Image for the poem Late Night Misters

Late Night Misters

He was standing in a crowd

with his boys

And as boys do

on a chill night

while watching foot ball

and drinking brew

They talk about the girls





About their late night

fuck session

and how she let him

come over

He just needed to get laid he bragged

She wants me

She can't get enough

He tapped it

with no dates

or promise

and left the next morning

It was so easy

He said

He has that kinda of influence over


They will take him

how they can get him

Feeling like he fit in

with the rest of the self proclaimed men

This boy

Felt as if he had a superman S on his chest

Or a P for playa

He was accomplished and respected

Because of the a.m pussy he conquered

She always met up with the girls

on ladies night

just to hang out

Single ready to mingle

So as the ladies do

While dressed in the latest attire

Rocking their 600 dollar Jimmy choos

they talked about their latest men

Not once did his name come up in

the conversation

or did she consider to mention

about their early morning rendezvous

He was a boy to her

No one she would date

never mind take seriously

So it was even better that he only wanted to come over late

She receives calls from him

Trying to have small talk

beating around the bush

He thought of himself to be a real smooth talker

She had no clue what the fuck he was saying

She just wished he would get to the point

She had to work the next morning

it was already 2.a.m.

He was not the best in bed at all

She did not even expect a superior orgasm  

She wasn't sure if he knew where her clit was

but he was always available at that certain time

That juvenile energy

He was quick and easy

A hot body



and very cocky

He had nothing she wanted or he could offer her

He still lived at his mamas house or had a roommate

He kinda dressed like a hip hop puppet

or some silly reality show character

Didn't really matter

She did not have to be seen with him in public

Or neither did she care

"I just need to get laid"

The voice said in the back of her head
Written by lmoses2 (Emmanuelle Monet)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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