
Slip, crash, everything turns white.  
Am I going to die? I have no sight.  
My life flashed before my eyes.  
It's amazing I didn't die.  
We slipped, we tumbled, I heard the crunch.  
My windshield caved in. Just a hunch.  
I'm suddenly soaked. We're in water?  
I know my parents love their daughter.  
Did I crawl out the window, or through the door?  
I can't even bare to think anymore.  
Oh thank God the water is only ankle high.  
How the hell am I still alive?  
Climb. Climb up, we have to climb.  
I'm so cold, there isn't much time.  
Run. Stephen is only a mile away.  
I don't know where else I'll be safe.  
This is stupid. I'm going numb.  
I guess I was kind of dumb.  
I'll knock on doors upon windows, upon floors.  
I just want help, nothing more.  
I'm getting colder, and getting weak.  
Into homes, I can only peak.  
I'm bleeding, I don't remember how.  
No one is answering... just wow.  
I knock, a dog barks. Oh please come help.  
I'm so scared, I let out a yelp.  
They answer the door, I begin to cry.  
I'm sorry, I say. I just almost died.  
I'm too much of a mess to speak.  
Andrew does the talking for me.  
I stand there shaking, she cleans my wound.  
I look around, what a lovely room.  
Thank you for your hospitality.  
This could have been the end of me.  
The state trooper is coming, I'm so afraid.  
I guess my destiny has been made.  
It was not my time last night.  
Nor was it his, oh what a fright.  
I can't fathom how we're alive.  
But all that matters is we didn't die.
Written by ScarletEmber
Published | Edited 21st Dec 2011
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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