The CIA Is Truly Incompetent !!!

If you want to keep any of my writings, Please make paper copies.
For the danger of EMP is real.Or save it on flash drives.
But i don't know how to advise you on how to protect your flash drive, etc from EMP.
Even just unplugging a computer may make a big difference.Look up EMP on YouTube. Thanks.

What is the chance that EMP will come soon? 100% certain, sorry. Russia is going to hit us.
But how can Russia do that without America retaliating ??
Partly, it is because we have disarmed recklessly after Gorbachev ended the Cold War.
THAT is why he made peace, to get us to cut back on our nuclear arsenal.
Foolishly, we have been steadily disarming !

But MORE important than that - Russia has been building THOUSANDS of ABMs,
interceptor missiles to shoot down the warheads we still have.
Russia has enough ABMs to intercept 1,300 incoming U.S. missile warheads.
That is according to the article by William T. Lee, an ex-CIA analyst
(Washington Times, 1/30/1996, "Russia As The Number One Nuclear Power").
So when the number of warheads we have (on the missiles on our submarines) falls below
the magic number of 1,300, we will in effect have zero - ZERO - warheads !!
That is when the Kremlin, still Stalinist, will devastate our nation, especially our biggest cities.
(But NOT our towns and small cities !!)

We have 8 "Boomer" subs at sea, (4 subs "on position," and 4 going out to relieve them)
which = 1334 warheads.But if Obama cuts back to 6 subs at sea
(a reduction of just one sub in each of the two groups), we would fall below
the threshold of 1,300 - to just 1,003 warheads.
(We do have plenty of warheads on our ICBMs and Strategic Bombers.
So the reduction from 8 to just 6 subs will seem insignificant.
But the ICBMs and Bombers are "vulnerable" to a Russian "first strike."
So they don't count as a valid part of our retaliatory arsenal !!
Only our subs - which are invulnerable - count.
So the subtraction of even just 2 subs would be extremely foolhardy.

Is Obama capable of such madness? Well, he has shown
a willingness to ignore his advisers on Cuba and Iran,etc.
And since he is solidly pro-disarmament, such a delusional Don Quixote type
in favor of a "nuclear-free world," he may cut back as a way to "set a good example,"
supposedly, for the other side to build on,reciprocate.
(Note:it's supposed to be 192 warheads per sub,
but we have to subtract the decoys,leaving us only 168 per sub.)

ABMs have been banned by the ABM Treaty of 1972.
So, you may be wondering, How can Russia have THOUSANDS, not just hundreds, of them ??
This is the shameful part. Our leaders have LET Russia violate the ABM Treaty !!
Why doesn't the Western world blow the whistle on the Kremlin ??
It's like this:When Russia tested their ABMs, they would send up a dummy warhead to fly across Russia.
Then they sent up the ABM to shoot it down. The tests were repeated several times.
But invariably the ABMs failed to take down their target.
Our spy satellites witnessed the tests.So our CIA has concluded
that Russia's ABMs are harmless, nothing to worry about.
THAT is why we let Russia get away with building ABMs by the thousands !!

By taking the test results at face value, the CIA has shown it is incompetent.
It has betrayed the trust of the American people.
For those ABM tests could have been RIGGED !!
The Kremlin has a tremendous incentive to do just that.
For if they can get America to dismiss the ABMs,
this enables Russia to build them by the thousands.
Why shouldn't they rig the tests?
Prof. Angelo Codevilla, an expert on ABMs
who has written a book about them("While Others Build"),
has stated in Commentary magazine, that "of course, the ABMs failed..
the Soviets knew our satellites were monitoring the whole thing"(words to that effect.).
(I'm sorry but i don't know the year of the comment
in Commentary magazine.It should have been in the 1980s?)

So now you see the seriousness of the situation.
But i don't want to finish without giving you some hope.
The Bible says that a dictator ("the Beast") "will make war against the saints
[the Christian nations] and will overcome them and will gain power over every..nation"(Revelation 13.7).
That's the bad part, but the good part is that Christ will reverse Russia's victory !!
Russia will rule the world for only "5 months" (Revelation 9.5,10).
Russia wins, but then Russia loses.
The Second Coming is for the very purpose of "destroying" the Antichrist,
aka "the Son of Destruction," the Destroyer (2nd Thessalonians 2.3,7-8).

August 1st will mark 400 days since the legalizing, for no good reason,
of gay marriage by the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015.
Get ready for August 1st !! (I'm imitating Jonah. He announced, "forty days,
and Nineveh will be overthrown"(Jonah 3.4).
Well multiply 40 by 10, and you have 400 days.
There's more to it than that. Antoine Johansen of Sweden, the "seer"
who predicted the sinking of the Titanic (April 4, 1912?),
also foresaw Russian invasion/conquest of Europe. In "late July or early August."
He didn't know the year. Look him up on YouTube or Google
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 12th Aug 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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