The war between hell and heaven between good and evil. It was all coming to a ended. That was as good as a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with a pound of sprinkles. Heaven was wing the war the world would be in peace and every thing will go from dark to light once again. In hell the Devil told his two most trusted demons to go to the three witch's that live in the darkest part of hell and ask them for there help.

    So the two demons set out to the deepest darkest part of hell to get help from the three witch’s.  Meanwhile the witch’s where watching them, they decide to test them to see if the where worthy enough for the witch’s to help the two demons. To give them the spy they need to win the war.
   The two demons had been walking for a long time when suddenly a giant spider came running at them. They both jumped out of the way just in time not to be stuck with its fangs dripping with its deadly poison.  The first demon grabbed his sword and charged at the giant spider slicing it in two. The spider fell to the ground well a hundred baby spiders crawled out and scattered away.
   They continued on there journey to the witch’s cave. Meanwhile thinks on the battle filed weren't going so well with heaven at it’s best during the day they where wining. The sun need to go down for the demons to get there full strength. A demons with out it’s full strength was no good but they had to keep fighting, no matter what or they would surly lose.  The demon’s couldn’t give up not if it meant the world would turn to light. History could not repeat its self they had to win this time.
   they where almost there when a hundred monkey ninjas with swords ran towards them. They had to get past them to get to the cave, to ask for help from the witches. They ran in to the middle of the monkeys getting  all cut up, but they made it through.  They went to the cave where the witch’s greeted them at the door. they went inside to get the cat and then all of the sudden they where listening to showtoons and dancing.
   After much dancing and showtoons they went back to the serious mission at hand. when mickey mouse walked and was all like “what the hell is going on here”. Then the demons told mickey most of there plan and asked hem to sneak the spy that the witch’s gave them, in to heaven. He did the black cat went in to the shadows listening to there planes looking for there weakness. Then he found it the ball of energy giving them all there power, all he had to do was steel it.
   The black cat grabbed the ball of energy but as he took it off it’s pedestal a alarm went off!!!!!!!!!. The black cat ran as fast has he could to get away from the guardian angels he was almost caught. When the rainbow llama destructed then with his rainbow power of darkness sparkles.  The cat got safely away with  the rainbow llama flowing it to the depths of hell.  He gave the ball of light to the Devil and the war was over, the world ended. With mickey mouse yelling “nooooooooooooooo”.

           THE END
Written by elflover
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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