
This morning I went into the outhouse to retrieve something
there was movement between my sacks of stuff, fearing it was a rat
I took flight but out came a cat, and it wasn't frightened by me
apparently, the cat had taking abode there.
“Little cat you can't stay here I will be moving soon.”
The pus took no notice.
I thought of being tough finding a broom and scare it stiff,
but I don't know where my wife keeps her mean of transportation
so I opened up a tin of tuna fish instead, but sternly told it
there will be no more food.
Cats are opportunists they take a look at me and think
“He is a soft touch.” And before I know it they
sleep on top of my bookshelf or interfere with my keyboard.
Once my neighbour a nurse went to Africa for a year she placed
The cat with a friend of hers, but the cat didn't like it moved in with me
for the duration, and when the nurse she came back the pus left me without
as much as a thank you.
Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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