Sudden Death

Am I happy?  You bet your ass.  No longer a slave to booze or grass.
I've found a way to be at peace.  To let it go, my fears release.
Replaced with faith.  I'm in the masters hands.  I plod along, she he it makes the plans.
Yesterdays memories, tomorrows but dreams.  Today It's OK, with me so it seems.
Somewhat a sinner, I aint no saint.  I'm sexy and show it, with fingernail paint.
Left nails are red.  Right ones are blue.  My pantyhose pink.  My toes multi hue.
You don't have to like it.  I don't give a damn.  My boss doesn't care.  I am what I am.
By sharing my secrets, their power abates.  Free free at last.  I stand at the gates.
Now not needing my wants.  Just wanting my needs.  Is a tenant I live by.  It's one of my creeds.
Live and let live, and one day at a time, are a couple of more, I'll add to this rhyme.  
Most days trudge, but sometimes I skip.I just tigger along, on my journey, my trip.
Of the people I meet on life's busy road.  If they care to share, I'll help carry their load.
Two years have passed since I last had a drink.  My life sure has changed.  For the better I think.
No, I know that it has, no doubt in my mind.  My eyes opened wide, I amble along, no longer blind.
I still wobble and weave I bounce off the rails.  For me old age peaceful death, not institutions or jails.
With this I will close, this piece of my soul.  Sobriety for me, the overtime goal.
Written by blackhyde
Published | Edited 5th Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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