Image for the poem The Heavens

The Heavens

They preyed on the lambs and they granted no quarter
But now the wolves of the pack can only slaver for the slaughter
With crazed moonlit eyes they wander amongst the desolate barrows
With naught to stalk but a miasma of death enshrouded shadows

So they looked to The Heavens; the Moon and the stars
And they looked to the planets of Venus and Mars
How they howled and barked, till their breaths filled the air
But The Heavens are a legerdemain of ignorance and despair

They prayed for the lambs and sought solace from the warder
But The Heavens are empty and are the ultimate disorder
Ash and dust and scattered bones fill the death hallowed barrows
The shepherds were wolves and their fates were the gallows
Written by Xaphan
Published | Edited 21st Oct 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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