Dying inside

I am living in a husk
This isn't really me
That you are looking at
My soul is old
Withered beyond recognition
This body is slowly dying
my soul is ready for his end
Is anybody listening
Can anyone comprehend
My mind is already dead
This body is slowly dying
This isn't me standing here
I have already lost this battle
I am saying goodbye my dear
This husk is all
That is keeping my soul together
Ready to be taken away by the wind
Like dust before the storm
Blowing away all the disease
Preparing for the rain to wash clean
Why was my soul born
Sheltered by a body stuck in this being
My soul yearns for escape
A burning desire to fly free
Remove these shackles of flesh
And let this old soul go free
Trapped in a prison of blood
Surrounded by bone
Flesh keeping guard
My patient soul has waited long
A little longer won't be hard
Written by Necromancer311
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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