The Sexualization of Nuclear War (Russian Attack)

I read somewhere about the "weaponization of sex" - something like that.                  
Let me turn that around - which is what i like to do.                  
How about the sexualizing of weaponry, in particular, nuclear war.                  
Yes, when Russian missiles rise up out of underground silos,                  
it will be like a penis getting exposed as it's building into an erection       
as a man drops his pants because he's getting ready to perform.             
After Gorbachev charmed the West with dazzling proposals,                  
(Didn't he declare that "The world must get rid of all nuclear weapons!")                  
the Western world swooned like teenage girl at an Elvis concert.                  
Yes, preachers are right to tell us the Antichrist will sweep us off our feet.                  
Well, he, Gorbachev, the guy with the Mark of the Beast(Revelation 13)
right on the right-hand-side of his forehead certainly did.                  
Like a teenage boy trying to get his date's panties down,                  
Gorbachev's goal was get us to lower our nuclear arsenal down around our ankles.                  
He succeeded. It took 3 decades, but he finally got our nuclear panties down.                  
We had 39 "boomer" submarines during Reagan's time,                  
Now we're down to a paltry 12, a more than 2/3 reduction.                  
Next comes the rising into space of phallus-shaped missiles,        
with dick-like determination to penetrate America's air space        
like a male sexually penetrating the depths of a woman.        
Metalic phalluses will be flying thru the air, thrusting, thrusting,        
With the tip of each missile releasing eight warheads        
like the head of a penis ejaculating, ejaculating ejaculating repeatedly.        
Russian Attack will be mean HARD-ONs, literally hard as steel,        
-- for that's what they're made of  -- brutally forcing themselves upon us !!                  
Eight nuclear warheads will eject from the tip of each missile,                  
It will be as though semen were being ejaculated in eight spurts        
from the head of a pumping --pumping -- pumping penis !!                  
Like the penetrating of a woman's vagina against her will = rape                  
There's no denying it,  Russian Attack will be like Rape - NUCLEAR Rape !!                  
Oh, the shamefulness of it, oh, the unparalleled pain, the total trauma,        
Russian Attack will be worse than rape by a man, with a penis of mere inches.      
No, this will be a Rape by a monster with a humongous sex organ from Hell,        
Multiple penises, each as big as a multi-storied building -- of several yards across                     
Each Russian ICBM will be as though it were Satan's own sex organ,    
-- the Devil's own dick, the Hard-On from Hell !!       
Each detonation into a fireball will be orgasm-as-unendurable-ordeal,    
a climax of death and destruction par excellence,      
 The ultimate atrocity for all time.      
PS: Here's something that exposes Gorbachev as a fraud.(still alive at 85).                  
People say he didn't mean to give up Eastern Europe                
(and to let the Soviet union to split up, etc.)                
But in order to get America to disarm as much as we have done,                
THAT was what had to happen:    
Russia HAD TO give freedom to the "captive nations"                
Gorbachev has been caught red-handed,                
For he gave a speech in 1988-89 in which he ENCOURAGED  
Eastern Europe to push for freedom. Look it up on Google.                
In his speech, Gorbachev declared he would NOT use force              
to crush revolts as was done in the past, 1956 in Hungary, etc.                
THAT speech is like a "smoking gun" -    
for that speech is what got the ball rolling.              
It led to rebellion which resulted in the fall    
of the Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall in 1989..                
All of it DELIBERATELY orchestrated by Gorbachev -                
That speech exposes that he wittingly courted rebellion by Eastern Europe,      
So that Russia would "have to" let Eastern Europe become free.      
Just so he could claim - and "prove" - that the Cold War was over                
And then he said, Now America, you should reduce your arsenal.                
THAT was his goal all along. Our disarming.                
Why, because as long as our retaliatory arsenal was robust,                
Russia couldn't shoot all of our retaliatory arsenal down.                
But now that we have cut our subs by more than 2/3,              
we are a sitting duck.                
Here's how it will play out:                
(1)Russian subs, close up to America, hit our ICBMs in their underground silos            
(because our new policy is to not launch until we know for sure the attack for real).                
(2)Russian subs hit our Strategic Bombers in their hangars,            
for they are no longer on "alert" status.              
(3)Russian subs hit our ports, wiping out 1/3 of our Boomer subs.  
(The other 2/3 of our Boomers are at sea.)              
(4) Russia's ABM system shoots down the warheads            
from the missiles fired from our 8 subs at sea.                
For Russia's nationwide ABM system can intercept up to 1300 incoming
warheads (according to an article by William T. Lee, an ex-CIA military  
intelligence analyst who specialized in the Soviet military,
"Russia As The World's Number One Nuclear Power," Washington Times, 1/30/96).         
And we are now, for the first time since Nixon(?),    
below 1300 warheads carried by our 8 subs at sea !!!            
This is due to the New START Treaty of April, 2011,            
which went into full effect earlier THIS YEAR !!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 21st Nov 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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