It's not natural

Baby I need for you to hold on and keep it strong
Keep it strong like the mighty oak tree that’s planted by the river
With its roots growing deep and long
All your thoughts and actions are looking like a beast to me
Baby you are walking all over me
Like a hungry lion roaming in the night
My love for you was strong and complete
This love for you kept me blazing
Like a raging forest fire burning out of control
Baby you used to have me on cloud nine
You had all of me
My heart use to beat for you
Like the sound of a drummers beat
When it goes Rada Tat Tat
This relationship is starting to take its toll on me
This love I have for you is beginning to break me down
All way down to the ground
I feel like a snow flake and you my love are the sun
Beating me down and melting my heart away
I thought I could trust you but you move like a snake
All your lies are not adding up
It’s like shining a light into a bag full of holes
This struggle to love you has made me dark and cloudy
It’s like pouring my soul into a black hole
I thought I could love YOU in spite of this struggle
I guess I was wrong
You see
This loving you has made my heart cold like a lake
My tears keep rolling down my face
Falling down in a rush
My tears make me feel like the levees of my heart are about to break
Baby you have turned my life in a natural disaster
You use to make me smile like the sunshine in June
You got me walking around here with a frown
Now I look like a gloomy day in the month of May
You got me feeling like sleepless in Seattle
I wake up and it’s raining in my soul
I go to bed at night and its raining in my mind
You got me living with this rainy season mentality
Honey you used me up
Got me feeling like a used up tampon
Then you set around and waited
You watched and waited
Looking for signs of a nervous breakdown
You were sitting back chilling in the cut
Looking like a dirty hyena stalking its prey in the night
You set their patiently waiting to finish me off
I saw you ready
Waiting for the chance to tear me up
Now my mind is in a funk
I’m stuck in a rut
All I see is the color of you
The color is blue
It’s sad but true
You see my veins used to flow red for you
But lately all that is flowing is this ice cold blue over you
My love for you is slowing slipping away
Like ice sickles melting on the corner of a house
I should have never let you hit me
But it happened to me for the very first time
That first time should have been the last time
When you slapped me i thought I heard a thunder clap
But I was mistaken it was the sound of my spirit breaking for the very last time
My soul used to be free and easy
Like the wind blowing in the trees
But being with you has become my destruction
I feel like a moth being drown to the flame
My love for you used to have no limits
It was like looking into a bottom less pit
You see baby
I got some bad news for you
You can’t ride me no more
I’m going to straighten out my back like a flatbed truck
Then I’m going to grease my back up and let all my straps hang down
I’m going to make you slide off my ride before you start killing me
You see my love
My soul is real tired of you
I feel like a dying plant in the ground
That’s trying to survive your summer drought
My mind has become hard and full of hate
I feel like I’m made of 100% rock and full of granite
That silly stuff you used to put me through it was killing me
You like a female tarantella that’s eats its lover after the loving is done
I want peace in my life like the stillness of the night
Baby you love to fight
You like a piranha that loves to swim in the blood infested waters
Your motives and actions are sneaky and suspicious
You like a big old rat roaming in the night
The little bit of kindness and sweetness that you got
Baby you make it hard for me to see
Because I all got is this hurt inside of me
It’s locking me up
Got me wanting to buck up and take flight
And get they hell away form you
All this bitterness and pain is blocking my view of you
Like the solar eclipse in the sky
This loneness is eating me up  
We are like two ships that pass in the night
Living with you has become one big struggle
I feel like a rooster trapped in this pay per view cock fight
I know you are no good
You AIN’T right for me
But sometimes I get these cravings for you
It’s like wanting this illegal weed growing out here wild and free
Honey our hopes and dreams use to be wide as the sea
But just like a ship that’s stuck on the rocks
The dreams we had are now crushed on those rocks and drowning in the sea
I was so blind to your ways
I acted like a night owl trying to see in the day
Doing all your drugs has messed you up
Your night has become day and your day has become night
Got you disrespecting all that is right a
And all the people who can shed you some light
Living with you does my heart no good
I feel like a wolf that’s been kicked out the pack
Living with you is a constant fight
I feel like a stupid salmon swimming up stream
I feel like I’m going to loose this fight and then loose my life
You make me want to run away
You make me want to get away
Far away
From you
I wish I could grow wings and fly away
Take flight
And spread my wings like an eagle
And soar to new heights
Soar so high that the memory of you
Is ejected from my mind
The ejection is now complete
Got me feeling like a tornado blowing up the house that you sleep in
Grinding it all up like saw dust and blowing what remains into the wind
Blowing all your dust, dirt and drama into the four corners of the earth
Never to be seen again
I have these feelings
I know they AIN’T right
This is not me
Consumed with all this hate
Let it go
And began again
With someone new
But it’s real to me
This is my reality
I know, I know
It’s not natural
Written by catsogod
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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