Image for the poem mental jousting

mental jousting

She said she was a badazz, and that
on any given day she could outwrite me

i told her i come in peace
not looking to challenge her AUTHORity

she said that i was weak
to afraid to truly speak my mind

i told her silence takes more strength
than speaking foolishly sometimes

she said at times im too complex
that i should *K*eep *I*t *S*imple *S*tupid

i told her i'm happily me and
will never KISS ass to be reputed

she said some of my poems are so depressing
and that melancholy is for fools

i told her we all feel sad at times
once i openly express cool

she said i share too much
always let my emotions bleed thru

i told her i cant help it,when my pen speaks
it says exactly what my soul tell it to

she said that im too nerdy,too quiet
lack excitement, pizzazz,too drama free

i told her i shine only to light my own path
so i dont need a limelight on me

futhermore,im no attention whore
so the spotlight never been my mission

i was always told focusing on blaring lights
"in time it distorts your vision"

which is why i stick to the shadows
the ambient recesses,hidden in plain sight

the first thought when i come to mind
is what i desire to highlight

she asked why do i write erotic poems
and  why most my writes have hidden undertones

i told her i express what society try to repress or objectify
to empower women... besides... hell,im grown :)

she said hmmp well with a name like poeticdesire
sounds like you seeking the attention of some man

then i told her "what's in a name"
see, its just verbal slight of hand

i speak for no one elses desire
just write my very own

If the two correlate
then it seems both reader and writer have grown

what i'm called and what i answer to
are merely formalities

but i guess she gets that point
on count of technicalities :)

she said she will never stop pushing, prodding
until im the best me i can be

Gosh shes my harshes critic
but i love the way she? I challenges me
Written by poeticDesire
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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