Who Seem To Like ...
To Use Knees To TAKE Lives ...
And Leave Black Lives BROKE ...
With ... NO Home To Go ...
Apart From Those HOLES ...
DOWN BELOW That Are COLD ... !!!

You See What I Tap Goes ...
Into Those ... DARK ZONES ... !!!

That Most Famous Folks ...
Have Been QUICK To FORGO ... ?!?
UNTIL Black Lives ...
Have Started To Matter ... ?!?

So Their Taps NOW SPLATTER ... !!!
Talk of ... Racist Factors ...

That Apparently Yes CONVENIENTLY ...
They DIDN’T SEE When Receiving Money ...
Where Racism Runs FREE .........................

But In .... “Secrecy” .... ?!?
Well ... HYPOCRISY Runs ...
Within FAR Too Many ...
of These Famous Peeps’ ... !!!

Whose Taps Would Seem ...
To Hold FALLACIES  ... !!!
Which Is Why What They DRIP ...
Are ... Deceitful Things ...
That Take Some Time To Reach ...
The Cold Light of Day ... !!!
Because What They CLAIM ...
Is That They Were AFRAID ...
of ... LOSING Their Pay ... !!!

A Thing That I Have SEEN ...
AFFECT My Art And Poetry ...
Because What It TOOK ...
For Certain Heads To ...
REALLY Take A Look ...
At What My Tap Cooks ...  
Was ... UNBELIEVABLY ... ?!?
For These CLOWNS To Have Found ...
Themselves LOCKED DOWN ...
Amidst A GLOBAL DISEASE ... ?!

For Them To RECOGNISE ...
That ... What I Write ...
Keeps My Tap OCCUPIED ...
Much MORE Than They ...
Could ... EVER Create ... !!!

Which Is Really A SHAME ...
But Hey ... It’s OKAY ... !!!
Because It’s Them Who LACK ...
... Creative Hands ...
That NOW They CLAIM ...
INSPIRES Their Brains ... ?!?

Because The CORONA ...
Has Left Them TRAPPED ...
And In NEED OF CASH ... !!!

Which Is CLEARLY WHY ...
They’re NOW Telling Me ....
..... “ My Tap “ .....
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
Author's Note
Mine just keeps flowing, as this poem explains ....
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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