
bleeding from the mouth

cant catch my breathe

its running away from me

dont have the strenght to chase it down

complection is graying

bliss is ignorace falling from a seventh story balcony

carried on a whisper

only spoken to prevoke

inside im missing pieces

division of reason churning with every panekt  step

hear me out

make me feel like im not the most distaint person in the room

the light is bending around me like im not even there

a ghost just screaming out with sour notes

un seen by eyes

like a sore thumb on a severed hand

it dosent even matter

un mentioned un awair

making me nautious

teeth dripping with toxic venom

falling through the cracks

dreaming of that solice

that place that will numb this feeling

dragging me away into the shadows

suspended over fire

feeling my skin melt

my blood boil

the raising of blisters

trapped in this state of pure torture

left to my own devises

missing gears rusted and twisted

spinning out into oblivion

mangled and distroyed

disimbouled by my own hands

just get it out of me

every trace of my soul

that bringer of pain and hopelessness

entombed within my being

let it lay

disperse like smoke

laying in wait

amputate the beating lodged inside my chest

squeeze it till it bursts

let my last vision be the sun dropping beyond the horizon

darkness will shroud me

consume me

carry me on a whisper

let me die in this place

for this tattered soul

has never known a place to call home

just wreakage on the shore

overwellming and devistating
Written by stepintomywinter
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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