The Maids Adventures chapter 6 part 2
The Maids Adventures chapter 6 part 2
Putting on her most welcoming smile, the Princess yawned and stretched attractively, batting her eyes up at the looming rogue. He lifted a questioning eyebrow at her.
"Oh Garrett," she said, doing her best to make her voice sound artlessly breathless. You startled me... I'm so glad you found me out here in the woods. I was becoming quite frightened. Garrett just stared down at her, the same querying expression on his face. Please... you can't mean to return me to that... that brute. I know the nobleman's house isn't far from here. Help me escape. She smiled coyly as he lowered his eyebrow, looking like he was considering her plea. Spreading her legs and raising her knees so that her skirt slid upwards, exposing a few inches of creamy thigh, she arched her back so that her pert breasts were thrust up at him. I can make it worth your while.
We don't have to bargain for what we can take for free, a gruff voice behind her said. Furious, Eleanor looked over her shoulder to see Samuel standing there. While his blonde good looks might be attractive, the Princess was well aware that he was a true ruffian. She had no intention of offering her favors to him anyway.
Don't you touch me, she snapped, sitting up straight and pushing her skirt back down. Patrick will have your hide.
But not Garrett's! Samuel asked with a laugh.
Haughtily, Eleanor turned her head back around, ignoring him. If only he hadn't shown up right now, she was sure that she could have convinced the silent Garrett to help her! He must have seen Samuel coming otherwise he would have accepted her offer immediately. Now she wouldn't even be able to get a taste of what Garrett had given her maid. As if that common tart was worth the pleasure she'd received from him!
Come on, let's get her back to the camp, Blaine said, melting out of the trees. Eleanor was rather gratified to see that Patrick had sent all of his men after her, even if he hadn't come himself. It showed that he knew her true worth. Although if Garrett had come alone then maybe she'd have been able to garner some pleasure as well as help to the nobleman's estate.
Pouting, because neither of her plans had come to fruition, Princess Eleanor held out her hand for Garrett to help her rise. For a moment something sparked in his eyes, but then Samuel was there, dragging her up by her upper arm.
How dare you?! she fumed, jerking her arm out of his grasp.
"Come on," Garrett said, forestalling any further comment from either her or Samuel. And with that he turned and walked away, striding into the forest with every expectation that she was following him. As if she had any choice with Samuel and Blaine crowding her from behind. The Princess tilted her head back haughtily, rather miffed that Garrett had not seen fit to walk beside her. Perhaps he just did not want to show any disrespect to Patrick.
Yes, that must be it.
It was mid afternoon before the men returned with the Princess. Bridget didn't know how she felt when she finally beheld the other woman. On one hand, she looked exhausted and ragged, dirty actually, and she wasn't moving with her usual hauteur. On the other hand, the Princess had attempted to escape and leave Bridget at the mercy of the bandits. While she understood that in the grand scheme of things that the Princess was much more important than a simple maid, it still grated. After all, weren't they both women?
Bridget probably could have escaped if she hadn't been trying to factor the Princess into her plans. She might have even gotten away with it since she knew how to saddle a horse, which the Princess obviously didn't. Of course now the men would probably be much more on their guard. What on earth had the Princess been thinking? Eleanor had ruined it for both of them.
With a small jolt of shock, Bridget realized that she was glaring. Lowering her gaze to the ground she strove to get her emotions under control as Patrick strode over to the Princess, anger in every line of his body. It had been a strange day with him, as he'd alternated between occasionally touching or examining her and ignoring her completely. Occasionally he had muttered under his breath. Now he was completely ignoring her as she worked on fixing some of his clothing that he'd given her to take care of for him.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched as he spoke a word with Garrett and then grabbed the Princess by the back of her neck, fairly hauling her over towards a horse saddle that he'd set up over a bench that he'd spent all morning making. It wasn't until he practically tossed the Princess, stomach down, on top of it that Bridget realized what he had been planning. The Princess was now sprawled over the saddle, her arms on one side and her legs hanging off of the other; the way the saddle was placed on the bench meant that her buttocks were thrust upwards into the air.
Hold her in place, Patrick snarled, and Samuel sprung into place around on the side where Princess Eleanor's upper body hung down, grabbing her by the arms and pushing her downwards so that she was trapped in place on the saddle. The Princess was screaming and cursing, using words that a lady of her breeding shouldn't know, much less use. To Bridget's surprise her main complaint seemed to be that they had an audience, she kept demanding that Samuel unhand her and Patrick punish her privately in the tent. She showed no chagrin or shame at being caught, not even fear for whatever Patrick might have planned for her, only anger and an assuredness that she would get her way.
