Image for the poem Black


Based On A Dream

In the dead of a summer's night  
i sneak out wearing just pyjamas  
and down to the black beach i go  
as if pulled along by a wire  
i am 5  
The night is so quiet the air still  
the sea is calm and the tide is low  
the moon emits an eerie glow  
my feet are bare and cold  
but onto the beach i must go  
On the water's edge i see a thing  
walk closer and rub my eyes  
wet and covered in seaweed  
sits a small wooden shed  
and from a tiny square window  
a yellow light shines from inside  
No this cannot be  
i am frightened  
my senses heightened  
yet i am pulled towards this  
this unnatural thing  
my heart is pounding  
alarm bells are ringing  
singing in my head  
i must go on  
i am there and there is a door  
i hesitate for a second  
rapid shallow breathing  
i know this is wrong  
slowly i reach out  
and push the door ajar  
Something grabs my arm  
and roughly yanks me inside  
and now it is too late  
oh God  
too late  
There are two of them  
they are so tall  
and their shiny tight suits  
pitch black  
and their heads their heads  
triangular in shape  
not human  
The leader the one who took me  
speaks into my brain  
look around what do you see?  
a table my mind yells out  
A Table  
lay down on it face down  
no i won't  
i can't see their eyes  
i am thrown on the table  
My arms and legs are fastened  
my pyjama top ripped to shreds  
please please let me go  
no no  
leader leans in close to my ear  
i am almost dying of fear  
Listen Closely  
My friend has a long whip for you  
he will strike you three times  
the pain of the first exquisite  
the second will cripple you for life  
but the third you little insect  
it will strike you dead  
Still pleading the first blow lands  
my back feels like it exploded  
i am just a little boy i cry  
why do you hurt me?  
why are you so evil?  
they both laugh  
because we like it  
i must escape i must wake up i must escape  
the second tears into me  
unimaginable searing pain  
a sweet taste in my mouth  
i twist my head to see the brute  
as he raises his mighty black arm  
i am doomed  
i wake up in my bed and try to scream  
but not a sound comes out  
my back is hurting it's burning  
and mom and dad are not in the room  
and i can't move my legs  
somehow irrevocably  
my universe has shifted  
A tear puddle forms on my pillow  
while all that i can think of  
those shiny black suits the whip  
those heads  
the cold wet table  
the callous wickedness  
and crippled for life  
crippled for life  
but i live
Written by Northern1
Published | Edited 4th Jul 2018
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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