An observers description

When angels see you they cry,
tears of diamonds and light.
Never have they witnessed beauty such as yours,
radiating from within your soul.
You shine so brightly,
the sun seems like only a distant memory.
You are cloaked in flesh,
deserving of your soul.
Sensual and beautifull,
Gracefull and gorgeous.
From the slopes of your neck,
where waterfalls of fire kiss your skin.
Skin which glows and flows,
smoothly like the sands of the desert
Till the dark black of your lips,
pure liquid night hiding pearls within
Inviting with a dangerous allure that none can resist.
Yet few experience,
and even fewer retain their sanity after they have tasted
for your perfection is incomprehensible
Written by Necromancer311
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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