Judging by the implacable look on Patrick's face as he tossed the Princess' skirt over her upturned rump, exposing her bottom and legs, he didn't care what the Princess thought or demanded. Samuel just laughed at her, obviously enjoying her struggles. Bridget dreaded the aftermath of this scene, knowing that Samuel would demand some relief immediately.
Glancing at Blaine and Garrett, she saw that Blaine seemed rather amused -- whether at the Princess' antics or the fact that she was about to be punished, Bridget wasn't sure -- and Garrett's face was completely blank. Almost too blank he looked back and her and frowned and then began walking over.
The Princess screamed and Bridget's head snapped back around where Patrick was standing to the side of the Princess, his leather belt in his upraised hand as he brought it back down on her tender flesh, making a second long red mark across her creamy buttocks. Bridget gasped. He was beating her. Not just only that but the moans the Princess made after she screamed again sounded... well sounded like Bridget had last night when Garrett had used his tongue between her legs. It looked almost as though her hips were lifting upwards to meet the belt as Patrick swung it for a third time.
This one landed across the backs of her thighs, the three stripes almost a glowing red, and then suddenly Garrett was standing in front of Bridget and blocking her view.
Don't watch. Cover your ears, he said in a fierce low voice. Bridget stared up at him, only now realizing that she was standing on legs that trembled, her eyes wide and fearful. Never in her life had she seen anything like the scene Garrett was now trying to protect her from; the glowing lust on Patrick's face as he was beating the Princess, the hard bulge in his pants showing that he was enjoying strapping her and that this wasn't just for punishment but for her enjoyment.
THWACK! Scream. Bridget's body jerked in reaction and Garrett cursed, reaching up to cover her ears himself.
Bridget stepped back away from him instinctively. He was still a man and she was still a prisoner, no matter how kindly he might treat her during the day or the fact that he preferred to pleasure her when it was his turn to take her. At the end of the day she still had no choice in the matter and he was not her friend. Not only had he hunted down the Princess and returned her to Patrick, he wasn't trying to stop Patrick from what he was doing now, he was only trying to keep Bridget from seeing it and hearing it. Knowing what was happening. She recognized these sounds from the evenings that the Princess had spent in Patrick's tent. This was not the first time he had beaten her, although Bridget was quite sure it was the hardest.
WHAP! Scream. Bridget shuddered and Garrett's mouth tightened, he stepped forward faster than she could back up and caught her up in his arms, holding her still against him as he covered her ears. She shivered against him, comforted despite of herself it was hard not to feel safe and protected in Garrett's arms, even if it was a lie.
Despite his care though, she could still hear the beating and fear was coursing through her. It took every ounce of willpower not to try and run from the terrible scene, even knowing that she could never escape and that it would only result in her taking the Princess' place. After all, if Patrick was willing to treat a member of the royal family so brutally, how would he treat a simple maid?
She knew it was over when Garrett finally let her go and turned around. Perhaps he thought that she wouldn't peek around his body, but of course she did. Even though part of her didn't want to see the damage, she couldn't stop herself from looking. Patrick was standing to the side, breathing heavily, with a large bulge in his breeches and the belt hanging down to the ground from his hand. Lust was clear on his face as he looked at the Princess' beaten backside, her entire rump and upper thighs covered with red welts. Samuel looked just as lustful as Patrick, now standing and holding the Princess down so that he could watch the beating. Only Blaine wasn't paying attention, he'd sat down and was eating.
Damn slut enjoys it too much, Patrick said in tones of disgust. It can't even be considered a punishment. Let her up Samuel.
What? Bridget gaped at him and then turned her head back to look at the Princess. Really look at her. Her hips were moving up and down in an unmistakable rhythm, her moans eagerly erotic. Most telling were the slick juice, coating swollen nether lips and upper thighs; somehow Bridget hadn't even noticed that detail when she'd first looked
The Princess had enjoyed the beating? It seemed impossible but the evidence couldn't be refuted. Princess Eleanor stood and turned to Patrick, giving him a noble glare worthy of a basilisk as her skirt fell back down to cover her. Any doubts Bridget might have had about the Princess' arousal were immediately wiped away when the Princess spoke.
Shut up and fuck me.
The bandit leader laughed uproariously. "Well I have taught you all the proper words, but you are not in charge Princess."
She glared at him. I know you want to and giving a pointed look to his breeches.
To b continued
Putting on her most welcoming smile, the Princess yawned and stretched attractively, batting her eyes up at the looming rogue. He lifted a questioning eyebrow at her.
"Oh Garrett," she said, doing her best to make her voice sound artlessly breathless. You startled me... I'm so glad you found me out here in the woods. I was becoming quite frightened. Garrett just stared down at her, the same querying expression on his face. Please... you can't mean to return me to that... that brute. I know the nobleman's house isn't far from here. Help me escape. She smiled coyly as he lowered his eyebrow, looking like he was considering her plea. Spreading her legs and raising her knees so that her skirt slid upwards, exposing a few inches of creamy thigh, she arched her back so that her pert breasts were thrust up at him. I can make it worth your while.
We don't have to bargain for what we can take for free, a gruff voice behind her said. Furious, Eleanor looked over her shoulder to see Samuel standing there. While his blonde good looks might be attractive, the Princess was well aware that he was a true ruffian. She had no intention of offering her favors to him anyway.
Don't you touch me, she snapped, sitting up straight and pushing her skirt back down. Patrick will have your hide.
But not Garrett's! Samuel asked with a laugh.
Haughtily, Eleanor turned her head back around, ignoring him. If only he hadn't shown up right now, she was sure that she could have convinced the silent Garrett to help her! He must have seen Samuel coming otherwise he would have accepted her offer immediately. Now she wouldn't even be able to get a taste of what Garrett had given her maid. As if that common tart was worth the pleasure she'd received from him!
Come on, let's get her back to the camp, Blaine said, melting out of the trees. Eleanor was rather gratified to see that Patrick had sent all of his men after her, even if he hadn't come himself. It showed that he knew her true worth. Although if Garrett had come alone then maybe she'd have been able to garner some pleasure as well as help to the nobleman's estate.
Pouting, because neither of her plans had come to fruition, Princess Eleanor held out her hand for Garrett to help her rise. For a moment something sparked in his eyes, but then Samuel was there, dragging her up by her upper arm.
How dare you?! she fumed, jerking her arm out of his grasp.
"Come on," Garrett said, forestalling any further comment from either her or Samuel. And with that he turned and walked away, striding into the forest with every expectation that she was following him. As if she had any choice with Samuel and Blaine crowding her from behind. The Princess tilted her head back haughtily, rather miffed that Garrett had not seen fit to walk beside her. Perhaps he just did not want to show any disrespect to Patrick.
Yes, that must be it.
It was mid afternoon before the men returned with the Princess. Bridget didn't know how she felt when she finally beheld the other woman. On one hand, she looked exhausted and ragged, dirty actually, and she wasn't moving with her usual hauteur. On the other hand, the Princess had attempted to escape and leave Bridget at the mercy of the bandits. While she understood that in the grand scheme of things that the Princess was much more important than a simple maid, it still grated. After all, weren't they both women?
Bridget probably could have escaped if she hadn't been trying to factor the Princess into her plans. She might have even gotten away with it since she knew how to saddle a horse, which the Princess obviously didn't. Of course now the men would probably be much more on their guard. What on earth had the Princess been thinking? Eleanor had ruined it for both of them.
With a small jolt of shock, Bridget realized that she was glaring. Lowering her gaze to the ground she strove to get her emotions under control as Patrick strode over to the Princess, anger in every line of his body. It had been a strange day with him, as he'd alternated between occasionally touching or examining her and ignoring her completely. Occasionally he had muttered under his breath. Now he was completely ignoring her as she worked on fixing some of his clothing that he'd given her to take care of for him.
Out of the corner of her eye she watched as he spoke a word with Garrett and then grabbed the Princess by the back of her neck, fairly hauling her over towards a horse saddle that he'd set up over a bench that he'd spent all morning making. It wasn't until he practically tossed the Princess, stomach down, on top of it that Bridget realized what he had been planning. The Princess was now sprawled over the saddle, her arms on one side and her legs hanging off of the other; the way the saddle was placed on the bench meant that her buttocks were thrust upwards into the air.
Hold her in place, Patrick snarled, and Samuel sprung into place around on the side where Princess Eleanor's upper body hung down, grabbing her by the arms and pushing her downwards so that she was trapped in place on the saddle. The Princess was screaming and cursing, using words that a lady of her breeding shouldn't know, much less use. To Bridget's surprise her main complaint seemed to be that they had an audience, she kept demanding that Samuel unhand her and Patrick punish her privately in the tent. She showed no chagrin or shame at being caught, not even fear for whatever Patrick might have planned for her, only anger and an assuredness that she would get her way.
Judging by the implacable look on Patrick's face as he tossed the Princess' skirt over her upturned rump, exposing her bottom and legs, he didn't care what the Princess thought or demanded. Samuel just laughed at her, obviously enjoying her struggles. Bridget dreaded the aftermath of this scene, knowing that Samuel would demand some relief immediately.
Glancing at Blaine and Garrett, she saw that Blaine seemed rather amused -- whether at the Princess' antics or the fact that she was about to be punished, Bridget wasn't sure -- and Garrett's face was completely blank. Almost too blank he looked back and her and frowned and then began walking over.
The Princess screamed and Bridget's head snapped back around where Patrick was standing to the side of the Princess, his leather belt in his upraised hand as he brought it back down on her tender flesh, making a second long red mark across her creamy buttocks. Bridget gasped. He was beating her. Not just only that but the moans the Princess made after she screamed again sounded... well sounded like Bridget had last night when Garrett had used his tongue between her legs. It looked almost as though her hips were lifting upwards to meet the belt as Patrick swung it for a third time.
This one landed across the backs of her thighs, the three stripes almost a glowing red, and then suddenly Garrett was standing in front of Bridget and blocking her view.
Don't watch. Cover your ears, he said in a fierce low voice. Bridget stared up at him, only now realizing that she was standing on legs that trembled, her eyes wide and fearful. Never in her life had she seen anything like the scene Garrett was now trying to protect her from; the glowing lust on Patrick's face as he was beating the Princess, the hard bulge in his pants showing that he was enjoying strapping her and that this wasn't just for punishment but for her enjoyment.
THWACK! Scream. Bridget's body jerked in reaction and Garrett cursed, reaching up to cover her ears himself.
Bridget stepped back away from him instinctively. He was still a man and she was still a prisoner, no matter how kindly he might treat her during the day or the fact that he preferred to pleasure her when it was his turn to take her. At the end of the day she still had no choice in the matter and he was not her friend. Not only had he hunted down the Princess and returned her to Patrick, he wasn't trying to stop Patrick from what he was doing now, he was only trying to keep Bridget from seeing it and hearing it. Knowing what was happening. She recognized these sounds from the evenings that the Princess had spent in Patrick's tent. This was not the first time he had beaten her, although Bridget was quite sure it was the hardest.
WHAP! Scream. Bridget shuddered and Garrett's mouth tightened, he stepped forward faster than she could back up and caught her up in his arms, holding her still against him as he covered her ears. She shivered against him, comforted despite of herself it was hard not to feel safe and protected in Garrett's arms, even if it was a lie.
Despite his care though, she could still hear the beating and fear was coursing through her. It took every ounce of willpower not to try and run from the terrible scene, even knowing that she could never escape and that it would only result in her taking the Princess' place. After all, if Patrick was willing to treat a member of the royal family so brutally, how would he treat a simple maid?
She knew it was over when Garrett finally let her go and turned around. Perhaps he thought that she wouldn't peek around his body, but of course she did. Even though part of her didn't want to see the damage, she couldn't stop herself from looking. Patrick was standing to the side, breathing heavily, with a large bulge in his breeches and the belt hanging down to the ground from his hand. Lust was clear on his face as he looked at the Princess' beaten backside, her entire rump and upper thighs covered with red welts. Samuel looked just as lustful as Patrick, now standing and holding the Princess down so that he could watch the beating. Only Blaine wasn't paying attention, he'd sat down and was eating.
Damn slut enjoys it too much, Patrick said in tones of disgust. It can't even be considered a punishment. Let her up Samuel.
What? Bridget gaped at him and then turned her head back to look at the Princess. Really look at her. Her hips were moving up and down in an unmistakable rhythm, her moans eagerly erotic. Most telling were the slick juice, coating swollen nether lips and upper thighs; somehow Bridget hadn't even noticed that detail when she'd first looked
The Princess had enjoyed the beating? It seemed impossible but the evidence couldn't be refuted. Princess Eleanor stood and turned to Patrick, giving him a noble glare worthy of a basilisk as her skirt fell back down to cover her. Any doubts Bridget might have had about the Princess' arousal were immediately wiped away when the Princess spoke.
Shut up and fuck me.
The bandit leader laughed uproariously. "Well I have taught you all the proper words, but you are not in charge Princess."
She glared at him. I know you want to and giving a pointed look to his breeches.
To b continued
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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